Contents |
Overview |
To Whom Much Is Given There, Much Shall Be Required |
This poem is from the ''My Testimony -- To Soar With Jesus Collection''. Written by Daryl Stout. (C) Copyright 1989, 2024 by Daryl Stout. All Rights Reserved. Any abuse or unauthorized usage of this poetry will be dealt with at The Judgment Before Jesus Christ. The ''Soar With Jesus'' Eagle Design was created and designed by Dale Larison, and it is used by permission.
Based On Luke 12:48
Written By Daryl Stout
2) Everything done in this life, it will soon be past.
Only which is done for Christ, will forever last.
Was it done to serve The Lord?? Or evil pride, conspired??
To whom much is given there, much shall be required.
3) Indivuduals and nations, all judged separately.
No escaping of your life, accountability.
No matter what your background is, how you were there, sired.
To whom much is given there, much shall be required.
4) All nations there are just a drop, in the bucket there.
All those who forsook The Lord, judgment won't be spared.
Like the mud in pigpen there, were they in sin, there mired??
To whom much is given there, much shall be required.
5) All nations that forget The Lord, are turned into Hell.
With the wicked souls preferring, Satan's evil spell.
With sin nature there from birth, mankind evil wired.
To whom much is given there, much shall be required.
6) The Lord is a Gentleman, He lets the nations choose.
How to treat his chosen people, Israel and the Jews.
For The Lord, He never sleeps; or does there, grow tired.
To whom much is given there, much shall be required.
7) You can't fool The Lord my friend, no question of your guilt.
Though arrayed so lavishly, colored as a quilt.
He knows if you're faking it, in how you are attired.
To whom much is given there, much shall be required.
8) When innocent blood there is shed, The Lord truly hates.
Killers, liars, evil thieves, damnation is their fate.
To see how evil they can be, is what these have aspired.
To whom much is given there, much shall be required.
9) The Lord, He knew the unborn there, before they were conceived.
The murder with abortions there, many are deceived.
Killing all these unborn souls, demonically inspired.
To whom much is given there, much shall be required.
10) Sins stench, it reaches Heaven there, and overflows to Hell.
Those who die in all their sin, see flame and sulphur smell.
They would not believe on Christ, the one thing God required.
To whom much is given there, much shall be required.
11) Originally the covering Cherub, Lucifer rebelled.
His pride took one third of the angels, damning them to Hell.
Cast from Heaven, from his job, Satan there, got fired.
To whom much is given there, much shall be required.
12) Those knowing what they should not do, but did it anyway.
They're beaten there with many stripes, punishment to pay.
For they should've known better, in knowledge they acquired.
To whom much is given there, much shall be required.
13) Those who did not realize, the evil of their ways.
They're beaten there with just few stripes, punishment to pay.
For it was not their intent, in evil, there conspired.
To whom much is given there, much shall be required.
14) At least one chance is given there, to hear the Gospel Truth.
For both Gentiles and the Jews; for adults or youth.
Whether you are rich or poor, with what you've acquired;
To whom much is given there, much shall be required.
15) All will stand before The Lord, there on Judgment Day.
Your eternal home depends; who will your sin debt, pay.
Whether you're a pauper here; or royally attired;
To whom much is given there, much shall be required.
16) You will answer for your life, in everything you've done.
And, for what you did with Christ, God's Precious Only Son.
For you to enter Heaven's Gate, perfection is required.
To whom much is given there, much shall be required.
17) Christ took the sin of all mankind, as if it was His Own.
Took God's Judgment in our place, from God's Righteous Throne.
He shed His Blood to pay sin's cost; it's what God required.
To whom much is given there, much shall be required.
18) For those who repent of sin, here upon this Earth.
On Christ alone to save their soul; they will have New Birth.
In serving Christ, then at their death, Heaven is acquired.
To whom much is given there, much shall be required.
19) Far more will reject The Lord, than those who will repent.
The one thing God requires there, ''Believe On Christ, He Sent''.
But, God will let you go your way; if sin you've desired.
To whom much is given there, much shall be required.
20) The time is now to make a choice; too late after death.
Eternal destiny is set, upon your last breath.
It is either Heaven's joy; or Hell, Lake Of Fire.
To whom much is given there, much shall be required.