Mercy, But Not Justice; You Should Want Before The Lord

Mercy, But Not Justice; You Should Want Before The Lord

Mercy, But Not Justice; You Should Want Before The Lord
Soar With Jesus


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This poem is from the ''My Testimony -- To Soar With Jesus Collection''. Written by Daryl Stout. (C) Copyright 1989, 2024 by Daryl Stout. All Rights Reserved. Any abuse or unauthorized usage of this poetry will be dealt with at The Judgment Before Jesus Christ. The ''Soar With Jesus'' Eagle Design was created and designed by Dale Larison, and it is used by permission.

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Mercy, But Not Justice; You Should Want Before The Lord

Mercy, But Not Justice; You Should Want Before The Lord

Written By Daryl Stout

1) Mercy, but not justice, you should want before The Lord.
For if He didn't love mankind, salvation there, ignored.
Everyone in Hell, if we got, what we did deserve.
For The Lord grades on The Cross, and not upon The Curve.

2) Mercy, but not justice, you should want before The Lord.
For His Word is sharper than any two edged sword.
It was His Love there, and our sins; held Him to The Cross.
He lived and died and rose again, to redeem the lost.

3) Mercy, but not justice, you should want before The Lord.
For the cost of your sin debt, you can not afford.
Free gift of salvation to, whoever comes to Christ.
For they are not their own, but bought with a price.

4) Mercy, but not justice, you should want before The Lord.
When you repent, believe on Christ; fellowship restored.
The Precious Blood that Christ shed there, your sins, washed away.
You'll say when you came to Christ, The Most Important Day.

5) Mercy, but not justice, you should want before The Lord.
Bow in humble gratitude, His Name, there adored.
The words are so inadequate, to say to Christ, ''Thank You''.
No greater love has anyone, than what Christ, did do.

6) Mercy, but not justice, you should want before The Lord.
For the saved, eternity, a joy to be explored.
Eye hasn't seen, ear hasn't heard, or entered to one's heart.
The things God prepared for His Own; back there from the start.

7) Mercy, but not justice, you should want before The Lord.
When you believe, receive His Gift, and it was not ignored.
You'll want to serve Him every day, in all that you do.
At your death, Heaven's Joy, will be in your view.

8) Mercy, but not justice, you should want before The Lord.
One day, the saved will gather there, all in one accord.
Singing ''Worthy Is The Lamb, There For Sinners, Slain''.
''On The Cross, He died for us; and took our sin and shame.''

9) Mercy, but not justice, you should want before The Lord.
What you did with Jesus Christ; accepted or ignored.
Determines where you go at death, for all eternity.
One day, all bow before Christ; there on bended knee.

10) Mercy, but not justice, you should want before The Lord.
The saved there in eternity, surely won't be bored.
But, the lost rejecting Christ; they're the ones to blame.
Those choosing to reject The Lord; don't call on Jesus' Name.

11) Mercy, but not justice, you should want before The Lord.
The unsaved He will not acquit; their sins not ignored.
They'll hear terrifying Words, from Him on His Throne.
''Depart from Me, Into The Fire; For You, I've Never Known''. 12) Mercy, but not justice, you should want before The Lord.
The Holy Spirit speaks to you; repentance there, implored.
But, God is a Gentleman; He won't force your choice;
To accept, or there reject, The Lord's Loving Voice.

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