One Day...Sin, And All It Is...Forever, Gone Away

One Day...Sin, And All It Is...Forever, Gone Away

One Day...Sin, And All It Is...Forever, Gone Away
Soar With Jesus


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This poem is from the ''My Testimony -- To Soar With Jesus Collection''. Written by Daryl Stout. (C) Copyright 1989, 2024 by Daryl Stout. All Rights Reserved. Any abuse or unauthorized usage of this poetry will be dealt with at The Judgment Before Jesus Christ. The ''Soar With Jesus'' Eagle Design was created and designed by Dale Larison, and it is used by permission.

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One Day...Sin, And All It Is...Forever, Gone Away

One Day...Sin, And All It Is...Forever, Gone Away

Written By Daryl Stout

1) A day longed for there by the righteous, it can't come too soon.
For the evil curse of sin, at morning, night, and noon.
And eternal cost of it, who there, shall it, pay??
One day, sin and all it is, forever, gone away.

2) When Universe created there, by God long ago.
Planets, stars, and sun and moon, in galaxies to go.
All shouted there in joy and praise, in each and every way.
One day, sin and all it is, forever, gone away.

3) But, Lucifer rebelled with pride, against The Lord of Hosts.
He conned one third of angels to, a choice they'd regret most.
All cast out from Heaven there, eternally, they'd pay.
One day, sin and all it is, forever, gone away.

4) When God created Planet Earth, and our first parents, there.
Everything they'd want or need, God with them, He shared.
All changed when they hearkened to, the serpent, that day.
One day, sin and all it is, forever, gone away.

5) After Adam and Eve fell, salvation's plan, revealed.
Satan told ''He'll bruise your Head; though you'll bruise His Heel''.
Redemption, came to pass, on Calvary, that day.
One day, sin and all it is, forever, gone away.

6) ''It Is Finished!!'', Christ did shout, just before He died.
The veil in the temple torn, down from the top side.
Now everyone could come to God, through Christ, without delay.
One day, sin and all it is, forever, gone away.

7) Satan deceived many souls, while evil reigned supreme.
But, a nightmare would disrupt, all of Satan's dream.
Christ arose in victory, The Truth, The Life The Way.
One day, sin and all it is, forever, gone away.

8) One day, Christ returns to Earth, and Satan will be bound.
Life as it was meant to be, sin not all around.
Christ rules with a rod of iron, each and every day.
One day, sin and all it is, forever, gone away.

9) After final judgment there, of The Great White Throne.
Unsaved cast into The Fire, as one's Christ's never known.
All creation made anew; the words one cannot say.
One day, sin and all it is, forever, gone away.

10) Life as it was meant to be, there for the redeemed.
Better than anything, we could have ever dreamed.
Praising Christ eternally, in all words, we say.
One day, sin and all it is, forever, gone away.

11) Tragically, for those who spurn God's Free Love Gift there.
In the pit of Hell at death, judgment won't be spared.
Then, cast to The Lake Of Fire, for their sin, they'll pay.
For these, sin and all it is, will never go away. 12) If you've not yet come to Christ, it's time for you to choose.
Salvation, free...for everyone, Gentiles and the Jews.
Repent of sin, make Christ your Lord; your best choice, today.
One day, sin and all it is, forever, gone away.

13) Though sin nature we still have, while here upon this Earth.
Christ sees us as perfect there, once we've received New Birth.
At our death, Heaven awaits; the joy we cannot say.
One day, sin and all it is, forever, gone away.

14) Not going through the motions there, those who commit to Christ.
For the saved are not our own, but bought with a price.
The King Of Kings, Lord Of Lords, The Truth, The Life, The Way.
One day, sin and all it is, forever, gone away.

15) Eye hasn't seen, ear hasn't heard, or entered in man's heart.
The things God prepared for His Own, all there from the start.
To praise Christ for what He did, each and every day.
One day, sin and all it is, forever, gone away.

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