Every Jot And Tittle Of God's Word Will Be Fulfilled

Every Jot And Tittle Of God's Word Will Be Fulfilled

Every Jot And Tittle Of God's Word Will Be Fulfilled
Soar With Jesus


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This poem is from the ''My Testimony -- To Soar With Jesus Collection''. Written by Daryl Stout. (C) Copyright 1989, 2024 by Daryl Stout. All Rights Reserved. Any abuse or unauthorized usage of this poetry will be dealt with at The Judgment Before Jesus Christ. The ''Soar With Jesus'' Eagle Design was created and designed by Dale Larison, and it is used by permission.

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Every Jot And Tittle Of God's Word Will Be Fulfilled

''Every Jot And Tittle Of God's Word Will Be Fulfilled''

Based On Matthew 5:18

Written By Daryl Stout

1) Every jot and tittle of God's Word will be fulfilled.
As prophecies from times past there, as The Lord has willed.
For God lets His people know, His Plans in advance.
So for our future here on Earth, we wouldn't take a chance.

2) Every jot and tittle of God's Word will be fulfilled.
As in the Flood that filled the Earth, so many were there, killed.
Except for the eight precious souls in Noah's family.
And animals aboard the Ark, the place there of safety.

3) Every jot and tittle of God's Word will be fulfilled.
As in the fiery judgment there, iniquity not stilled.
In Sodom and Gomorrah both, the cities on the plain.
Destroyed there by God's Righteous Fire, to not be seen again.

4) Every jot and tittle of God's Word will be fulfilled.
In Ten Plagues to Egypt there, the evil ones not skilled.
To stand against The Lord Of Hosts, and His Mighty Power.
Passover, The Final Plague, Israel's Redemption Hour.

5) Every jot and tittle of God's Word will be fulfilled.
When Israel won their battles, they were surely thrilled.
But, when they turned their backs on God, they would be defeated.
And, many times through history, that would be repeated.

6) Every jot and tittle of God's Word will be fulfilled.
The prophecy in Genesis, when precious blood was spilled.
First by blood of innocent lambs, to hide one's nudity.
Later by the Blood of Christ, to save humanity.

7) Every jot and tittle of God's Word will be fulfilled.
Jesus Christ would come to Earth, and He there, would be killed.
The plan of redemption there, before Earth's foundation.
The Gospel is for all mankind, for every soul and nation.

8) Every jot and tittle of God's Word will be fulfilled.
Christ The Rock, and Cornerstone, would His Church, there build.
Virgin Born, Christ was free, from the curse of sin.
He took our sin upon Himself; the victory, He would win.

9) Every jot and tittle of God's Word will be fulfilled.
Christ lived the life that we could not; died on Calvary's Hill.
But, by the shedding of His Blood, man's sin debt was paid.
The only way to Heaven, that Almighty God has made.

10) Every jot and tittle of God's Word will be fulfilled.
Christ arose on the Third Day, sin's noise forever stilled.
The one thing God requires there; believe on Christ, He sent.
For God commands all everywhere, to of their sin, repent.

11) Every jot and tittle of God's Word will be fulfilled.
The prophecies that He'd return, details He would spill.
He'd prepare a place for us; then rapturing His Own.
To be with Him forever there, in Mansions 'round His Throne.

12) Every jot and tittle of God's Word will be fulfilled.
The Time Of Jacob's Trouble, soon; when much blood is spilled.
Many martyred for The Lord; they wouldn't take The Mark.
But many more would plunge to Hell; for their souls, so dark.

13) Every jot and tittle of God's Word will be fulfilled.
Christ returns in Glory, and those battling Him, are killed.
The Judgment Of The Sheep And Goats, then Millennium Of Peace.
The curse of sin on planet Earth, is finally released.

14) Every jot and tittle of God's Word will be fulfilled.
The Judgment Of The Great White Throne, where the screams are shrill.
Compelled to bow before The Lord; but for these, it's too late.
On Earth, they rejected Christ, damnation is their fate.

15) Every jot and tittle of God's Word will be fulfilled.
Your eternal destiny depends, on how sin's cost is billed.
Either Christ can pay the debt, you can't afford to pay.
Or in Hell Fire, you'll pay the debt, that never goes away.

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