The Tunic And The Toga There; In Heaven, How You're Dressed

The Tunic And The Toga There; In Heaven, How You're Dressed

The Tunic And The Toga There; In Heaven, How You're Dressed
Soar With Jesus


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This poem is from the ''My Testimony -- To Soar With Jesus Collection''. Written by Daryl Stout. (C) Copyright 1989, 2024 by Daryl Stout. All Rights Reserved. Any abuse or unauthorized usage of this poetry will be dealt with at The Judgment Before Jesus Christ. The ''Soar With Jesus'' Eagle Design was created and designed by Dale Larison, and it is used by permission.

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The Tunic And The Toga There; In Heaven, How You're Dressed

The Tunic And The Toga There; In Heaven, How You're Dressed

Written By Daryl Stout

1) The tunic and the toga there; in Heaven, how you're dressed.
Either as a beggar there, or one attired the best.
Where you stored your treasures there, in Heaven or on Earth.
Determines status of your rank; in Heaven, what you're worth.

2) The tunic and the toga there; in Heaven, how you're dressed.
The undergarment tunic is, The Lord's Righteousness.
For without this, no one would, into Heaven go.
Eternally, it truly is, based on Who you know.

3) The tunic and the toga there; in Heaven, how you're dressed.
When you repented of your sin, and Christ's Name, confessed.
Believed that to Heaven there, He is the only Way.
His Precious Blood, toward your sins, washed them all away.

4) The tunic and the toga there; in Heaven, how you're dressed.
You made the choice of your free will, decision wasn't pressed.
In Christ, old things are passed away; all things now, are new.
And you asked Christ there, ''Oh, Lord; what will you have me do??''.

5) The tunic and the toga there; in Heaven, how you're dressed.
Eagerly bowed before Christ; with mouth, you did confess.
Your heart believed to righteousness, Christ rose from the grave.
For you called upon The Lord; and your soul, was saved.

6) The tunic and the toga there; in Heaven, how you're dressed.
Though sin nature here on Earth; in life, you regressed.
You did the thing that God required; believed on Christ, He Sent.
All sins forgiven when you did, confess and repent.

7) The tunic and the toga there; in Heaven, how you're dressed.
Though at first like newborn babes, safe there in a nest.
Moving from milk of God's Word, there to spiritual meat.
His Truth in both Testaments; perfect, and complete.

8) The tunic and the toga there; in Heaven, how you're dressed.
Once saved, as perfect as Christ is, in His Righteousness.
After rapture, all proceed, there to the Bema Seat.
Though rewards are gained and lost; salvation is complete.

9) The tunic and the toga there; in Heaven, how you're dressed.
All lives reviewed before The Lord; nothing will be guessed.
Sin won't be considered there; at Calvary, it was judged.
One's life they will answer for; details, they can't fudge.

10) The tunic and the toga there; in Heaven, how you're dressed.
If you served Christ faithfully, and gave Him your best;
Gold, silver, precious stones, adorn what you wear.
The Gospel Truth, in witness to, others, you did share.

11) The tunic and the toga there; in Heaven, how you're dressed.
Serving in humility; as you did Christ's requests.
Not going with humanity, the sinful Earthly crowd.
Prayed to God in secret there; not boasting there, out loud.

12) The tunic and the toga there; in Heaven, how you're dressed.
Though in this life persecuted, and you were oppressed.
Serving sacrificially; though mockers, toward you, cussed.
You're compensated at the resurrection of the just.

13) The tunic and the toga there; in Heaven, how you're dressed.
Now in Heaven at your death, and into Sabbath rest.
As you now join all the throngs, there around Christ's Throne.
Now to see Him Face To Face; the Best Friend, you have known.

14) The tunic and the toga there; in Heaven, how you're dressed.
Before you came to know The Lord, your life was a mess.
Heaven's Treasures, as you served, Christ, The King Of Kings.
Presenting all these to The Lord; your gifts, to Him, bring.

