Whichever Judgment You Are At, The Outcome's Guaranteed

Whichever Judgment You Are At, The Outcome's Guaranteed

Whichever Judgment You Are At, The Outcome's Guaranteed
Soar With Jesus


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This poem is from the ''My Testimony -- To Soar With Jesus Collection''. Written by Daryl Stout. (C) Copyright 1989, 2024 by Daryl Stout. All Rights Reserved. Any abuse or unauthorized usage of this poetry will be dealt with at The Judgment Before Jesus Christ. The ''Soar With Jesus'' Eagle Design was created and designed by Dale Larison, and it is used by permission.

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Whichever Judgment You Are At, The Outcome's Guaranteed

Whichever Judgment You Are At, The Outcome's Guaranteed

Written By Daryl Stout

1) Whichever judgment you are at, the outcome's guaranteed.
Before or after your life ends, none get off scot free.
It all depends, on what you did, with Christ, before your death.
It's too late to change the course, after your last breath.

2) Whichever judgment you are at, the outcome's guaranteed.
No question is there of your guilt, none for you, will plead.
Before God's Throne, it will be, just you and The Lord.
You'll see His Word is sharper than any two edged sword.

3) Whichever judgment you are at, the outcome's guaranteed.
Though your life may be reviewed, there with lightning speed.
No chance to retrace your steps, and do things once again.
You'll answer there before The Lord, for each and every sin.

4) Whichever judgment you are at, the outcome's guaranteed.
Did you keep Commandments Ten?? God's Words, did you heed??
Or did you scoff and laugh at them?? Breaking all God's Rules??
Saying that ''There Is No God''; you're numbered with the fools.

5) Whichever judgment you are at, the outcome's guaranteed.
Sheep and Goats, Great White Throne, or at Bema Seat.
Your life you will account for; with God, you cannot fudge.
Either Christ's your Saviour there; or He is your Judge.

6) Whichever judgment you are at, the outcome's guaranteed.
Christ took our Judgment on Himself, to meet our greatest need.
Before foundation of the world, The Lamb, for sinners slain.
Our sins, He there made His Own; and all of the pain.

7) Whichever judgment you are at, the outcome's guaranteed.
On The Cross, for mankind's sins, The Lamb Of God, did bleed.
All those who'd believe on Him, their sins washed away.
They repented, and had Christ; for their sins, to pay.

8) Whichever judgment you are at, the outcome's guaranteed.
At The Cross, repentant souls, with Christ, there agreed.
The huge cost of one's sin debt, they could never pay.
Accepted Christ, The King Of Kings, The Truth, The Life, The Way.

9) Whichever judgment you are at, the outcome's guaranteed.
Once the Rapture has occurred, there with lightning speed.
Proceeding to the Bema Seat; rewards gained and lost.
Salvation, Heaven, both secure; obtained at The Cross.

10) Whichever judgment you are at, the outcome's guaranteed.
No sin or defilement, jealousy or greed;
Will enter Heaven's Golden Streets, in that Holy Place.
Only those who did accept, God's Amazing Grace.

11) Whichever judgment you are at, the outcome's guaranteed.
After Second Coming there, Christ will take the lead.
Judgment of the Sheep and Goats, survived Tribulation.
How Christ and the Jews were treated; that is their salvation.

12) Whichever judgment you are at, the outcome's guaranteed.
Ravaged Earth is now restored, bounding of sin's seed.
Christ rules with a Rod Of Iron; Millennium Of Peace.
The curse of sin on Planet Earth, finally released.

13) Whichever judgment you are at, the outcome's guaranteed.
At end of Millennium, sin and all its greed.
Rebellion crushed one final time, there with Divine Fire.
These would not believe on Christ; the one thing God required.

14) Whichever judgment you are at, the outcome's guaranteed.
Judgment Of The Great White Throne; a solemn day, indeed.
All who died without The Lord, eternally condemned.
Jesus Christ, their worst nightmare; and not forever friend.

15) Whichever judgment you are at, the outcome's guaranteed.
No pardon or appeal there, and no defense to plead.
After death, it was too late, for mercy, there to cry.
Eternal torment is their fate; guilt they can't deny.

16) Whichever judgment you are at, the outcome's guaranteed.
The justice of their sentence there, the unsaved, now agreed.
Compelled to bow before The Lord, there before His Throne.
Then cast to the Lake Of Fire, as one's He's never known.

17) Whichever judgment you are at, the outcome's guaranteed.
God's Free Gift, reserved for you, all of what you need.
Eternally in Heaven there, forever joy and bliss.
You'll regret eternally, if this Gift, you miss.

18) Whichever judgment you are at, the outcome's guaranteed.
No matter what your background is, finances, or creed.
God wants none to die in sin, but all to repent.
For The One Thing God Requires, Believe On Christ, He Sent.

19) Whichever judgment you are at, the outcome's guaranteed.
Your righteousness as filthy rags, of your earthly deeds.
Only Righteousness of Christ, will enter Heaven's Gate.
Tomorrow promised to no one; repent today; don't wait.

20) Whichever judgment you are at, the outcome's guaranteed.
All will stand before The Lord; the verdict, He will read.
Hell or Heaven, at your death; you must make the choice;
To accept, or there reject; The Lord's Loving Voice.

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