What You Will And Will Not See

What You Will And WIll Not See

What You Will And Will Not See
Soar With Jesus


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This poem is from the ''My Testimony -- To Soar With Jesus Collection''. Written by Daryl Stout. (C) Copyright 1989, 2024 by Daryl Stout. All Rights Reserved. Any abuse or unauthorized usage of this poetry will be dealt with at The Judgment Before Jesus Christ. The ''Soar With Jesus'' Eagle Design was created and designed by Dale Larison, and it is used by permission.

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What You Will And Will Not See

''What You Will And Will Not See''

Written By Daryl Stout

1) What you will and will not see, the moment that you die.
Either jubilation there, with saints in Heaven's sky.
Or tormenting fires of Hell, deep within the Earth.
If you refused God's Free Love Gift, rejected the New Birth.

2) What you will and will not see, for all the saved in Heaven.
Not a trace of evil deeds, corruption, or sins leaven.
Besides the multitude of saints, there in the clouds above.
We'll see Christ there, face to face, and worship Him in love.

3) What you will and will not see, there among the saved.
All believing there, on Christ, who died, rose from the grave.
Rewards that are gained and lost, at the Bema Seat.
In their resurrection bodies, perfect and complete.

4) What you will and will not see, among all redeemed souls.
They repented of their sin, and gave Christ control.
Served The Lord while here on Earth; deeds that they employed.
Eternally in Heaven, these, will share in all His Joy.

5) What you will and will not see, there with all redeemed saints.
Our sins cleansed there by Christ's Blood, every evil taint.
Those who didn't accept Christ, being spiritually blind.
At the Rapture Trumpet Call, these were left behind.

6) What you will and will not see, not all you would expect.
Some you thought would make it there, Christ they did, reject.
Going through the motions, Christians just in name.
They realize that they themselves, were the ones to blame.

7) What you will and will not see, some barely made it in.
By the skin there, of their teeth, from their lives of sin.
Some repenting at death's door, just in a nick of time.
But so many reject Christ, the eternal crime.

8) What you will and will not see, among all the blessed.
By accepting God's Love Gift, you have passed the test.
To be in Heaven with The Lord, with all saved in the sky.
Knowing not a single one, will have to say ''goodbye''.

9) What you will and will not see, in New Jerusalem.
As everyone will Praise The Lord, in what He did for them.
Nothing dirty, sinful, there; impure, or that defiles.
Only joy and happiness, and forever, smiles.

10) What you will and will not see, there around Christ's Throne.
Eagerly the saints all bow, faith now sight, made known.
Casting their crowns at Christ's Feet, all their voices raise.
That Only Jesus Christ, The Lord, is worthy of all praise.

11) What you will and will not see, Marriage Supper Of The Lamb.
Served there by The Lord Himself, Who Is The Great I Am.
Eternal fellowship, and worship, service to The King.
For His Death, upon The Cross, did our salvation bring.

12) What you will and will not see, in Hell's torment flame.
All who would there not repent, and call on Jesus' Name.
Not one speck of light or love, only endless pain.
Suffering and loneliness, is what all these did gain.

13) What you will and will not see, in the pit of Hell.
For those dying without Christ; followed Satan's spell.
Endless taunting, agony, by the demon hordes.
Upon all who would not make, Jesus Christ, their Lord.

14) What you will and will not see, in the burning fire.
Souls deceived by Satan there, preferred sins desire.
Sulphur has a thick dark flame, you're standing there alone.
You know you wouldn't let Christ's Blood, for your sins, atone.

15) What you will and will not see, in this scalding place.
Knowing now that it's too late, to get God's Saving Grace.
Endless torture, pain, now yours, for all eternity.
You refused God's Free Love Gift, salvation full and free.

16) What you will and will not see, in this deep abyss.
Too late you will realize, Heaven, you did miss.
Your friends and loved ones who were saved, you thought they were uncool.
But as one who said ''There's No God'', you know that you're the fool.

17) What you will and will not see, you thought was party time.
You realize rejecting Christ, was your eternal crime.
The ones who did accept The Lord, you'll never see again.
The heavy price you have to pay, for your debt of sin.

18) What you will and will not see, there on Judgment Day.
Before The Lord, The King Of Kings, The Truth, The Life, The Way.
Every thought and word and deed, from your life revealed.
Whether good, bad, or indifferent, none will be concealed.

19) What you will and will not see, on Judgment Day, in fear.
Christ could've been your Saviour, Lord, Friend For Life, so dear.
Instead, with sorrow in His Eyes, there upon His Throne.
He casts you into Eternal Fire, as one He's never known.

20) What you and will not see, today, friend, you must choose.
Will you repent, accept The Lord?? Or His Gift, refuse??
Eagerly or there compelled, there on bended knee.
Heaven or Hell, is your home, for all eternity.

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