One Should Bring Each Thought There To Obedience Of Christ

One Should Bring Each Thought There To Obedience Of Christ

One Should Bring Each Thought There To Obedience Of Christ
Soar With Jesus


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This poem is from the ''My Testimony -- To Soar With Jesus Collection''. Written by Daryl Stout. (C) Copyright 1989, 2024 by Daryl Stout. All Rights Reserved. Any abuse or unauthorized usage of this poetry will be dealt with at The Judgment Before Jesus Christ. The ''Soar With Jesus'' Eagle Design was created and designed by Dale Larison, and it is used by permission.

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One Should Bring Each Thought There To Obedience Of Christ

One Should Bring Each Thought There To Obedience Of Christ

Based on 2 Corinthians 10:5 and Galatians 5:19-24

Written By Daryl Stout

1) One of the hardest things to do for Christians in their life,
Is to make one's conversation, without sin and strife.
Believers they are not they own, but bought with a price.
One should bring each thought there to obedience of Christ.

2) We're pummeled there by many things, all throughout the day.
In all the deeds that we will do, or words that we say.
Conduct of a Christian should be, where you don't think twice.
One should bring each thought there to obedience of Christ.

3) Once we come to know The Lord, eternal home is sealed.
But, our sin nature wars with us; each day it's revealed.
We are to repent of those things, that truly are not nice.
One should bring each thought there to obedience of Christ.

4) Casting down the evil thoughts, sinful imaginations.
The spirit's willing, flesh is weak, are our explanations.
Not to gamble with our witness, like rolls of the dice.
One should bring each thought there to obedience of Christ.

5) Putting off the fleshly deeds of adultery, fornication.
Uncleanness, lasciviousness, sexual situations.
All these like the vermin there, of rodents, rats, and mice.
One should bring each thought there to obedience of Christ.

6) More fleshly works of wrath, sedititions, heresies, and strife.
These have no place existing with a Christian's earthly life.
Envyings, murders, drunkeness; all cost a high price.
One should bring each thought there to obedience of Christ.

7) But, fruits of the spirit there, are love, joy, and peace.
Longsuffering, gentleness, goodness, faith; these should all increase.
Meekness and temperance, no law against, these pure things so nice.
One should bring each thought there to obedience of Christ.

8) For they that are Christ's there, they have, the flesh, crucified.
With its affections and its lusts, that with sin, have died.
Though sin nature we still have, we shouldn't there, think twice.
One should bring each thought there to obedience of Christ.

9) Without faith, impossible to, please God in Heaven, above.
You must by faith, repent of sin, accept His Gift Of Love.
Faith as small as mustard seed, or as a grain of rice.
One should bring each thought there to obedience of Christ.

10) Starting as a babe in Christ, then in maturity.
Milk, then meat there, of God's Word, in all purity.
For to cover all your sins, God's Grace, it will suffice.
One should bring each thought there to obedience of Christ.

11) License to serve, but not to sin, in life's daily place.
You will account there for your life, when you see His Face.
Once your earthly life does end, your deeds you can't do twice.
One should bring each thought there to obedience of Christ.

12) Your standing in Christ's Kingdom, how you served The Lord.
For His Word is sharper than any two edged sword.
You can't fix the things you missed, like a taping splice.
One should bring each thought there to obedience of Christ.

13) God wants no one there to die, in their deeds of sin.
He wants all mankind to repent, and to come to Him.
For you yourself, you can not pay, the debt of sins huge price.
One should bring each thought there to obedience of Christ.

14) For Christ died for everyone, in each and every land.
Our sins and His Love held Him there, not nails in His Hands.
For sin is as disgusting as, the worms of body lice.
One should bring each thought there to obedience of Christ.

15) Tomorrow promised to no one, come to Christ today.
The only way to Heaven, and The Truth, The Life, The Way.
Death comes so fast that you cannot, blink your eyes there twice.
One should bring each thought there to obedience of Christ.

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