Admirer Or Follower Of Christ; Which One Are You??

Admirer Or Follower Of Christ; Which One Are You??

Admirer Or Follower Of Christ; Which One Are You??
Soar With Jesus


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This poem is from the ''My Testimony -- To Soar With Jesus Collection''. Written by Daryl Stout. (C) Copyright 1989, 2024 by Daryl Stout. All Rights Reserved. Any abuse or unauthorized usage of this poetry will be dealt with at The Judgment Before Jesus Christ. The ''Soar With Jesus'' Eagle Design was created and designed by Dale Larison, and it is used by permission.

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Admirer Or Follower Of Christ; Which One Are You??

Admirer Or Follower Of Christ; Which One Are You??

Written By Daryl Stout

1) Admirer or Follower, of Christ; which one are you??
Are you just someone on Sunday, sitting in a pew??
Putting on your best face there, trying to impress.
Fooling folks; the truth is, your life, it is a mess.

2) Admirer or Follower, of Christ; which one are you??
Boasting about your good works, for everyone to view.
Your righteousness as filthy rags, there before The Lord.
For His Word is sharper than any two edged sword.

3) Admirer or Follower, of Christ; which one are you??
Lip Service only to The Lord, in the things you do.
Believing only there's a God, the demons do the same.
You're as lost as all these, if you ignore Christ's Name.

4) Admirer or Follower, of Christ; which one are you??
You say that Christ was just a man; that statement isn't true.
Christ is God in The Flesh, who came to die for all.
Heaven is for only those, to who, on Jesus, call.

5) Admirer or Follower, of Christ; which one are you??
Going through the motions there, it's like worthless glue.
God knows your motives, words, and thoughts; from Him, you can't hide.
Are you just a whitewashed tomb, with dead bones inside??

6) Admirer or Follower, of Christ; which one are you??
Christ's Blood cleanses from all sin, to make your life there, new.
You must sincerely there repent, make Christ Your Lord and Savior.
Believe on Christ, the only way, there to earn God's Favor.

7) Admirer or Follower, of Christ; which one are you??
Jesus Christ, God's Free Love Gift, for everyone, and you.
Whether there for all your sin, Christ, or you, will pay.
He'll be your Friend, or Worst Nightmare, there on Judgment Day.

8) Admirer or Follower, of Christ; which one are you??
The choice is yours, before you die; that's what you must do.
For those who've done the one thing that, God there does require.
Belief on Christ, it saves their soul, from The Lake Of Fire.

9) Admirer or Follower, of Christ; which one are you??
While still in this mortal flesh; sin, the saved, will do.
When they confess, repent of sin, fellowship restored.
They give praise to their Friend for Life, their Savior, and their Lord.

10) Admirer or Follower, of Christ; which one are you??
True followers there of The Lord; do what He said, do.
They live their lives in such a way, that The Lord is pleased.
For one day, before The Lord, all bow on their knees.

11) Admirer or Follower, of Christ; which one are you??
Followers witness to the lost, and what they must do.
If they want a home in Heaven, the moment that they die.
Eternal joy for the redeemed, there in Heaven's sky.

12) Admirer or Follower, of Christ; which one are you??
You shall know folks by their fruits, in the tasks they do.
Does their life there honor Christ, in what they do and say??
Or do they treat the Sabbath there as just another day??

13) Admirer or Follower, of Christ; which one are you??
The Gospel is for all mankind, Gentile or a Jew.
Jesus Christ, The Lamb Of God, The Truth, The Life, The Way.
For those who truly come to Him, He will not turn away.

14) Admirer or Follower, of Christ; which one are you??
Salvation's Plan so simple there; in God's Word, so true.
For by grace we're saved through faith, not of works to boast.
If you reject The Lord, it is, a choice you'll regret, most.

15) Admirer or Follower, of Christ; which one are you??
If you die there in your sin, this will come to you.
Nonstop torment, pain, regret, unending agony.
You'll suffer in The Lake Of Fire, for all eternity.

16) Admirer or Follower, of Christ; which one are you??
Tomorrow promised to no one; today, your choice, to do.
Hell or Heaven, eternal home; which one will you choose??
Hell is your default, friend; if you, Christ's Love Gift, refuse.

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