The Difference Between Hell And Heaven; Just Like Night And Day

The Difference Between Hell And Heaven; Just Like Night And Day

The Difference Between Hell And Heaven; Just Like Night And Day
Soar With Jesus


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This poem is from the ''My Testimony -- To Soar With Jesus Collection''. Written by Daryl Stout. (C) Copyright 1989, 2024 by Daryl Stout. All Rights Reserved. Any abuse or unauthorized usage of this poetry will be dealt with at The Judgment Before Jesus Christ. The ''Soar With Jesus'' Eagle Design was created and designed by Dale Larison, and it is used by permission.

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The Difference Between Hell And Heaven; Just Like Night And Day

''The Difference Between Hell And Heaven; Just Like Night And Day''

Written By Daryl Stout

1) The difference between Hell and Heaven; just like night and day.
Whether rejected or accepted, The Truth, The Life, The Way.
The King Of Kings, and Lord Of Lords, Jesus Christ, Alone.
Who on The Cross, there shed His Blood, for sins to atone.

2) The difference between Hell and Heaven; just like night and day.
Those in Hell, for all their sin; the cost, they chose to pay.
They laughed so at the Gospel Truth, while they were here on Earth.
They felt repentance was not needed, let alone New Birth.

3) The difference between Hell and Heaven; just like night and day.
All those in the fire of Hell, know it's too late to pray.
They realize all hope is gone; and they curse Jesus' Name.
They made the choice to reject Christ; so they're the one to blame.

4) The difference between Hell and Heaven; just like night and day.
Hell is not a party place, where they cavort and play.
Constant torment, loneliness, agony, and thirst.
Torture, disease, sickness, and pain; they put their sin first.

5) The difference between Hell and Heaven; just like night and day.
Hell meant for Satan, and his demons, and those who went that way.
No love or consolation there, just nonstop regret.
So steep was the price of sin, is what these did get.

6) The difference between Hell and Heaven; just like night and day.
No evidence of God is found, in any form or way.
Those all there made the choice, embracing sin's desires.
They will spend eternity, in The Lake Of Fire.

7) The difference between Hell and Heaven; just like night and day.
One day, for those who died in sin, the dreaded Judgment Day.
Compelled to bow before The Lord, there upon His Throne.
Then cast into Eternal Fire, as one's He's never known.

8) The difference between Hell and Heaven; just like night and day.
Now, we turn to the redeemed, they did what God did say.
Those in Heaven, are now free, from so many things.
That while in this life on Earth, the curse of sin did bring.

9) The difference between Hell and Heaven; just like night and day.
In Heaven, there is holiness, perfection in all ways.
All those there did the one thing, that God did require.
Believed on Christ, to save their soul, from The Lake Of Fire.

10) The difference between Hell and Heaven; just like night and day.
Repented of sin, asked The Lord; for their sins, to pay.
Eagerly in gratitude, these bowed before Christ.
In their place, He died for them; paid sin's huge steep price.

11) The difference between Hell and Heaven; just like night and day.
According to the Scriptures, Christ, arose on the third day.
God's Seal Of Approval there, on what Christ had done.
Salvation's Plan, so simple; to believe on Christ, God's Son.

12) The difference between Hell and Heaven; just like night and day.
In Heaven, the faith is now sight; more than words can say.
A reunion like no other there, with all the other saints.
Christ's Blood cleansed them of their sin, and all its evil taints.

13) The difference between Hell and Heaven; just like night and day.
Resurrection bodies that, have no sin or decay.
No more crying, sickness, pain, or things that defile.
Happiness there with The Lord, and with eternal smiles.

14) The difference between Hell and Heaven; just like night and day.
No more need to eat or sleep, those things are gone away.
All the saved will feast at Marriage Supper Of The Lamb.
Served by Christ, Eternal King, who is The Great I Am.

15) The difference between Hell and Heaven; just like night and day.
Perfect bodies like The Lord, we travel Heaven's Way.
Pass through structures, disappear, and appear at will.
Eternal joy for all the saved, never will be stilled.

16) The difference between Hell and Heaven; just like night and day.
We'll rule and reign there with The Lord, and the Words He'll say.
During Millennium of Peace, as Earth is restored.
Christ rules with a rod of iron; His Law, not ignored.

