The World Promotes A Different Gospel, To Tickle The Ears

The World Promotes A Different Gospel, To Tickle The Ears

The World Promotes A Different Gospel, To Tickle The Ears
Soar With Jesus


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This poem is from the ''My Testimony -- To Soar With Jesus Collection''. Written by Daryl Stout. (C) Copyright 1989, 2024 by Daryl Stout. All Rights Reserved. Any abuse or unauthorized usage of this poetry will be dealt with at The Judgment Before Jesus Christ. The ''Soar With Jesus'' Eagle Design was created and designed by Dale Larison, and it is used by permission.

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The World Promotes A Different Gospel, To Tickle The Ears

The World Promotes A Different Gospel, To Tickle The Ears

Written By Daryl Stout

1) The world promotes a different Gospel, to tickle the ears.
Nothing on sin or repentance, there with bitter tears.
They'd rather preach the sermons that, make church folks feel good.
Instead of God's Full Counsel there, preaching words they should.

2) The world promotes a different Gospel, to tickle the ears.
If you're offended by the Gospel, this must be made clear.
It's God's Creation, and His Rules; no matter how you feel.
And one day, before The Lord, all mankind, will kneel.

3) The world promotes a different Gospel, to tickle the ears.
For the preaching of The Cross, to what the lost will hear;
Is foolishness, stupidity, in every spoken word.
All are held accountable, to true Gospel, heard.

4) The world promotes a different Gospel, to tickle the ears.
When they're told this isn't right, they erupt in jeers.
Politically correct are these, abhorring all God's Rules.
So, they say ''There Is No God''; The Lord calls them ''Fools''.

5) The world promotes a different Gospel, to tickle the ears.
They feel they're more enlightened now, than all of their peers.
They say the Bible is old fashioned, rules are out of date.
Tragically, they'll find at death, damnation is their fate.

6) The world promotes a different Gospel, to tickle the ears.
Days of Lot and Noah, here...prophesied for years.
Going through the motions there, no commitment shown.
These will all be terrified, there before Christ's Throne.

7) The world promotes a different Gospel, to tickle the ears.
Like some churches long ago, there down through the years.
They did turn their back on God, spiritually are dead.
Deceived by doctrine full of lies, in the words, there said.

8) The world promotes a different Gospel, to tickle the ears.
For their hearts far from The Lord, though they think they're near.
They add, change, delete God's Word; it's now of no effect.
In short, what all these doing there; The Lord, they reject.

9) The world promotes a different Gospel, to tickle the ears.
The fiery darts of Satan there, are worse than fatal spears.
Seduced by siren song of sin, want darkness more than light.
Their conscience seared as a hot iron; avoiding what is right.

10) The world promotes a different Gospel, to tickle the ears.
''Your best life now, make the most, as the profiteers.''
Our righteousness is as filthy rags, there before The Lord.
And, His Word is sharper than any two edged sword.

11) The world promotes a different Gospel, to tickle the ears.
Members leaving there in drove, is these pastor's fears.
Not to mention offering plates, therein will run dry.
If preaching does offend the crowd, and sin they don't deny.

12) The world promotes a different Gospel, to tickle the ears.
If these die without The Lord, they'll realize worst fears.
They fell for all the lies, deceit, by false teachers, there.
Now, for their eternity, God's Judgment won't be spared.

13) The world promotes a different Gospel, to tickle the ears.
Preaching from the pulpit may, not be what it appears.
Do as Bereans long ago, they daily searched God's Word.
Compared Its Truth to sermon words, that they had, there heard.

14) The world promotes a different Gospel, to tickle the ears.
If you do not know The Lord, it's time to shift life's gears.
Heaven is not owed to you, no matter what you think.
Your sins offensive to The Lord, worse than garbage stink.

15) The world promotes a different Gospel, to tickle the ears.
On the path away from Christ, the world wants all to veer.
The lie that ''this life's all there is'', is what Satan tells.
For sin's payments don't come due, until death and Hell.

16) The world promotes a different Gospel, to tickle the ears.
Hating what God says of sin, to both straight and queers.
If you're offended by these words, don't take it out on me.
I don't make The Rules; God did, for all eternity.

17) The world promotes a different Gospel, to tickle the ears.
Satan and his demon hordes, will give you bum steers.
All have sinned, there's none righteous, anywhere on Earth.
Heaven only is for those, who've received New Birth.

18) The world promotes a different Gospel, to tickle the ears.
All sins forgiven, future, now, and those in arrears.
If you will repent of sin, and trust in Christ alone.
His Death and Resurrection, to, for your sins, atone.

19) The world promotes a different Gospel, to tickle the ears.
There is none beside The Lord;, His Word, makes that clear.
For the one thing God requires, is to believe on Christ.
For the saved are not their own; but bought with a price.

20) The world promotes a different Gospel, to tickle the ears.
God knows all about you, friend; all your cares and fears.
And, He knew you before you were, in the womb, conceived.
He wants you now there, to repent; and on Christ, believe.

21) The world promotes a different Gospel, to tickle the ears.
Salvation's plan so simple there; in God's Word, so clear.
We are saved by Grace Through Faith, not of works, to boast.
If you choose to reject Christ; you will regret it most.

22) The world promotes a different Gospel, to tickle the ears.
Life is like a vapor there, and death can be so near.
Tomorrow promised to no one; after death, too late;
To decide there for The Lord; repent today, don't wait.

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