Bless Or Curse The Jews, God There, Will Do The Same To Thee

Bless Or Curse The Jews, God There, Will Do The Same To Thee

Bless Or Curse The Jews, God There, WIll Do The Same To Thee
Soar With Jesus


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This poem is from the ''My Testimony -- To Soar With Jesus Collection''. Written by Daryl Stout. (C) Copyright 1989, 2024 by Daryl Stout. All Rights Reserved. Any abuse or unauthorized usage of this poetry will be dealt with at The Judgment Before Jesus Christ. The ''Soar With Jesus'' Eagle Design was created and designed by Dale Larison, and it is used by permission.

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Bless Or Curse The Jews, God There, Will Do The Same To Thee

Bless Or Curse The Jews, God There, WIll Do The Same To Thee

Based On Genesis 12:3

Written By Daryl Stout

1) Bless or curse the Jews, God there, will do the same to thee.
As The Lord told Abraham, in Genesis Twelve, Verse Three.
The chosen people that God chose, a witness to the nations.
To show His Redemption Plan, the Gospel Of Salvation.

2) Bless or curse the Jews, God there, will do the same to thee.
Though when the Jews would turn from God, there in mutiny.
They were dispersed from the land, judgment there did fall.
Until they repented of their sin, and to God, did call.

3) Bless or curse the Jews, God there, will do the same to thee.
These things have been in effect, throughout history.
The enemies of Israel there, in violence there, deployed.
It was turned upon them and, they all were destroyed.

4) Bless or curse the Jews, God there, will do the same to thee.
When Christ came the first time there, most Jews did not see.
They craved a godlike warrior, who'd throw off Roman Rule.
They couldn't see He Came To Die; they thought He was a fool.

5) Bless or curse the Jews, God there, will do the same to thee.
The Pharisees and Saducees, despised Him viciously.
They didn't want Him to remove, all their power and fame.
Those hating Him will see one day, that they're the one to blame.

6) Bless or curse the Jews, God there, will do the same to thee.
While Christ died upon for all our sins, there on Calvary's Tree.
According to the Scriptures there, He rose in Victory.
Salvation's Gift for all who'd ask, in humility.

7) Bless or curse the Jews, God there, will do the same to thee.
Christ said ''No one comes to God, unless they come through Me''.
Though not perfect in their lives, the non-Jews just as bad.
While salvation a free gift; it cost Christ all He had.

8) Bless or curse the Jews, God there, will do the same to thee.
Back in the land as prophesied, it's a reality.
After Rapture Of The Church, The Great Tribulation.
One last chance for mankind to, accept God's Salvation.

9) Bless or curse the Jews, God there, will do the same to thee.
The Judgment Of The Sheep And Goats, At Christ's Return, To See.
Those protecting, helping Jews, rewarded now, by Christ.
Those who didn't, eternally, will pay a huge price.

10) Bless or curse the Jews, God there, will do the same to thee.
What you do with Christ determines your eternity.
Either Heaven, with the saved, there around His Throne.
Or cast into Eternal Fire, as one He's never known.

11) Bless or curse the Jews, God there, will do the same to thee.
Jew or Gentile, all will bow, one day, on bended knee.
Before you die, you must make, a very important choice.
Will you accept, or there reject, The Lord's Loving Voice??

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