Contents |
Overview |
Choices |
This poem is from the ''My Testimony -- To Soar With Jesus Collection''. Written by Daryl Stout. (C) Copyright 1989, 2024 by Daryl Stout. All Rights Reserved. Any abuse or unauthorized usage of this poetry will be dealt with at The Judgment Before Jesus Christ. The ''Soar With Jesus'' Eagle Design was created and designed by Dale Larison, and it is used by permission.
Written By Daryl Stout
2) But, choice began with God so long ago;
In how all creation would be made.
The Trinity in Everything They'd Know,
The Wondrous Majesty Of God Displayed.
3) Angels first created 'round Heaven's Throne.
Not robot-like, but with their own free will.
Then, Lucifer made all sins evil known...
One third of angels out of Heaven spilled.
4) With Satan and his demons now cast down,
God chose to do His Work on Planet Earth.
All Creation sang with joy...not frown;
Animals, then man...would grow in birth.
5) But, evil forces waiting in the wings,
Tempting Eve, then Adam...lusting eye.
They chose against God, and all of His Things.
And they, and all mankind, spiritually died.
6) More bad than good was chosen every year,
Even though sins cost was paid with blood.
For most of mankind did not God fear...
So, God chose an Earth destroying Flood.
7) But, only Noah, in God's Eyes, found grace.
He'd build an ark of sturdy gopher wood.
His family and animals in place...
Survived for he did what God Said he should.
8) But, just as in time past, sin did abound.
Majority away from God they turned.
Believing remnants hearkend to the sound;
Eternal life they wasn't spurned.
9) In times fullness, Christ to Earth did come,
To be born, and live just like mankind.
But, without sin or guile on his tongue,
Healed the sick, and gave sight to the blind.
10) A group of twelve disciples He did choose,
To be with Him, as He went each day.
For as vessels, God would all them use...
And, Judas, too...who chose to leave The Way.
11) It wasn't just the Jews who made the choice.
All mankind sent Jesus to The Cross.
''Crucify The Blasphemer'' they voiced.
But, Christ's would redeem the lost.
12) Christ arose Victorious from the dead...
Triumphed over Hell, Death, and The Grave.
Those who forsook sin, and chose Life's Bread...
They called upon His Name, and they were saved.
13) But, persecution of The Church and Saints
Magnified and spread like wildfire.
In the face of death, they didn't faint...
Choosing life instead of sin's desire.
14) Soon will fall God's Judgment's from above.
Divine Plagues the world has never seen.
Destroying those rejecting His Great Love...
For they repented not upon their knees.
15) Many in that day will take The Mark
Of The Antichrist, The Evil Beast.
For these shunned The Light, and chose The Dark...
And, through eternity, they'll have no peace.
16) Believers who this Evil Mark refuse
Will be tortured, martyred by the score.
Because righteousness these ones did choose,
They'll live and reign with Christ forevermore.
17) Then, at Armageddon, Christ returns,
To destroy those fighting against Him.
In Eternal Fire, these will burn...
Because they chose to pay for their own sin.
18) A thousand years of peace will then begin.
Righteousness and equity prevails.
As it starts without effects of sin,
And all of its burdensome travails.
19) Those born in this time, they must decide
Whether to accept The One True King.
To have His Precious Blood to them applied...
To cleanse their lives from sins deadly sting.
20) But, some will sadly, God's Great Gift reject...
Despising all the Blessed Gospel Verse.
God's Swift Judgment to these is direct...
Because they made this choice...they are accursed.
21) Heaven's Judgment Fire then will fall
Upon all evil ones that somber day.
God's Grace done...too late to heed the call...
And, on bended knee to try and pray.
22) The Heavens and The Earth then burn away...
Purging all effects of every sin.
Then, all Creation New that joyful day...
Knowing sin will never rise again.
23) Now that you have heard this poem of "Choice"...
The time is now at hand...your choice to do.
Will you kneel and pray...and then rejoice??
Or will you reject His Gift for you??
24) Don't be like the God rejecting fools...
Thinking you have many years ahead.
If you broke one, you broke all of God's Rules...
And, before you know it, you'll drop dead.
25) While you are alive, the hoice is there.
Sin or joy...which way will you move toward??
For at your sudden death, you can't prepare...
You'll stand in Judgment there before The Lord.
26) To those accepting Him, He'll say ''Well Done''.
These sinners knew what they had to do.
But, those rejecting...did not overcome...
He'll say ''Depart...for you I never knew''.