Contents |
Overview |
The Redeemed Proclaim ''He Died For Me'' |
This poem is from the ''My Testimony -- To Soar With Jesus Collection''. Written by Daryl Stout. (C) Copyright 1989, 2024 by Daryl Stout. All Rights Reserved. Any abuse or unauthorized usage of this poetry will be dealt with at The Judgment Before Jesus Christ. The ''Soar With Jesus'' Eagle Design was created and designed by Dale Larison, and it is used by permission.
Written By Daryl Stout
2) The redeemed proclaim ''He Died For Me''.
To others here before The Rapture Day.
To show God's goodness through eternity.
That to Heaven, Christ, The Only Way.
3) The redeemed proclaim ''He Died For Me''.
In their voices, there together, raised.
With their hearts, in all sincereity;
Say ''Only Christ is worthy of all praise''.
4) The redeemed proclaim ''He Died For Me''.
This love of God, the saved can't understand.
Christ's love there to us on Calvary.
By His Precious Blood from Nail Pierced Hands.
5) The redeemed proclaim ''He Died For Me''.
Not living their lives as a hypocrite.
The cost to follow Christ, they all did see.
In service to The Lord, they would commit.
6) The redeemed proclaim ''He Died For Me''.
Repenting of their sin, to Christ, they cried.
They sing ''Amazing Love, How Can It Be??''.
While still His Enemies, for us, Christ died.
7) The redeemed proclaim ''He Died For Me''.
To enter Heaven, God asks what we say.
''Because Of What Christ did on Calvary''.
''He, who knew no sin; my sins, did pay''.
8) The redeemed proclaim ''He Died For Me''
From the crowns received at Bema Seat.
These sing this throughout eternity.
All bow, and cast their crowns there at Christ's Feet.
9) The redeemed proclain ''He Died For Me''.
No other thing, can this Love Gift, beat.
The best gift under the Christmas Tree.
For with Christ, redemption is complete.
10) The redeemed proclaim ''He Died For Me''.
When we first received Amazing Grace.
The joy on Earth, then for eternity;
When we'll see The Lord, there face to face.
11) The redeemed proclaim ''He Died For Me''.
Heaven is our home, on our last breath.
By our faith, His promise, guaranteed.
Joy is ours at rapture, or on our death.
12) The redeemed proclaim ''He Died For Me''.
It's something He didn't have to do.
Salvation, what a gift, so full and free.
Christ died, and rose again, for me and you.
13) The redeemed proclaim ''He Died For Me''.
It is something none of us, deserve.
His Creation, and His Rules, you see.
God grades upon The Cross, and not the curve.
14) The redeemed proclaim ''He Died For Me''.
We want you to join us around Christ's Throne.
Repent of sin, accepting Christ, you see;
It will be the best choice you have known.
15) The redeemed proclaim ''He Died For Me''.
The time to choose The Lord, it is today.
The cost of your sin for eternity.
It's a debt, you never can there, pay.