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Overview |
True Repentance Isn't That You're Sorry You Got Caught |
This poem is from the ''My Testimony -- To Soar With Jesus Collection''. Written by Daryl Stout. (C) Copyright 1989, 2024 by Daryl Stout. All Rights Reserved. Any abuse or unauthorized usage of this poetry will be dealt with at The Judgment Before Jesus Christ. The ''Soar With Jesus'' Eagle Design was created and designed by Dale Larison, and it is used by permission.
Written By Daryl Stout
2) True repentance isn't that you're sorry you got caught.
Through corruption, with your lawyer; freedom, you there, bought.
And, if acquitted here on Earth, you are not home free.
For The Lord, He saw it all, and that you're guilty.
3) True repentance isn't that you're sorry you got caught.
Getting off from guilt scot-free, is what you have sought.
But, when you stand before The Lord; no one for you, will plead.
You'll answer for your life of sin; the good, the bad, the greed.
4) True repentance isn't that you're sorry you got caught.
You ignored your conscience there, in things you were taught.
You knew what was right and wrong; the latter, you did, choose.
Instead of doing what was right...that, you did, refuse.
5) True repentance isn't that you're sorry you got caught.
You galloped toward the course of sin, and not with leisure trot.
Preferring darkness more than light, spurning Gospel Truth.
All are sinners before God; both adult and youth.
6) True repentance isn't that you're sorry you got caught.
All of life recorded there, each tittle and each jot.
No question therein of your guilt, there before The Lord.
For His Word is sharper than any two edged sword.
7) True repentance isn't that you're sorry you got caught.
For sin's wages, death to all; it's what we have got.
To repent, you see what sin, is there in God's Eyes.
All your actions there in life, to Him, are no surprise.
8) True repentance isn't that you're sorry you got caught.
Because of our first parents sin, that nature is our lot.
But, Christ came to live and die, there upon The Cross.
To shed His Blood, then rise again; to redeem the lost.
9) True repentance isn't that you're sorry you got caught.
After death, it is too late, in the graveyard plot.
To choose to believe on Christ, the one thing God requires.
The only thing to keep your soul, from The Lake Of Fire.
10) True repentance isn't that you're sorry you got caught.
Only one's belief on Christ, can change eternal lot.
For His Shed Blood on The Cross, will wash your sin away.
At your death, it's Christ or you; your sin's cost, to pay.
11) True repentance isn't that you're sorry you got caught.
For the saved are not their own; but with a price, are bought.
They are saved by Grace Through Faith, and not of works, to boast.
If you choose to reject Christ; you will regret it, most.
12) True repentance isn't that you're sorry you got caught.
Agree with God that sin is sin; not something that it's not.
Though sin nature you'll still have, until your dying day.
You resolve, that with Christ's Help; from sin, you'll turn away.
13) True repentance isn't that you're sorry you got caught.
A never ending spiritual war, daily, you'll have fought.
But, if you've accepted Christ; to Him, your sins, confess.
He'll forgive you of your sin; and your life, He'll bless.
14) True repentance isn't that you're sorry you got caught.
You will answer for your life, in word, deed, and thought.
Either at the Bema Seat, or at The Great White Throne.
Eternal joy, or torment there, like none you've never known.
15) True repentance isn't that you're sorry you got caught.
Heaven is not owed to you, no matter what you're taught.
Hell is the default for all; then The Lake Of Fire;
If you won't believe on Christ; the one thing God requires.