Do You Love, Or Hate The Cross, Upon Which Jesus Died??

Do You Love, Or Hate The Cross, Upon Which Jesus Died??

Do You Love, Or Hate The Cross, Upon Which Jesus Died??
Soar With Jesus


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This poem is from the ''My Testimony -- To Soar With Jesus Collection''. Written by Daryl Stout. (C) Copyright 1989, 2024 by Daryl Stout. All Rights Reserved. Any abuse or unauthorized usage of this poetry will be dealt with at The Judgment Before Jesus Christ. The ''Soar With Jesus'' Eagle Design was created and designed by Dale Larison, and it is used by permission.

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Do You Love, Or Hate The Cross, Upon Which Jesus Died??

Do You Love, Or Hate The Cross, Upon Which Jesus Died??

Written By Daryl Stout

1) Do you love, or hate The Cross, upon which Jesus died??
Is it mock of contention; its theme, you there deride??
Is now Christianity, a blood religion there??
Is the death of One on it; a thing, you do not care??

2) Do you love, or hate The Cross, upon which Jesus died??
Do you think that with your sin; to Heaven, you will ride??
There into the Pearly Gates, there upon your death.
Default is the flames of Hell, upon your final breath.

3) Do you love, or hate The Cross, upon which Jesus died??
Do you know its true meaning, for your sin and pride??
The Creator Of The Universe, for sins of mankind.
His Blood would pay sins debt for all, spiritually blind.

4) Do you love, or hate The Cross, upon which Jesus died??
The Cross exposes mankind's sin, and all its dark side.
Sinful souls love darkness more;, with light, their sins, exposed.
All one day, before The Lord, their lives will be, disclosed.

5) Do you love, or hate The Cross, upon which Jesus died??
Satan and his demon hordes, are all terrified.
They thought by killing Jesus there, on that Rugged Cross.
All mankind would go to Hell, and be forever lost.

6) Do you love, or hate The Cross, upon which Jesus died??
The scourging, nails, crown of thorns, stabbing in His Side.
He took your sin upon Himself, a debt you can not pay.
Into Heaven at your death; Christ, the only way.

7) Do you love, or hate The Cross, upon which Jesus died??
He's not on it, anymore; nor with the tomb, inside.
Christ rose up victorious, there on the third day.
The King Of Kings, Lord Of Lords, The Truth, The Life, The Way.

8) Do you love, or hate The Cross, upon which Jesus died??
He knows your deepest darkest sins, of what you have, inside.
Nothing's hid there from The Lord, no question of your guilt.
What will do there with Christ's Blood?? On Calvary, it was spilt.

9) Do you love, or hate The Cross, upon which Jesus died??
All your cares, pain, secrets, too; in Christ, now confide.
For the ground is equal there, at foot of The Cross.
Christ lived and died and rose again, to redeem the lost.

10) Do you love, or hate The Cross, upon which Jesus died??
Eternal doom awaits all those, God's Love Gift, denied.
Eagerly, or there compelled, all bow before The Lord.
For His Word is sharper than any two edged sword.

11) Do you love, or hate The Cross, upon which Jesus died??
You can't pay your debt of sin, no matter how you've tried.
If the Holy Spirit there, has pricked your cold heart.
Repent of sin, accept The Lord; your life, a new start.

12) Do you love, or hate The Cross, upon which Jesus died??
Those in Christ, cannot contain, the joy they have inside.
Humbled and in awe of Christ, these have Amazing Grace.
Will dance with joy upon their death, when they see His Face.

13) Do you love, or hate The Cross, upon which Jesus died??
When you accept God's Free Love Gift, on your soul, applied.
Every sin you've ever done, forever washed away.
You won't be asked of them again, there on Judgment Day.

14) Do you love, or hate The Cross, upon which Jesus died??
Repentant sinners, before Christ, humbly, to Him, cried.
They are saved by grace through faith; not of works, to boast.
Decision to accept The Lord, one they'll cherish most.

15) Do you love, or hate The Cross, upon which Jesus died??
The saved now serve Christ while on Earth, for they are His Bride.
Christ, The Groom, raptures His Bride, all those saved by grace.
Those in Christ, alive and dead, are gone without a trace.

16) Do you love, or hate The Cross, upon which Jesus died??
Untold joy awaits the saved, there on Heaven's side.
Citizenship in Heaven there, for eternity.
The faith one day there, will be sight; when Christ, we do see.

17) Do you love, or hate The Cross, upon which Jesus died??
The song of ''The Old Rugged Cross'', broke my heart, inside.
I realized then, that I had not, never there, been saved.
I put my faith in Christ who died, and rose up from the grave.

18) Do you love, or hate The Cross, upon which Jesus died??
I glory in The Cross Of Christ, not my sin and pride.
One day I will join the throng, with my voice, there, raised.
That Jesus Christ, my Savior, Lord; is worthy of all praise.

19) Do you love, or hate The Cross, upon which Jesus died??
One can't understand This Love, transcends our sin and pride.
If you were just the only one, Christ would've died for you.
He wants to be your Saviour, Lord; His Word, it is so true.

20) Do you love, or hate The Cross, upon which Jesus died??
Don't fall there for Satan's words; for he has always lied.
Christ said ''You shall know The Truth; and it will make you free''.
When you put your faith in Christ, for your eternity.

21) Do you love, or hate The Cross, upon which Jesus died??
If you reject God's Free Love Gift, Heaven is denied.
Default at death, tormenting Hell; then The Lake Of Fire.
If you won't believe on Christ, the one thing God requires.

22) Do you love, or hate The Cross, upon which Jesus died??
The ground equal, at Calvary, on each and every side.
Christ said ''No one comes to God; unless they come through Me''.
What you do with Christ determines, your eternity.

23) Do you love, or hate The Cross, upon which Jesus died??
The sinful soul, in due time there, their foot will there, slide.
Into the fiery torment there, of a Christless Hell.
The price of sin will be too great; they went for Satan's spell.

24) Do you love, or hate The Cross, upon which Jesus died??
To Heaven, coat tails of someone, on them, you can't ride.
Tomorrow promised to no one, repent of sin today.
At death, either Christ, or you, will your sin debt, pay.

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