Behind Every Idol There, A Demon Does Exist

Behind Every Idol There, A Demon Does Exist

Behind Every Idol There, A Demon Does Exist
Soar With Jesus


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This poem is from the ''My Testimony -- To Soar With Jesus Collection''. Written by Daryl Stout. (C) Copyright 1989, 2024 by Daryl Stout. All Rights Reserved. Any abuse or unauthorized usage of this poetry will be dealt with at The Judgment Before Jesus Christ. The ''Soar With Jesus'' Eagle Design was created and designed by Dale Larison, and it is used by permission.

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Behind Every Idol There, A Demon Does Exist

Behind Every Idol There, A Demon Does Exist

Based On 1 Corinthians 10:20

Written By Daryl Stout

1) Behind every idol there, a demon does exist.
To keep one from the Gospel Truth, that Hell they can miss.
Satan sponsors anything that will leave Christ out.
Tons of distractions do exist, in life's daily route.

2) Behind every idol there, a demon does exist.
To keep one's worship from The Lord, for eternal bliss.
Hobbies, sports, or occupations, even time in church.
If Christ it doesn't glorify, you're left in the lurch.

3) Behind every idol there, a demon does exist.
The rebellious toward The Lord, shake their angry fist.
Furious it's God's Creation, and it is His Rules.
Though they scream ''There Is No God''; The Lord calls them ''Fools''.

4) Behind every idol there, a demon does exist.
Mankind's sins keep piling up, like a mill with grist.
Most believing Satan's lies, saying ''all is well''.
Sin's payments do not come due, until death and Hell.

5) Behind every idol there, a demon does exist.
Images and statues there, of deities consist.
God said ''You shall not have any gods there before Me''.
And ''You shall not bow to these things, of fake deities''.

6) Behind every idol there, a demon does exist.
You're playing with the fire there, with the evil twist.
Satan's like a roaring lion, looking to devour.
Those not covered by Christ's Blood; are under Satan's power.

7) Behind every idol there, a demon does exist.
On Plains Of Dura long ago, a statue there not missed.
All who wouldn't worship it, were cast into the fire.
But, there were three who only would, do what God required.

8) Behind every idol there, a demon does exist.
Shadrach, Meshach, Abenego, gave the ruler fits.
They would worship God alone, and not to statue, bow.
As slang of today would note, the king had a cow!!

9) Behind every idol there, a demon does exist.
The three cast into the flame, thought death they wouldn't miss.
The Lord joined, protected them, there within the flame.
For they did what God required, trusted in His Name.

10) Behind every idol there, a demon does exist.
All were shocked at what they saw, there beyond their wits.
The king declared their God above all other deities.
That will always be the case, for all eternity.

11) Behind every idol there, a demon does exist.
When one responds to Gospel Truth, it gives Satan fits.
God shares His Glory with no one, He's soverign over all.
He won't turn away all those, who on Jesus, call.

12) Behind every idol there, a demon does exist.
Don't listen to Satan's lies, or Heaven, is there, missed.
But, God is a gentleman, He'll let you go your way.
If you refuse His Free Love Gift; then, for your sins, you'll pay.

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