Contents |
Overview |
Most Prefer To Reject Christ, Than To Repent Of Sin |
This poem is from the ''My Testimony -- To Soar With Jesus Collection''. Written by Daryl Stout. (C) Copyright 1989, 2024 by Daryl Stout. All Rights Reserved. Any abuse or unauthorized usage of this poetry will be dealt with at The Judgment Before Jesus Christ. The ''Soar With Jesus'' Eagle Design was created and designed by Dale Larison, and it is used by permission.
Written By Daryl Stout
2) Most prefer to reject Christ, than to repent of sin.
Deceived like Satan and his hordes, thinking they can win.
With evil fury, they think that, they can The Lord, defeat.
At Christ's Second Coming, their destruction is complete.
3) Most prefer to reject Christ, than to repent of sin.
Salvation only there through Christ; a new life to begin.
Instead of bowing eagerly, before Christ; they're compelled.
Since these rejected God's Free Gift, they are damned to Hell.
4) Most prefer to reject Christ, than to repent of sin.
Thinking that to Heaven's Gate, coattails of their kin;
They can ride to glory there, commitment not required.
Too late, they see their unbelief, will mean eternal fire.
5) Most prefer to reject Christ, than to repent of sin.
They consider Gospel Truth, a foolish, noisy din.
Drowning out pleas to repent, there from Heaven's Sky.
They'll find out their big mistake, the moment that they die.
6) Most prefer to reject Christ, than to repent of sin.
They choose the wide gate, and broad way, their path so often.
In sin, and on their merry way; they think all is well.
But, at the moment of their death; they plunge into Hell.
7) Most prefer to reject Christ, than to repent of sin.
Far more will reject The Lord, than those who come to Him.
Living only for themselves, loving sins desires.
They will spend eternity, in The Lake Of Fire.
8) Most prefer to reject Christ, than to repent of sin.
Their punishment will be far more, than slap on the chin.
Since they refused God's Free Love Gift, in Jesus Christ, His Son;
On Judgment Day, God says to them ''Your Choice; Your Will, Be Done''.
9) Most prefer to reject Christ, than to repent of sin.
They think that into Heaven's Gate, they can there, squeeze in.
There's none righteous on the Earth; appointed all, to die.
After death, it is too late, and Heaven is denied.
10) Most prefer to reject Christ, than to repent of sin.
If you die without The Lord, your troubles just begin.
Torment for eternity, this will be your fate.
No athiests exist in Hell; but for these, it's too late.
11) Most prefer to reject Christ, than to repent of sin.
Only the believing remnant, these will be let in.
Into Heaven's Glory there, once they leave this Earth.
They repented of their sin, accepted the New Birth.
12) Most prefer to reject Christ, than to repent of sin.
On The Cross Of Calvary, Christ, the war, did win.
Your eternal destiny, depends upon your choice.
If you accept, or there reject, The Lord's Loving Voice.