Delight Turns To Terror There, In Just Seven Years

Delight Turns To Terror There, In Just Seven Years

Delight Turns To Terror There, In Just Seven Years
Soar With Jesus


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This poem is from the ''My Testimony -- To Soar With Jesus Collection''. Written by Daryl Stout. (C) Copyright 1989, 2024 by Daryl Stout. All Rights Reserved. Any abuse or unauthorized usage of this poetry will be dealt with at The Judgment Before Jesus Christ. The ''Soar With Jesus'' Eagle Design was created and designed by Dale Larison, and it is used by permission.

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Delight Turns To Terror There, In Just Seven Years

Delight Turns To Terror There, In Just Seven Years

Written By Daryl Stout

1) Delight turns to terror there in just seven years.
From the rapture to the time, Christ does reappear.
All those wanting New World Order now get their desire.
But, most of these will end up in The Lake Of Fire.

2) Delight turns to terror there in just seven years.
First at rapture, with no warning, millions disappear.
Giddy that all those opposing them, are now all gone.
So, utopia-like plans, for them, can now move on.

3) Delight turns to terror there in just seven years.
The path for their tyranny seemingly now clear.
All the Bible thumpers there, they're now gone away.
Now, Satan and his demon hordes, they will rule the day.

4) Delight turns to terror there in just seven years.
Evil is now unrestrained, mankind's greatest fear.
Damascus destroyed in one night, it won't rise again.
Then, a leader there appears, but evil lurks within.

5) Delight turns to terror there in just seven years.
Russians, Muslims, and others, in Golan Heights, appear.
In massive armies, wanting there, Israel, to destroy.
But, most are destroyed there, as God's Wrath is now employed.

6) Delight turns to terror there in just seven years.
The Jews think that their Messiah, has finally appeared.
They sign a peace treaty there, but it will not last.
It won't take long, for the evil, to make them, aghast.

7) Delight turns to terror there in just seven years.
Jewish Temple rebuilt fast, quickly does appear.
Worship, sacrifices, there, soon all will begin.
Three and one half years later, stopped by The Man Of Sin.

8) Delight turns to terror there in just seven years.
Two witnesses, will there in sackcloth, suddenly appear.
First, they shut off all the rain, have plagues strike the Earth.
For three and one half years they preach, telling of New Birth.

9) Delight turns to terror there in just seven years.
Yet, this psuedo peace ends up, giving all bum steer.
War breaks out across the Earth, famine rockets high.
Billions of the populace, tragically, will die.

10) Delight turns to terror there in just seven years.
Nuclear war then breaks out, mankind's greatest fears.
World leaders flee to mountains, rocks, and the many caves.
Not wanting there to face The Lord; situation grave.

11) Delight turns to terror there in just seven years.
Objects falling from the sky, destruction now appears.
Part of Earth goes up in flames, oceans turn to blood.
Water poisoned, and daylight, now turned dark as mud.

12) Delight turns to terror there in just seven years.
Though the source of judgments there, from The Lord, is clear.
Mankind won't repent, so demon locusts are released.
Stinging those without God's Seal, these will have no peace.

13) Delight turns to terror there in just seven years.
An army of two hundred million, now on Earth, appears.
A third of mankind still alive, ruthlessly are killed.
A quagmire there, for all of, the blood that is spilled.

14) Delight turns to terror there in just seven years.
The two witnesses are killed, no sorrow does appear.
For three days, the world rejoices, and to all, give gifts.
But, these are resurrected, and into sky, do lift.

15) Delight turns to terror there in just seven years.
The world leader, is then killed, or it does appear.
Then, resurrection counterfeit, he's alive again.
His true colors now are shown, as Satan is within.

16) Delight turns to terror there in just seven years.
One third of Jews now see this man, not what he appears.
He defiles the Temple there, with abomination.
The Jews flee to Petra now, without reservation.

17) Delight turns to terror there in just seven years.
The False Prophet, his side kick, he does now, appear.
Everyone must take The Mark, if to buy or sell.
Yet, all those who take this Mark, damn themselves to Hell.

18) Delight turns to terror there in just seven years.
On those who did take the Mark, grievious sores appear.
Worldwide genocide occurs, never before seen.
Mankind's evil wicked heart, never was so mean.

19) Delight turns to terror there in just seven years.
The ultimate wrath of The Lord, now painfully clear.
All oceans and all waters now, there a blood quagmire.
For the murder of the saints, they got what they desired.

20) Delight turns to terror there in just seven years.
The sun goes supernova now, the heat so severe.
Then, sun and moon and stars go dark, never more to view.
Darkness covers all the Earth, most don't know what to do.

21) Delight turns to terror there in just seven years.
Euphrates River then dried up, a pathway does appear.
For armies of the world, they now, head to Armageddon.
The final battle of mankind, against The Lord of Heaven.

22) Delight turns to terror there in just seven years.
The worst plague from Heaven there, to Earth, now appears.
Massive earthquakes, hailstones, one hundred pounds in size.
The unrepentant curse The Lord, with demonic eyes.

23) Delight turns to terror there in just seven years.
For the remnant of the Jews, salvation now appears.
Repenting, they cry ''Blest Is He, Who Comes In The Lord's Name''.
Realize He died for them, and took their sin and shame.

24) Delight turns to terror there in just seven years.
The Second Coming Of The Lord; Satan's greatest fears.
The Earth's armies, demon filled, all there, want Christ, dead.
But, with just a Word, The Lord, cuts all these to shreds.

25) Delight turns to terror there in just seven years.
The curse of sin is now removed, paradise appears.
The unsaved cast to outer darkness, as Christ, they ignored.
For saved, a thousand years of peace, as Earth is now restored.

26) Delight turns to terror there in just seven years.
But, at end of Millennium, one last revolt appears.
The rebellious ones are now, by fire, there destroyed.
The Judgment Of The Great White Throne, is now there, employed.

27) Delight turns to terror there in just seven years.
For the unsaved of all time, this day, their greatest fear.
They stand condemned before The Lord, there before His Throne.
He casts them to The Lake Of Fire, as one's He's never known.

28) Delight turns to terror there in just seven years.
Old Heaven and Earth now destroyed, eternal ones appear.
The universe forever free, now from evil crime.
For sin and inquity won't rise a second time.

29) Delight turns to terror there in just seven years.
Without warning, rapture will, suddenly appear.
If you do reject The Lord, spiritually blind.
You will realize too late, that you were left behind.

30) Delight turns to terror there in just seven years.
God wants all mankind to repent, His Word states it, clear.
At death, it will be Christ or you, your sins cost, to pay.
All will bow before The Lord, there on Judgment Day.

31) Delight turns to terror there in just seven years.
With every passing second there, His Coming is more near.
First, the Rapture Of His Church, then Great Tribulation.
Then, He will return to Earth, to rule every nation.

32) Delight turns to terror there in just seven years.
Will you now accept The Lord; repent with bitter tears??
What you do there with The Lord; eternal home, depends.
Christ can be your worst nightmare, or your forever friend.

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