17) The difference between Hell and Heaven; just like night and day.
Eternity will last forever; and won't go away.
Where you, friend, will spend your time, depends upon your choice.
If you will repent of sin, and heed Christ's Loving voice.

18) The difference between Hell and Heaven; just like night and day.
Your eternal destiny, friend, you can change today.
For if you do nothing there, you're headed straight for Hell.
Instead of all the joy of Heaven, where everything is well.

19) The difference between Hell and Heaven; just like night and day.
Tomorrow promised to no one; please do not delay.
Satan and his demon hordes, want you with them, to burn.
Instead of coming now to Christ; away from sin, you'd turn.

20) The difference between Hell and Heaven; just like night and day.
Sin upon your unsaved soul, like nasty skunk scent spray.
Eagerly or there compelled, all bow on each knee.
Only Christ's Blood cleanses sin; it's your only plea.

21) The difference between Hell and Heaven; just like night and day.
Not going through the motions there, in each and every way.
For God sees your real intent, there inside your heart.
Repent of sin, and come to Christ; to get a brand new start.

22) The difference between Hell and Heaven; just like night and day.
The contrast there is all too real, in each and every way.
Eternal joy and happiness; or darkness, torment, gloom.
For Christ lived and died for all, and rose up from the tomb.

23) The difference between Hell and Heaven; just like night and day.
Tragically, there is one sin, that Christ's Blood, won't pay.
It's your rejection of what Christ, did on The Cross for you.
Accepting or rejecting Christ; it's your choice to do.

24) The difference between Hell and Heaven; just like night and day.
King Of Kings, and Lord Of Lords; The Truth, The Life, The Way.
If you choose to there reject, His Free Gift and Grace.
For you, He won't be a friend; but worst nightmare there, faced.

25) The difference between Hell and Heaven; just like night and day.
Repent of sin, with contrite heart, come to Christ, and pray;
''Lord, I'm sorry for my sins, my soul I cannot save''.
''Thank You, that You died for me, and rose up from the grave''.

26) The difference between Hell and Heaven; just like night and day.
''Lord, forgive me; save my soul; You're Heaven's Only Way''.
''I now give my whole life to You; from now on, I will serve''.
For the saved, God gives to them, grace they don't deserve.

27) The difference between Hell and Heaven; just like night and day.
On The Cross of Calvary, God's Love was displayed.
If you sincerely meant your prayer, God granted your request.
Heaven's your eternal home; where everything's the best.

28) The difference between Hell and Heaven; just like night and day.
While trials still abound on Earth, in so many ways.
At the rapture or the moment, when you on Earth, there die.
Instantly, you'll be with Christ, there in Heaven's sky.

29) The difference between Hell and Heaven; just like night and day.
Good or evil, light or darkness; there's no shade of gray.
For it's God's Creation there; The Lord, He made the Rules.
If you choose to reject Christ; you'll realize you're the fool.

30) The difference between Hell and Heaven; just like night and day.
Though you may not understand, Christ's Love for you, today.
Come to Christ, just as you are, Gentile or a Jew.
At death, Hell or Heaven, will, come into full view.

31) The difference between Hell and Heaven; just like night and day.
Hell or Heaven is your fate; no other place to stay.
Don't be like so many who, say God does not exist.
At death, you will realize, that Heaven you have missed.

32) The difference between Hell and Heaven; just like night and day.
Purgatory and soul sleep, are lies in every way.
God can save until the point, eternity is crossed.
After that, you're either saved; or forever lost.

33) The difference between Hell and Heaven; just like night and day.
Sadly, you have to wonder why, so many turn away.
From the joy Christ offers them, in eternity.
The believing remnant there praise Christ: ''For He died for me''.

34) The difference between Hell and Heaven; just like night and day.
Your eternal home depends on if, to Christ, you will pray.
That you'll accept His Free Love Gift; and of your sin, repent.
For the one thing God requires; Believe on Christ, He sent.

35) The difference between Hell and Heaven; just like night and day.
I pray that the words of this poem; have here, in some way.
Shown the contrast that exists, there between each place.
Destination depends on, what you do, with God's Grace.

36) The difference between Hell and Heaven; just like night and day.
Will I see you at Christ's Throne, on the Rapture Day??
Your choice of eternal home; is solely up to you.
Accepting or rejecting Christ; a choice that you must do.

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