Jesus Won't Be Meek And Mild When He Comes Again

Jesus Won't Be Meek And Mild When He Comes Again

Jesus Won't Be Meek And Mild When He Comes Again
Soar With Jesus


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This poem is from the ''My Testimony -- To Soar With Jesus Collection''. Written by Daryl Stout. (C) Copyright 1989, 2024 by Daryl Stout. All Rights Reserved. Any abuse or unauthorized usage of this poetry will be dealt with at The Judgment Before Jesus Christ. The ''Soar With Jesus'' Eagle Design was created and designed by Dale Larison, and it is used by permission.

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Jesus Won't Be Meek And Mild When He Comes Again

''Jesus Won't Be Meek And Mild When He Comes Again''

Written By Daryl Stout

1) Jesus won't be meek and mild, when He comes again.
To reclaim the Earth that He, came to cleanse from sin.
He'll rule with a rod of iron, a true theocracy.
The end of rule by mortal man, for all eternity.

2) Jesus won't be meek and mild, when He comes again.
The first time there, the Lamb Of God, the battle He would win.
Those believing On Him there, the thing that God required.
Would be spared eternal doom, in The Lake Of Fire.

3) Jesus won't be meek and mild, when He comes again.
In a major act of Love, He took our sins on Him.
He lived and died and rose again, there in victory.
One day, all will bow before Him, there on bended knee.

4) Jesus won't be meek and mild, when He comes again.
To destroy all who resist, and who oppose Him.
The King Of Kings And Lord Of Lords, The Truth, The Life, The Way.
Too late to bow and call Him Lord, and there, too late to pray.

5) Jesus won't be meek and mild, when He comes again.
At Armageddon, with a Word, the battle, He will win.
The blood from all the carnage stretches for two hundred miles.
This feast of fools, all destroyed, are certainly, no smiles.

6) Jesus won't be meek and mild, when He comes again.
All of the Church, His Precious Bride, will rule and reign with Him.
Including all the martyred saints from the Tribulation.
Winners of the victory, there through Christ's Salvation.

7) Jesus won't be meek and mild, when He comes again.
His Eyes like a Flame Of Fire, in judgment, therein.
Believing remnant of the Jews, now behold their King.
Judgment Of The Sheep and Goats; on who will enter in.

8) Jesus won't be meek and mild, when He comes again.
The sounds of war forever gone, the echo 'cross the din.
Swords beat into plowshares, Millennium Of Peace.
Christ restores the ravaged Earth; lifespans now increase.

9) Jesus won't be meek and mild, when He comes again.
Last rebellion will be quashed; at Millennium end.
For all through eternity; rejected there, His Grace.
On Judgment Day, He'll be for them, the worst nightmare, there faced.

10) Jesus won't be meek and mild, when He comes again.
He wants to be your Savior, Lord, and eternal Friend.
Repent of sin, and come to Christ; at death, it is too late.
Rejecting Him, damnation there, it will be your fate.

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