They're Ready To Repent In Hell; They Waited Far Too Long

They're Ready To Repent In Hell; They Waited Far Too Long

They're Ready To Repent In Hell; They Waited Far Too Long
Soar With Jesus


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This poem is from the ''My Testimony -- To Soar With Jesus Collection''. Written by Daryl Stout. (C) Copyright 1989, 2024 by Daryl Stout. All Rights Reserved. Any abuse or unauthorized usage of this poetry will be dealt with at The Judgment Before Jesus Christ. The ''Soar With Jesus'' Eagle Design was created and designed by Dale Larison, and it is used by permission.

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They're Ready To Repent In Hell; They Waited Far Too Long

They're Ready To Repent In Hell; They Waited Far Too Long

Written By Daryl Stout

1 They're ready to repent in Hell; they waited far too long.
They harkened to Satan's lies, now realize they were wrong.
They know they should've chosen Christ, before they there, did die.
They realize that it's too late, to Jesus Christ, to cry.

2 They're ready to repent in Hell; they waited far too long.
Preferring all the melodies, of Satan's siren song.
Thinking they had lots of time, humming evil tune.
Tragically, their death arrived, for them, way too soon.

3 They're ready to repent in Hell; they waited far too long.
Just like there in the boxing ring, at the final gong.
Eternal destiny now sealed, the moment of their death.
They made the choice to not repent, before their last breath.

4 They're ready to repent in Hell; they waited far too long.
They could not resist sin's call, for its pull was strong.
When there shown the Gospel Truth, they did laugh in scorn.
For spiritually, in this life, they wouldn't be reborn.

5 They're ready to repent in Hell; they waited far too long.
They wanted to there be accepted, with the crowd, belong.
But, wide the gate and broad the way, to destruction led.
Refusing Christ, who for them, His Precious Blood, was shed.

6 They're ready to repent in Hell; they waited far too long.
With all the other unsaved souls, in this crowd, belong.
Never ending torment, pain; Hell, The Lake Of Fire.
They would not believe on Christ; the thing that God required.

7 They're ready to repent in Hell; they waited far too long.
They wish they could choose again; to right this horrid wrong.
But, God as a Gentleman, gave what they desired.
Too late for them now to avoid, eternal Lake Of Fire.

8 They're ready to repent in Hell; they waited far too long.
Instead of joy in Heaven there, with its praise and song.
They chose to bear their cost of sin; a debt they'll never pay.
Terrified when they see Christ, there on Judgment Day.

9 They're ready to repent in Hell; they waited far too long.
Don't be like those who died in sin; escape the Devil's song.
Repent of sin, make Christ your Lord; you won't regret the choice.
Of accepting God's Love Gift; come, hearken to His Voice.

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