Contents |
Overview |
The Lord Has His Limits; Then He Has Seen Enough |
This poem is from the ''My Testimony -- To Soar With Jesus Collection''. Written by Daryl Stout. (C) Copyright 1989, 2024 by Daryl Stout. All Rights Reserved. Any abuse or unauthorized usage of this poetry will be dealt with at The Judgment Before Jesus Christ. The ''Soar With Jesus'' Eagle Design was created and designed by Dale Larison, and it is used by permission.
Written By Daryl Stout
2) They only want to talk about the good things that God brings.
But, they won't accept judgment, from The King Of Kings.
They think that He'll overlook, all their sinful stuff.
The Lord has His Limits, then He has seen enough.
3) Before Creation was complete, and He declared all good.
Redemption set that Christ would die there on a Cross Of Wood.
Nothing's hidden from The Lord; no one, can Him, bluff.
The Lord has His Limits, then He has seen enough.
4) God knew what destruction that, sin would bring each day.
Man's rules cannot overrule, the Words God did say.
All sin must be dealt with there; the judgment, it is tough.
The Lord has His Limits, then He has seen enough.
5) Those who say ''there is no God'', The Lord calls them ''Fools''.
Like it or not, it's God's Creation; governed by His Rules.
When discipline is called for there, the guilty say ''it's gruff''.
The Lord has His Limits, then He has seen enough.
6) When Eve, then Adam sinned in Eden, and both fell from grace.
Innocence, now cowardice, when they saw God's Face.
God made skins of animals, to cover their nude buff.
The Lord has His Limits, then He has seen enough.
7) Sin and evil spread so quick, righteousness did fade.
It grieved The Lord at His Heart, that man He had made.
His Righteousness demanded that, punishment be tough.
The Lord has His Limits, then He has seen enough.
8) Noah found grace in God's Eyes; was told to build an Ark.
His family, and animals, on journey, would embark.
Those left behind, would all there drown, in floodwaters, rough.
The Lord has His Limits, then He has seen enough.
9) After 40 days and nights, floodwaters would recede.
Not destroyed again by flood; the rainbow, was God's creed.
But, sin's nastiness returned; just like tobacco snuff.
The Lord has His Limits, then He has seen enough.
10) Sodom and Gomorrah both; wicked, through and through.
To burn sin off by Righteous Fire, what God had to do.
Mocking God, the hard way, learned; that sin's cost is tough.
The Lord has His Limits, then He has seen enough.
11) Even God's own chosen people, of Israel, the Jews.
Though warned of consequences if, idolatry, they did choose.
They went for pagan practices, and all the evil stuff.
The Lord has His Limits, then He has seen enough.
12) So, they would as punishment, suffering defeat.
Exiled from The Promised Land, a judgment so complete.
Just like guilty criminals, arrested and now, cuffed.
The Lord has His Limits, then He has seen enough.
13) Many times, Israel, from God, turned away.
But, when they would there repent; victory ruled the day.
God would not there tolerate, the sinful deeds and stuff.
The Lord has His Limits, then He has seen enough.
14) Four hundred years would then elapse; God's Words, were there missed.
Nothing heard until the birth of John The Baptist.
Sent there to prepare the way, his appearance rough.
The Lord has His Limits, then He has seen enough.
15) The cry to repent of sin, all across the land.
Christ's Love shown, with His Blood, shed from nail pierced Hands.
Crucified there on The Cross; the judgment was so rough.
The Lord has His Limits, then He has seen enough.
16) On the Third Day, Christ arose, all sin's cost, He'd pay.
Ascended back to Heaven, but, He'll return one day.
At the rapture of the Church, then seven years, so tough.
The Lord has His Limits, then He has seen enough.
17) The cup of man's iniquity, finally is filled.
Mocking God there, most would spurn, The Blood that Christ spilled.
Now, God's Wrath falls, far worse than sandpaper, so rough.
The Lord has His Limits, then He has seen enough.
18) The Time of Jacob's Trouble, truly Hell for seven years.
Many perish as their hearts, failing them for fear.
Believers tortured and then martyred, in ways there, so tough.
The Lord has His Limits, then He has seen enough.
19) Believing Jews who fled to Petra, they now see the Truth.
Christ always Messiah there, for adults and youth.
Repentant cry now genuine, not faked and there, fluff.
The Lord has His Limits, then He has seen enough.
20) Armies of the Earth now gathered, there at Armageddon.
Suicidal battle to, fight The Lord of Heaven.
Those against The Lord are slain; Satan chained and cuffed.
The Lord has His Limits, then He has seen enough.
21) The Judgment Of The Sheep and Goats, then Millennium of Peace.
The curse of sin on Planet Earth, is finally released.
Life on Earth is now a joy, not a burden, tough.
The Lord has His Limits, then He has seen enough.
22) One last rebellion rises up, with all of sins power.
Fire falls from Heaven, all the evil doers, devoured.
Terrified on Judgment Day; Christ's Words are so gruff.
The Lord has His Limits, then He has seen enough.
23) The unrepentant, cast with Satan, into The Lake Of Fire.
They would not repent and do, the one thing God required.
In purifying fire, burned from sin's stuff.
The Lord has His Limits, then He has seen enough.
24) Then, New Heaven, and New Earth, and New Jerusalem.
Forever with The Lord, they won't, ever part again.
Sin won't rise a second time, with all its evil stuff.
The Lord has His Limits, then He has seen enough.
25) One's eternal destiny, for Gentiles and the Jews.
Based on if one will repent; to follow Christ, and choose.
A life that will serve The Lord; not selfish, sinful stuff.
The Lord has His Limits, then He has seen enough.