Contents |
Overview |
The Problem Is With Each One's Sin; And Not Environment |
This poem is from the ''My Testimony -- To Soar With Jesus Collection''. Written by Daryl Stout. (C) Copyright 1989, 2024 by Daryl Stout. All Rights Reserved. Any abuse or unauthorized usage of this poetry will be dealt with at The Judgment Before Jesus Christ. The ''Soar With Jesus'' Eagle Design was created and designed by Dale Larison, and it is used by permission.
Written By Daryl Stout
2) The Earth belongs there to The Lord, and not there, to mankind.
In Earthly life, all have the choice; eternal life to find.
Sadly, most refuse God's Call, from sin, to repent.
The problem is with each one's sin, and not environment.
3) The heart wicked desperately, blackened to the core.
Not satisfied with what one has; always wanting more.
Mankind's love for all his sin, he is so adamant.
The problem is with each one's sin, and not environment.
4) The Preaching Of The Cross is foolishess, to all the lost.
Saying there's no Hell or judgment, let alone sin's cost.
When confronted with their sin, they grow belligerent.
The problem is with each one's sin, and not environment.
5) Global warming, climate change, is their incessant cry.
All actually is weather there, from clouds in the sky.
On both just and unjust too, rain or snow, is sent.
The problem is with each one's sin, and and not environment.
6) Tornadoes, hurricanes, earthquakes, and blizzards do take place.
From sin's curse on Planet Earth, what mankind does face.
Drought and fire, flooding too, disasters represent.
The problem is with each one's sin, and and not environment.
7) The Lord controls the weather there, much to their dismay.
Mankind thinks he does control, climate in its way.
With the weather, only God, knows all elements.
The problem is with each one's sin, and not environment.
8) Originally, there were not, any storms around.
Tropical like paradise, climate, there was found.
When man disobeyed The Lord; disaster did present.
The problem is with each one's sin, and not environment.
9) First disaster globally, was a flood, worldwide.
Except for eight souls in the Ark, all the rest, there died.
God's Creation and His Rules; they can not be bent.
The problem is with each one's sin, and not environment.
10) Then, Sodom and Gomorrah there, destroyed by God's Fire.
Wickedly before The Lord, they flaunted sin's desire.
The second time Earth is destroyed, what this represents.
The problem is with each one's sin, and not environment.
11) Seven years of plenty there, then famine did arrive.
Egypt's people, for food came, so they could survive.
To get food, their riches were, all as one, there spent.
The problem is with each one's sin, and not environment.
12) Ten plagues were sent on Egypt there, from The Lord's Own Hand.
Pharoah would not free the Jews, to enter Promised Land.
At last after Passover, Pharoah did relent.
The problem is with each one's sin, and not environment.
13) The Jews thought that they were all trapped, there by the Red Sea.
The waters parted, by God's Hand, escape path, would be.
Pharoah's army then were drowned, all the miscreants.
The problem is with each one's sin, and not environment.
14) Moses on Mount Sinai there, to get Commandments Ten.
The people made a golden calf, beholden there, to sin.
Moses smashed the tablets down, and God sent judgment.
The problem is with each one's sin, and not environment.
15) For Joshua to win the battle; his enemies to kill.
He prayed there unto The Lord; God made the sun stand still.
Only once in history, was that big event.
The problem is with each one's sin, and not environment.
16) Storm on Sea Of Galilee, the waves, the boat did fill.
The disciples woke The Lord; He cried ''Peace!! Be Still''.
They marvelled that the wind and seas, the storm, all did relent.
The problem is with each one's sin, and not environment.
17) Christ was scourged, then crucified, there upon The Cross.
He lived and died and rose again, to redeem the lost.
On The Third Day, He arose; victory to present.
The problem is with each one's sin, and not environment.
18) The Church began at Pentecost, will end on Rapture Day.
The Bride Of Christ, Gentiles, Jews, knew Christ, The Only Way.
When the last soul there is saved, trumpeting moment.
The problem is with each one's sin, and not environment.
19) After Rapture Of The Church, on earth for seven years.
Many things will there occur, hearts will fail, in fear.
Twenty one plagues will occur, as man will not repent.
The problem is with each one's sin, and not environment.
20) Damascus destroyed overnight, now a ruinous heap.
For The Lord shows all the world; Prophecy, He'll Keep.
The Time of Jacob's Trouble now, the current event.
The problem is with each one's sin, and not environment.
21) Russians, Muslims, others march, toward Israel, to destroy.
They feel killing all the Jews, will bring them such joy.
A surprise on Israel's Mountains, to them, will present.
The problem is with each one's sin, and not environment.
22) Earthquakes shake the mountains there, the Source they can't deny.
Fire, blood, and hailstones, now fall from the sky.
Five out of each six troops die there, in the Judgment sent.
The problem is with each one's sin, and not environment.
23) The victory that God won there, to all, it's surreal.
Jews from all around the world, return to Israel.
To rebuild their temple there, they sign a covenant.
The problem is with each one's sin, and not environment.
24) This imposter instead is, the fake prince of peace.
The world feels utopia is finally released.
Now, the time to start all of, God's Divine Judgment.
The problem is with each one's sin, and not environment.
25) First, there is a worldwide drought, three and one half years.
Launched by The Two Witnesses, when they did appear.
