God Sees All Your Skeletons In Your Closet There

God Sees All Your Skeletons In Your Closet There

God Sees All Your Skeletons In Your Closet There
Soar With Jesus


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This poem is from the ''My Testimony -- To Soar With Jesus Collection''. Written by Daryl Stout. (C) Copyright 1989, 2024 by Daryl Stout. All Rights Reserved. Any abuse or unauthorized usage of this poetry will be dealt with at The Judgment Before Jesus Christ. The ''Soar With Jesus'' Eagle Design was created and designed by Dale Larison, and it is used by permission.

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God Sees All Your Skeletons In Your Closet There

''God Sees All Your Skeletons In Your Closet There''

Written By Daryl Stout

1) God sees all your skeletons in your closet there.
All of your own secret sins, you don't want to share.
You may fool the preacher, friends; but you can't fool The Lord.
For His Word is sharper than, any two edged sword.

2) God sees all your skeletons in your closet there.
When confronted by these sins, are you there, prepared??
Will you confess and tell the truth, of your sinful deeds??
Or, are you sorry you got caught?? For mercy, you do plead.

3) God sees all your skeletons in your closet there.
To tell others of these sins, most folks wouldn't dare.
They don't want their reputation, tarnishing their name.
But, the truth is, overall...they're the one to blame.

4) God sees all your skeletons in your closet there.
Of others finding these things out; are you truly, scared??
God knows you better than yourself; your deeds are no surprise.
Nothing in thought, word, or deed; is hidden from His Eyes.

5) God sees all your skeletons in your closet there.
Folks don't want the evil sounds, of their deeds, all blared.
But, every idle word you speak, these words you can't unsay.
You'll answer there, for everything; there on Judgment Day.

6) God sees all your skeletons in your closet there.
Most people today live their lives, as if they do not care.
Your life recorded, in all things, in their entireity.
Will be revealed on Judgment Day, there for all to see.

7) God sees all your skeletons in your closet there.
For life in eternity, most do not prepare.
Destination by default, is Hell's Eternal Fire.
Most won't do the one thing there, that God does require.

8) God sees all your skeletons in your closet there.
Most feel Heaven's owed to them; judgment will be spared.
We'd be destroyed there long ago, to get what we deserve.
For The Lord grades on The Cross, and not on the curve.

9) God sees all your skeletons in your closet there.
''What can God do to me??''; His Judgment, it is dared.
Thinking not the gravity, of question that they ask.
God sees the truth of your life, behind deceitful mask.

10) God sees all your skeletons in your closet there.
The total cost there of your sin; you can't pay its fare.
The sin of rejecting Christ, God's Son; for sin and leaven.
Damns you for eternity; keeps you out of Heaven.

11) God sees all your skeletons in your closet there.
Breaking of Commandments Ten; your sins, everywhere.
There's none righteous...no, not one...who lives upon the Earth.
God calls for mankind to repent of sin, and get New Birth.

12) God sees all your skeletons in your closet there.
This is why the Gospel Truth, with mankind, is shared.
Christ lived and died and rose again, to redeem the lost.
He can save until eternity's threshold is crossed.

13) God sees all your skeletons in your closet there.
Just like staring at the sun, with all its brightness glare.
These are what your skeletons, in closet, you've concealed.
Before God, on Judgment Day; all these will be revealed.

14) God sees all your skeletons in your closet there.
On Judgment Day, naked, alone...your sins will be laid, bare.
No question of the guilt therein, of all the sins you've done.
If on Earth, you did refuse, the Gift of God's dear Son.

15) God sees all your skeletons in your closet there.
Is your life like the wheat?? Or are you just a tare??
One day, all tares will be bound, and cast into the fire.
Going through the motions there, living sins desire.

16) God sees all your skeletons in your closet there.
God knows all things about your life; the numbers of your hair.
How many days you have to live, before your last breath.
For the wages there of sin, it is eternal death.

17) God sees all your skeletons in your closet there.
The true hate committed is, if Gospel isn't shared.
Eagerly or there compelled; one day, all will bow.
Today's the day of salvation; come to Jesus now.

18) God sees all your skeletons in your closet there.
You know what happens if confronted, by angry grizzly bear.
God's Wrath, it abides on you; already, you're condemned.
If you have not made Jesus Christ, your Savior and Your Friend.

19) God sees all your skeletons in your closet there.
All the sins there in your life, and words that you do, swear.
Yet, The Lord, He loved you so; He wants you to be saved.
Repent of sin, believe on Christ, who God raised from the grave.

20) God sees all your skeletons in your closet there.
God won't be mocked by anyone; here or anywhere.
If you die without The Lord, you'll regret your choice.
That you chose to spurn His Love, and His Loving Voice.

21) God sees all your skeletons in your closet there.
Don't live another day on Earth; caught in Satan's lair.
God calls every human being, on Earth, to repent.
The One Thing God Requires; to Believe on Christ, He Sent.

22) God sees all your skeletons in your closet there.
Tomorrow promised to no one; sin's like an evil snare.
Death comes so quick and final friend, don't let the die be cast;
Against you for rejecting Christ; it can happen, oh so fast.

23) God sees all your skeletons in your closet there.
While a sinner saved by grace, these words I must share.
The Lord, He speaks to me as well, through these poetry words.
I'm convicted of my sin, from God's Truth, I've heard.

24) God sees all your skeletons in your closet there.
These will cause you there to fall, as from a broken chair.
Only The Blood Of Jesus there, shed from The Cross, I plead.
To wash away my life of sin, and every evil deed.

25) God sees all your skeletons in your closet there.
Come to Christ, just as you are; humbly, without flair.
License to serve, and not to sin, in gratitide to Christ.
His Shed Blood, paid the cost, of sin's eternal price.

26) God sees all your skeletons in your closet there.
Like jailer there at Phillipi, he wanted Paul to share.
Asking Paul and Silas there, ''How can I be saved??''.
''Believe on The Lord Jesus Christ, who God raised from the grave''.

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