Contents |
Overview |
Those Left Behind On Rapture Day, Have Just Themselves To Blame |
This poem is from the ''My Testimony -- To Soar With Jesus Collection''. Written by Daryl Stout. (C) Copyright 1989, 2024 by Daryl Stout. All Rights Reserved. Any abuse or unauthorized usage of this poetry will be dealt with at The Judgment Before Jesus Christ. The ''Soar With Jesus'' Eagle Design was created and designed by Dale Larison, and it is used by permission.
Written By Daryl Stout
2) Those left behind on rapture day, have just themselves to blame.
Into Heaven, they thought they, could buy with their fame.
But, righteousness as filthy rags, there before The Lord.
And, His Word is sharper than, any two edged sword.
3) Those left behind on rapture day, have just themselves to blame.
''My church and good deeds, save my soul''; it was what they'd claim.
But, in the twinkling of an eye, they got a huge surprise.
Realize the mistake made, the horror in their eyes.
4) Those left behind on rapture day, have just themselves to blame.
Evil now runs rampant, longer, it is tame.
Every true saint of The Lord, raptured to the sky.
Whether dead or alive, in twinkling of an eye.
5) Those left behind on rapture day, have just themselves to blame.
The reason all those disappeared, for these, it was the same.
They placed their faith in Christ alone, for their souls to save.
Believed on Christ, who lived and died, and rose up from the grave.
6) Those left behind on rapture day, have just themselves to blame.
''All children, babies; all are gone'', they wildly exclaim.
God took the unborn, with all these; there from every nation.
In His Grace, protecting them, from Great Tribulation.
7) Those left behind on rapture day, have just themselves to blame.
To the Christians, and the Jews; they put all these to shame.
Yet, God said there in His Word, in Scripture Bible verse.
''Persecute My Chosen Ones, all these, I will curse''.
8) Those left behind on rapture day, have just themselves to blame.
Explain away the Rapture Truth, theories there, proclaimed.
''UFO's, and aliens, took all these away'';
''Our agenda, they opposed, in each and every way.''
9) Those left behind on rapture day, have just themselves to blame.
''A New World Order has arrived'', they joyously proclaim.
They accept the Man Of Sin, his truth first, disguised.
When he shows his true colors, all will be surprised.
10) Those left behind on rapture day, have just themselves to blame.
Hell On Earth for seven years; life won't be the same.
Seals, trumpets, bowls of judgments, all part of God's Wrath.
For those who chose the wide broad way, and of all sin's path.
11) Those left behind on rapture day, have just themselves to blame.
As God's Judgments start to fall, they blaspheme His Name.
Pray for rocks to on them, fall; so they won't see His Face.
But, the rocks will say them, ''this is no hiding place''.
12) Those left behind on rapture day, have just themselves to blame.
They worship the Antichrist, when to Earth, he came.
The Mark Of The Beast, they'll take, in their head, or hand.
But, for all eternity, their souls now are damned.
13) Those left behind on rapture day, have just themselves to blame.
If not killed there by the judgments, their bodies are maimed.
Cursing God vehemently, to Satan, their souls, sold.
For their heart there, toward The Lord, frozen and stone cold.
14) Those left behind on rapture day, have just themselves to blame.
Most destined for the pit of Hell, and its sulfur flame.
Then, the final judgment there, at The Great White Throne.
Then cast to The Lake Of Fire, as one's Christ's never known.
15) Those left behind on rapture day, have just themselves to blame.
But, for those who'd come to Christ, and call upon His Name.
They're arrested, tortured, killed, by the guillotine.
The anger of the unsaved ones, it never was so mean.
16) Those left behind on rapture day, have just themselves to blame.
Repentant remnant of the Jews, now call on Jesus' Name.
The Second Coming Of The Lord, and all eyes shall see.
Too late now there, to change one's, eternal destiny.
17) Those left behind on rapture day, have just themselves to blame.
If they had heeded Gospel Truth, before rapture, proclaimed.
Hell on Earth for seven years, they would have been spared.
Tribulation never seen, that one could prepare.
18) Those left behind on rapture day, have just themselves to blame.
Will you repent now of your sin, and call on Jesus' Name.
If not, you'll be like all the lost, mentioned in this poem.
Without Christ, The Lake Of Fire, your eternal home.