God's Rules Are For A Reason There; Though Most Say They're Too Strict

God's Rules Are For A Reason There; Though Most Say They're Too Strict

God's Rules Are For A Reason There; Though Most Say They're Too Strict
Soar With Jesus


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This poem is from the ''My Testimony -- To Soar With Jesus Collection''. Written by Daryl Stout. (C) Copyright 1989, 2024 by Daryl Stout. All Rights Reserved. Any abuse or unauthorized usage of this poetry will be dealt with at The Judgment Before Jesus Christ. The ''Soar With Jesus'' Eagle Design was created and designed by Dale Larison, and it is used by permission.

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God's Rules Are For A Reason There; Though Most Say They're Too Strict

God's Rules Are For A Reason There; Though Most Say They're Too Strict

Written By Daryl Stout

1) God's Rules are for a reason there; though most say they're too strict.
In the lives of unsaved souls, there is much conflict.
Man says ''The Commandments Ten'' are ''old fashioned rot''.
''We are more enlightened now; look at what we've got''.

2) God's Rules are for a reason there; though most say they're too strict.
Rebel against authority, much strife to predict.
''Freedom From Religion'' there, is what these desire.
Eternally, they'll get this in, eternal Lake Of Fire.

3) God's Rules are for a reason there; though most say they're too strict.
Like a country leader there, who issues an edict.
They want to do things without the accountability.
On Judgment Day, their lives reviewed, for everyone to see.

4) God's Rules are for a reason there; though most say they're too strict.
All their minds are reprobate, sin, and derelict.
Living only for themselves, lives full of evil glossed.
And, they spurn the story of The Preaching Of The Cross.

5) God's Rules are for a reason there; though most say they're too strict.
But, at the moment of their death, they'll find that they've been tricked.
Satan and his demon hordes, fed them all the lies.
At death, they see, the flames of Hell, with horror in their eyes.

6) God's Rules are for a reason there; though most say they're too strict.
They feel their ego will hurt more, than if they're punched and kicked.
All you earn here in this life, is gone at your death.
Hell Or Heaven, where you'll go, upon your last breath.

7) God's Rules are for a reason there; though most say they're too strict.
Those under conviction there, when their heart was pricked;
By The Holy Spirit, who, pleads them to repent.
For the one thing God requires: ''Believe On Christ, He Sent''.

8) God's Rules are for a reason there; though most say they're too strict.
For some who hear the Gospel Truth, the meaning there, has clicked.
Seeing Christ died for their sins, His Blood did there, atone.
They see they're bought there with a price, and are not their own.

9) God's Rules are for a reason there; though most say they're too strict.
Instead of house with sticks or straw, the place, it is bricked.
And is built upon The Rock, instead of shifting sand.
Christ showed His Love, and shed His Blood, from His Nail Pierced Hands.

10) God's Rules are for a reason there; though most say they're too strict.
Until The Lord returns to Earth, there will be conflict.
These rules are for our own good, to keep us from harm's way.
God's Creation, and His Rules; no matter what men say.

11) God's Rules are for a reason there; though most say they're too strict.
If mankind had done God's Rules, the outcome to predict.
Would be joy and happiness, free from all disease.
But, man in his selfishness, does what he will please.

12) God's Rules are for a reason there; though most say they're too strict.
Your eternal destiny, will be what you have picked.
Hell or Heaven, is your choice, on who you chose to serve.
For God grades upon The Cross, and not upon the curve.

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