The Lost Will Know Why They Are There

The Lost Will Know Why They Are There

The Lost Will Know Why They Are There
Soar With Jesus


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This poem is from the ''My Testimony -- To Soar With Jesus Collection''. Written by Daryl Stout. (C) Copyright 1989, 2024 by Daryl Stout. All Rights Reserved. Any abuse or unauthorized usage of this poetry will be dealt with at The Judgment Before Jesus Christ. The ''Soar With Jesus'' Eagle Design was created and designed by Dale Larison, and it is used by permission.

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The Lost Will Know Why They Are There

The Lost Will Know Why They Are There

Written By Daryl Stout

1) The lost will know why there are there, at moment of their death.
Into the darkness, Christless Hell, upon their last breath.
They will realize the Truth; salvation, though...too late.
And see, eternal torment there, forever is their fate.

2) The lost will know why they are there, that there's no escape.
Earthly wise, they had it all, and were in good shape.
But, spiritually, their house was built, on weak and shifting sand.
Instead of being built by Christ, with His Nail Pierced Hands.

3) The lost will know why they are there, the foolishness and pride.
That consumed their blackened heart, that they had inside.
''Many ways to Heaven there'', they fell for Satan's lies.
Too late they see their error now; with horror in their eyes.

4) The lost will know why they are there, in the flames of Hell.
They did spurn the Gospel Truth, preferring Satan's spell.
Now, they're ready to repent, and sincerely pray.
But, they waited far too long; redemption gone away.

5) The lost will know whey they are there, and know there is no hope.
Just like the noose around their neck, of a hangman's rope.
Strangled off salvation there, they know that they're to blame.
They would not repent of sin, and call on Jesus' Name.

6) The lost will know why they are there, with Satan's demon hordes.
And with all who did reject, Jesus Christ as Lord.
They felt The Preaching Of The Cross was foolishess and dumb.
For them, their selfish pride became, their life's rule of thumb.

7) The lost will know why they are there, but no one, can they see.
Sulphur has a thick dark flame, for all eternity.
They hear never ending screams, and curses all around.
Then, the torture of their pain, forever is the sound.

8) The lost will know why they are there, troubles just begin.
Forever they will pay the cost, of all of their life's sin.
Since they made the free will choice, of Christ, to reject.
They will never be part of, the church, the elect.

9) The lost will know why they are there, torment of their soul.
Re-living that they never would, give Christ full control.
They wish that they could see again, The Old Rugged Cross.
They'll know they're forever damned, and eternally lost.

10) The lost will know why they are there, when Millenium does end.
Jesus Christ, their worst nightmare; and not forever Friend.
Their whole life played back, the deeds, motives, words, and thoughts.
No question of their guilt, they now receive what they have wrought.

11) The lost will know why they are there, and no one there, to plead.
Had they repented, Christ would have, met their spiritual need.
Not eagerly, but now compelled, they bow before The Lord.
They see His Word is sharper than any two edged sword.

12) The lost will know why they are there, torment of their mind.
Regretting that they chose to stay, spiritually blind.
Terrified at Words they hear, from Christ on His Throne;
''Depart From Me, Into The Fire; For You, I've Never Known''.

13) The lost will know why they are there, now in the Lake Of Fire.
They would not believe on Christ, the one thing God required.
With eternity of pain, remorse, and regret.
Not a single water drop, to their parched tongue, wet.

14) The lost will know why they are there, but before you die.
You can be spared all of this, if to Christ, you'll cry.
If you'll repent, believe on Christ, as Saviour and Lord.
He will pay your whole sin debt, a cost you can't afford.

15) The lost will know why they are there, the choice is yours to make.
Is Jesus who He claimed to be?? Or just another fake??
If the saved are wrong, there won't be, much that they will lose.
If the lost are wrong, far more, if Christ, they refuse.

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