Things Are Falling Into Place, Just As Prophesied

Things Are Falling Into Place, Just As Prophesied

Things Are Falling Into Place, Just As Prophesied
Soar With Jesus


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This poem is from the ''My Testimony -- To Soar With Jesus Collection''. Written by Daryl Stout. (C) Copyright 1989, 2024 by Daryl Stout. All Rights Reserved. Any abuse or unauthorized usage of this poetry will be dealt with at The Judgment Before Jesus Christ. The ''Soar With Jesus'' Eagle Design was created and designed by Dale Larison, and it is used by permission.

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Things Are Falling Into Place, Just As Prophesied

''Things Are Falling Into Place, Just As Prophesied''

Written By Daryl Stout

1) The world today, everywhere, seems out of control.
Sin and evil every place, including the foxhole.
Countless persons every day, across the world, have died.
Things are falling into place, just as prophesied.

2) When Christ's disciples asked Him for signs of the last days.
Before He would return to Earth, and end all sinful ways.
He said He'd build a place for them; in Heaven, they'd reside.
Things are falling into place, just as prophesied.

3) Wars and earthquakes would increase, iniquity as well.
Many would refuse The Truth, preferring sin and Hell.
God's Creation and His Rules; man has not complied.
Things are falling into place, just as prophesied.

4) While Christ came to live and die, upon that Rugged Cross.
To shed His Blood; then rise again; to redeem the lost.
Most treat The Gospel there with scorn; God's Truth, they deride.
Things are falling into place, just as prophesied.

5) The rapture comes when all those who, saved in The Age Of Grace.
Gentiles, Messianic Jews; all long to see His Face.
The total who have come to Christ, there from far and wide.
Things are falling into place, just as prophesied.

6) One generation of believers, won't experience death.
At rapture, they'll rise up to Heaven, in a single breath.
The dead in Christ, rise first, then all those who never died.
Things are falling into place, just as prophesied.

7) The Time Of Jacob's Trouble; Hell On Earth for seven years.
Multitudes die from what goes on; hearts failing them for fear.
As demons now enslave the world, from each and every side.
Things are falling into place, just as prophesied.

8) Twenty-one seals, trumpets, bowls, judgments from the sky.
Most of mankind won't repent, but curse God and die.
''How Long, Oh Lord??'', the Tribulation Saints, to God, there cried.
Things are falling into place, just as prophesied.

9) The unholy trinity, prepares revolting feast.
The Antichrist, Satan's Man, who God calls, The Beast.
Most take The Mark, as they were, there deceived, and lied.
Things are falling into place, just as prophesied.

10) After the Great Tribulation, Christ returns to Earth.
To rescue the believing remnant, who all chose New Birth.
Returns in Power, accompanied, by The Church, His Bride.
Things are falling into place, just as prophesied.

11) Salvation is so simple there, but many souls refuse.
To repent of all their sin, and life with Christ, to choose.
The Bible is God's Holy Word, and Truthful, as Life's Guide.
Things are falling into place, just as prophesied.

12) God's Sovereign over His Creation, He is not surprised.
He knows all thoughts, and words, and deeds, there before His Eyes.
Heaven's yours, only if, Christ's Blood, to you's, applied.
Things are falling into place, just as prophesied.

13) Heaven is not owed to you, no matter what you think.
Your righteousness is as filthy rags, as bad as toilet stink.
Into Heaven, someone's coat tails, on them, you can't ride.
Things are falling into place, just as prophesied.

14) As with Lot and Noah there, God's Patience, one day, ends.
To the lost, Christ, their nightmare; not forever Friend.
To the unsaved now in Hell, ''It's Too Late'', they've cried.
Things are falling into place, just as prophesied.

15) ''What will you do with Jesus Christ?'' God asks of you, today.
The King Of Kings, and Lord Of Lords, The Truth, The Life, The Way.
Repent of sin and come to Christ; be on the winning side.
Things are falling into place, just as prophesied.

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