Not Ungrateful At The Bema Seat; But Undeserving, There

Not Ungrateful At The Bema Seat; But Undeserving, There

Not Ungrateful At The Bema Seat; But Undeserving, There
Soar With Jesus


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This poem is from the ''My Testimony -- To Soar With Jesus Collection''. Written by Daryl Stout. (C) Copyright 1989, 2024 by Daryl Stout. All Rights Reserved. Any abuse or unauthorized usage of this poetry will be dealt with at The Judgment Before Jesus Christ. The ''Soar With Jesus'' Eagle Design was created and designed by Dale Larison, and it is used by permission.

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Not Ungrateful At The Bema Seat; But Undeserving, There

''Not Ungrateful At The Bema Seat; But Undeserving, There''

Written By Daryl Stout

1) Not ungrateful at The Bema Seat; but undeserving, there.
When I stand before The Lord, though my place, prepared.
Not any righteousness of mine; but that of Christ alone;
The only reason I can stand, before Him on His Throne.

2) Not ungrateful at The Bema Seat; but undeserving, there.
For God commanded all His Love; on that Cross, He shared.
Christ lived, died, and rose again; there in victory.
And one day, all will bow, there on bended knee.

3) Not ungrateful at The Bema Seat; but undeserving, there.
While Christ didn't have to do it, He showed all He cared.
The Precious, Sinless, Son Of God, dued upon THe Cross.
Shed His Blood to cleanse our sins, to redeem the lost.

4) Not ungrateful at The Bema Seat; but undeserving, there.
Though sin not noted at The Bema, my life will be laid bare.
Though all things there, done for Christ; there for all to see.
Christ deserves the praise, rewards; there far more, than me.

5) Not ungrateful at The Bema Seat; but undeserving, there.
True believers at The Bema, none with sin or tares.
All as one before Christ, all their voices raise;
That Christ alone, The King of all Kings, is worthy of the praise.

6) Not ungrateful at The Bema Seat; but undeserving, there.
Everyone would go to Hell, if God was truly fair.
God's Riches At Christ's Expense; The Acronym of Grace.
All lay their crowns there at Christ's Feet, when they see His Face.

7) Not ungrateful at The Bema Seat; but undeserving, there.
God knows the length of all our lives, as well as every hair.
He knows us better than we know ourselves in every way.
All our thoughts, deeds, and words; that we do or say.

8) Not ungrateful at The Bema Seat; but undeserving, there.
Though of the rewards and crowns, that Christ, with us, would share.
Gold, silver, precious stones, our works for Christ, inspired.
Wood, hay, and stubble there, our sins now cleansed by fire.

9) Not ungrateful at The Bema Seat; but undeserving, there.
The ground is Equal At The Cross; Christ paid sin's costly fare.
A debt that we could never pay; paid by The Blood Christ shed.
God's Seal Of Approval when Christ rose from the dead.

10) Not ungrateful at The Bema Seat; but undeserving, there.
For all there refusing Christ; at death, they'll be scared.
They will pay eternally for their sins quagmire.
Never ending torment there, in The Lake Of Fire.

11) Not ungrateful at The Bema Seat; but undeserving, there.
For if you die there in your sin, judgment won't be spared.
For Christ is the only way, to keep you from Hell Fire.
Believe on Christ, who God did send; the one thing He requires.

12) Not ungrateful at The Bema Seat; but undeserving, there.
If you want to join me there, here's how you must prepare.
Admit that you're a sinner there; your soul you cannot save.
Repent of sin, accept The Lord; don't be like the depraved.

13) Not ungrateful at The Bema Seat; but undeserving, there.
Because someone came to us, and the Gospel, shared.
We proclaim the Gospel Truth; Christ is The Only Way.
For when you accept The Lord; a most important day.

14) Not ungrateful at The Bema Seat; but undeserving, there.
When The Lord there pricks your heart; escape the devil's lair.
Salvation's Gift so full and free; Christ so freely, gave.
All who repent, and call on Christ; they truly will be saved.

15) Not ungrateful at The Bema Seat; but undeserving, there.
You could die at any time, and you won't be prepared.
If dead in sin, you stand before, The Lord there on His Throne;
He'll cast you to The Lake Of Fire, as one He's never known.

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