Twelve thousand Jews, from each twelve tribes, set for this moment.
The problem is with each one's sin, and not environment.
26) After Man Of Sin revealed, all peace will go away.
A bag of gold, for piece of bread, one will have to pay.
Billions die from judgments there, calamity current.
The problem is with each one's sin, and not environment.
27) A third of trees, and all green grass, are destroyed by fire.
A third of water, poisoned too, adds to the quagmire.
Light dimmed, stinging locusts freed, man will not repent.
The problem is with each one's sin, and not environment.
28) Two hundred million, go to slay, one third of mankind.
Most of these will not repent; spiritually, stay blind.
Hearts are hardened toward The Lord, they will not repent.
The problem is with each one's sin, and not environment.
29) The world rejoices when the Two Witnesses are killed.
But, three and one half days later, prophecy fulfilled.
They rise up into the sky; to Heaven, they have went.
The problem is with each one's sin, and not environment.
30) The Antichrist, now shows his truth; and Satan, now indwells.
All who now take the Beast's Mark, damn their souls to Hell.
Heaven is denied for these; with sin, they are content.
The problem is with each one's sin, and not environment.
31) God's Wrath now falls on the Earth, with terrific force.
Grace and mercy are gone now; none can change the course.
God's wrath for millennia, what this represents.
The problem is with each one's sin, and not environment.
32) All those who did take the Mark, have painful boils and sores.
This is the start of the pain, they'll have forevermore.
No medicine that they can find, will this pain, prevent.
The problem is with each one's sin, and not environment.
33) Oceans and waters turned to blood, and all ships destroyed.
Now, there's only blood to drink, God's Judgment, there employed.
For these wanted blood so bad, this, their punishment.
The problem is with each one's sin, and not environment.
34) The sun goes super nova now, the Earth erupts in flames.
Mankind shakes his fist at God, blaspheming His Name.
Then sun, moon, and stars go dark; all light does relent.
The problem is with each one's sin, and not environment.
35) The Euphrates River now drives up, the final march begins.
To Armageddon, final war, mankind thinks he'll win.
To the armies of the Earth, surprise will present.
The problem is with each one's sin, and not environment.
36) Lightning, thunder, earthquakes too, there worldwide, abound.
Mountains back into the Earth, huge hail hits the ground.
Believing remnant of the Jews, finally repent.
The problem is with each one's sin, and not environment.
37) The Heavens open, Christ appears, in Glory, Power, and Might.
Earth's armies panic, join as one, against The Lord, to fight.
With just a Word, they're cut to shreds; to Hell, all these, have went.
The problem is with each one's sin, and not environment.
38) The Beast and False Prophet there, cast to The Lake Of Fire.
Satan bound a thousand years, but he will there, conspire.
On how to deceive all of the souls, who choose not to repent.
The problem is with each one's sin, and not environment.
39) The Mount Of Olives, it does split, when touched with Christ's Feet.
He restores the ravaged Earth, to paradise complete.
The judgment of the sheep and goats; reward or punishment.
The problem is with each one's sin, and not environment.
40) The curse of sin on planet Earth, now finally released.
Christ rules the nations, no more war, Millennium Of Peace.
Now, man sees how life on Earth, truly there, was meant.
The problem is with each one's sin, and not environment.
41) Those who don't worship The Lord, there will be no rain.
Everything they try to do, all will be in vain.
They're among those who rebel, all the malcontents.
The problem is with each one's sin, and not environment.
42) At end of Millennium, rebellion one more time.
Fire falls from Heaven to, all those in this crime.
Now, it's here, the somber day, Great White Throne Judgment.
The problem is with each one's sin, and not environment.
43) No pardons or appeals there, no one defends the lost.
No question of guilt for all these, who did spurn the Cross.
They see Heaven is denied; it's too late to repent.
The problem is with each one's sin, and not environment.
44) The Old Earth, and Jerusalem, now destroyed by fire.
To purge them from the taint of sin, is what God required.
Sin won't rise a second time, all evil now, is spent.
The problem is with each one's sin, and not environment.
45) New Heaven, Earth, Jerusalem, for eternity.
What God has for all the saved; one day, we will see.
The saved praise Christ, and rejoice, that they did repent.
The problem is with each one's sin, and not environment.
46) Salvation is so simple there, but each one must choose.
It there is a free gift for, Gentiles and The Jews.
Christ gave His Life for you, all He had, was spent.
The problem is with each one's sin, and not environment.
47) Jesus Christ, The King Of Kings, The Way, The Life, The Truth.
He came to pay the price of sin, for adults and youth.
You want mercy, forgiveness; God to be lenient.
The problem is with each one's sin, and not environment.
48) Tomorrow promised to no one, at death, it's too late.
If you choose to reject Christ, damnation is your fate.
A passing vapor, it is what, your life represents.
The problem is with each one's sin, and not environment.
49) Hell Or Heaven, is your home, for eternity.
One day, before The Lord, all bow on bended knee.
The One Thing God requires is ''Believe On Christ, He Sent''.
The problem is with each one's sin, and not environment.
50) At your death, who will there, the cost of your sin pay??
All will stand before The Lord, there on Judgment Day.
Don't wait till death to see the truth, of this poem's statement.
The problem is with each one's sin, and not environment.