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The Clothing At The Judgment There; How Lavish Will It Be?? |
This poem is from the ''My Testimony -- To Soar With Jesus Collection''. Written by Daryl Stout. (C) Copyright 1989, 2024 by Daryl Stout. All Rights Reserved. Any abuse or unauthorized usage of this poetry will be dealt with at The Judgment Before Jesus Christ. The ''Soar With Jesus'' Eagle Design was created and designed by Dale Larison, and it is used by permission.
Written By Daryl Stout
2) The clothing at the judgment there, how lavish will it be??
Adult or child, rich or poor, there for all to see.
It'll be as filthy rags, or there as nice suit.
No question of the guilt therein, appeals will be moot.
3) The clothing at the judgment there, how lavish will it be??
First, for those rejecting Christ, they wouldn't bow their knee.
They will stand there terrified, at The Great White Throne.
No one there to plead their case, they're naked and alone.
4) The clothing at the judgment there, how lavish will it be??
For the lost, it's all burned off; a life of sin, would be.
No rewards, but condemnation, for all things they've done.
For they did refuse God's Gift, in Jesus Christ, His Son.
5) The clothing at the judgment there, how lavish will it be??
They'll be paying for their sin, for all eternity.
Like a dirty diaper there, disgusting, putrid smell.
Replaced by sulfur, and its stench, from the flames of Hell.
6) The clothing at the judgment there, how lavish will it be??
These preferred a life of sin, and of iniquity.
Too late for salvation there, they're the one to blame.
They would not repent of sin, and call on Jesus' Name.
7) The clothing at the judgment there, how lavish will it be??
By the Truth of God's Word there, compelled to bow the knee.
No pardons, mercy, will be granted, from God's Righteous Throne.
They're cast into The Lake Of Fire, as one's He's never known.
8) The clothing at the judgment there, how lavish will it be??
For all those accepting Christ, wardrobes of degree.
Where their treasure was stored there, in Heaven or on Earth.
They're still in Heaven at their death; they received New Birth.
9) The clothing at the judgment there, how lavish will it be??
Clothing of a beggar there, and bag of holes, there be.
Treasures stored here on their Earth, in possessions cart.
These see where their treasure was, there too, was their heart.
10) The clothing at the judgment there, how lavish will it be??
Earthly things corruptible, destroyed eternally.
They've nothing there to offer Christ, they are so ashamed.
Rewards lost at Bema Seat, they know they are to blame.
11) The clothing at the judgment there, how lavish will it be??
Deeds of kindness all done there, not for all to see.
Humbly serving Christ each day; this did please The Lord.
Gold, silver, precious stones, and crowns, their reward.
12) The clothing at the judgment there, how lavish will it be??
''Well done, good and faithful servant; truly, you loved Me''.
Christ's welcome plaudit given there, to warriors of the faith.
Served Christ in humility, doing what He saith.
13) The clothing at the judgment there, how lavish will it be??
Yet, all there bow before Christ, done so eagerly.
And as one there, every voice, to Christ, is there, raised.
That He alone, God's Precious Son, is worthy of all praise.
14) The clothing at the judgment there, how lavish will it be??
Least or greatest there in Heaven; and in between, there be.
For tasks in eternity, the saved will not be bored.
Serving, Praising Jesus Christ, Their Savior and Their Lord.
15) The clothing at the judgment there, how lavish will it be??
Degree of garments, it's your choice, there for all to see.
Whether naked, or a beggar, or as groom or bride.
No place there exists in Heaven, for sin, or for pride.
16) The clothing at the judgment there, how lavish will it be??
As a hobo, vagrant there...or dressed like royalty.
The wardrobe of your choice,there, friend; it is yours alone.
The question is, ''Will you let Christ, for your sins, atone??''.
17) The clothing at the judgment there, how lavish will it be??
What you do with God's Love Gift; salvation full and free.
If you there die, in your sin, there without The Lord.
Judged by His Word, sharper than, any two edged sword.
18) The clothing at the judgment there, how lavish will it be??
No one else can make the choice, it's individually.
To Heaven, you can't ride coat tails, of some other soul.
You alone there, must repent; give Christ full control.
19) The clothing at the judgment there, how lavish will it be??
Hell the choice there by default, for those too blind to see.
Tragically, so many are, deceived by Satan's spell.
''No payment due there for your sin; until death and Hell''.
20) The clothing at the judgment there, how lavish will it be??
Decision you must make to set, eternal destiny.
Hell Or Heaven, where you'll go; there's no other choice.
Will you reject, or there accept, The Lord's Loving Voice??