15) The tunic and the toga there; in Heaven, how you're dressed.
Eagerly you served The Lord, with a righteous zest.
You gloried there not in yourself, but wholly in The Cross.
Where Christ died and shed His Blood, to redeem the lost.

16) The tunic and the toga there; in Heaven, how you're dressed.
As the greatest there in Heaven; considered truly blessed.
There in Heaven's Hierarchy, you're honored in its ranks.
Praising Christ for what He did; your way of saying ''Thanks''.

17) The tunic and the toga there; in Heaven, how you're dressed.
All glory there went to The Lord; worship there, addressed.
''Only Christ is worthy of, all worship and praise''.
As the saints around His Throne, with their voices, raised.

18) The tunic and the toga there; in Heaven, how you're dressed.
Not going through the motions there, living life in jest.
For God knows you better there, than you know yourself.
He will use you mightily, not set you on the shelf.

19) The tunic and the toga there; in Heaven, how you're dressed.
But, for carnal Christians, there; Earthly things caressed.
They're dressed as a beggar there, before Christ, ashamed.
Their works at the Bema Seat, destroyed in judgment flame.

20) The tunic and the toga there; in Heaven, how you're dressed.
Carnal ones before The Lord, they truly will be stressed.
When they see that all their deeds, are wood, hay, and stubble.
See the status of rewards; now there, all in trouble.

21) The tunic and the toga there; in Heaven, how you're dressed.
Though saved, all their earthly deeds, was of their hope chest.
Things done to be seen of men, that was their reward.
For God's Word is sharper than any two edged sword.

22) The tunic and the toga there; in Heaven, how you're dressed.
Not nude at the Bema Seat; as if there, undressed.
But, all of their earthly works, burned up in judgment fire.
Even though they did the thing, that God did require.

23) The tunic and the toga there; in Heaven, how you're dressed.
Their garments with the smell of smoke, not like all the rest.
Embarrassed there before The Lord, they hang their head in shame.
Knowing that they are the ones, totally to blame.

24) The tunic and the toga there; in Heaven, how you're dressed.
The least in Heaven's Kingdom there; rewards, all were compressed.
Worthless in the whole grand scheme, of eternity.
They served self instead of Christ; the error, now they see.

25) The tunic and the toga there; in Heaven, how you're dressed.
Though saved, these thought that they could; in sin, still there, mess.
His Grace not license to sin, but license to serve.
For God grades upon The Cross, and not upon The Curve.

26) The tunic and the toga there; in Heaven, how you're dressed.
All those coming to know Christ; passed the greatest test.
Though hierachy in Heaven there, no jealousy exists.
Even though the unfaithful; rewards, there were missed.

27) The tunic and the toga there; in Heaven, how you're dressed.
But, for the unrepentant soul, serving sin's behest.
They would not repent; and call, on Christ, their soul, to save.
Would not believe on Christ, who died, and rose up from the grave.

28) The tunic and the toga there; in Heaven, how you're dressed.
Hell is not a party place; there, one's cursed, not blessed.
They'll have none of these on them; they're naked and alone.
Terrified there as they stand, before The Great White Throne.

29) The tunic and the toga there; in Heaven, how you're dressed.
The justice of their sentence there, the lost have confessed.
Compelled to bow before The Lord; by Truth of God's Word.
They'll regret that they on Earth; spurned the Gospel, heard.

30) The tunic and the toga there; in Heaven, how you're dressed.
No pardons, mercy, or appeal, or granting of request.
Will be given at The Judgment of The Great White Throne.
These sent to eternal fire, as one's Christ's never known.

31) The tunic and the toga there; in Heaven, how you're dressed.
All will have eternal life, you don't have to guess.
Either Hell, or in Heaven, on what you do with Christ.
For you truly aren't your own; but bought with a price.

32) The tunic and the toga there; in Heaven, how you're dressed.
Will you be dressed royally, or like a beggar's mess??
Yet, you will there, have none of these, if on Christ, you don't call.
Humanity will confess He's Lord; the saved, the lost; yes, all.

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