In God's Courtroom, There Will Be, No Mistrial Declared

In God's Courtroom, There Will Be, No Mistrial Declared

In God's Courtroom, There Will Be, No Mistrial Declared
Soar With Jesus


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This poem is from the ''My Testimony -- To Soar With Jesus Collection''. Written by Daryl Stout. (C) Copyright 1989, 2024 by Daryl Stout. All Rights Reserved. Any abuse or unauthorized usage of this poetry will be dealt with at The Judgment Before Jesus Christ. The ''Soar With Jesus'' Eagle Design was created and designed by Dale Larison, and it is used by permission.

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In God's Courtroom, There Will Be, No Mistrial Declared

In God's Courtroom, There Will Be, No Mistrial Declared

Written By Daryl Stout

1) There's a day that's coming soon, when all souls will be judged.
But unlike courtrooms on Earth; in here, one can't fudge.
All answer there before The Lord; life's details, shared.
In God's Courtroom, there will be, no mistrial declared.

2) In Earthly trials, pleas of guilt or innocence, exist.
Yet, there's always the chance that, evidence is missed.
Prosecution and Defense; how lawyer teams, prepared.
In God's Courtroom, there will be, no mistrial declared.

3) It's appointed all to die, then judgment does take place.
The basic issue, on what one, did there with God's Grace.
That alone determines how, each soul will do, there.
In God's Courtroom, there will be, no mistrial declared.

4) Destination for all souls, by default, is Hell.
For all who refused God's Grace; His promptings, they did quell.
Hell is just eternal start; God's Judgment isn't spared.
In God's Courtroom, there will be, no mistrial declared.

5) Satan, prosecutor there, in God's Mighty Court.
He has the dirt on all of us, there in his report.
All sins, whether done in secret; or openly, shared.
In God's Courtroom, there will be, no mistrial declared.

6) For believers on The Lord, there's no need to fear.
Though Satan whispers accusations, there in the Judge's Ears.
Christ is their Defense Attorney; Condemnation, spared.
In God's Courtroom, there will be, no mistrial declared.

7) After Rapture Of The Church, three Judgments will take place.
First, Bema Judgment Seat Of Christ, for those saved by grace.
Sin won't be considered here; rewards though, prepared.
In God's Courtroom, there will be, no mistrial declared.

8) While there'll be rewards and crowns, for all, gained and lost.
The sins of the saved were paid for, by Christ on The Cross.
No condemnation for the saved; God's Wrath on these, is spared.
In God's Courtroom, there will be, no mistrial declared.

9) At The Bema Judgment Seat, the saints lives, are reviewed.
On how they did serve The Lord, spiritual fortititude.
Eternal joy in Heaven there, none can be compared.
In God's Courtroom, there will be, no mistrial declared.

10) ''Well done, thou good and faithful servant'', words The Lord, will say.
To these who believed on Christ; The Truth, The Life, The Way.
The saved now experience, the joy, Christ has prepared.
In God's Courtroom, there will be, no mistrial declared.

11) After Bema Judgment ends, a wedding will take place.
Christ, The Groom; joined to His Bride, The Church; all saved by grace.
Then, Marriage Supper Of The Lamb; the joy that will be shared.
In God's Courtroom, there will be, no mistrial declared.

12) Yet, for all those gathered there, in Heaven's Banquet Hall.
All these will, in gratitude, before Christ, there fall.
Casting their crowns at His Feet; Full Worship, is there, shared.
In God's Courtroom, there will be, no mistrial declared.

13) After Rapture, judgments fall; with seals, trumpets, bowls.
Twenty-one plagues from The Lord, who's in full control.
The time of God's Wrath, runs it course; destruction full, is there.
In God's Courtroom, there will be, no mistrial declared.

14) Next, when The Lord returns to Earth, after seven years.
Terror for those against Christ, realize worst fears.
They'll see God will not be mocked; through their sin, and dares.
In God's Courtroom, there will be, no mistrial declared.

15) Most will turn to fight The Lord, as those who took The Mark.
They're now damned eternally, where sulfur flame, so dark.
By actions toward Christ, they will show, that they didn't care.
In God's Courtroom, there will be, no mistrial declared.

16) Though with armies, evil there, widespread, and deployed.
With just a Word there from The Lord; His Enemies, destroyed.
His Eyes there, as Flames Of Fire; brigther than sun's glare.
In God's Courtroom, there will be, no mistrial declared.

17) Now, Judgment Of The Sheep and Goats, for those who survived.
If Christ had not returned, there'd be, no one left alive.
For Time Of Jacob's Trouble there, none could have prepared.
In God's Courtroom, there will be, no mistrial declared.

18) All those who accepted Christ, protecting all the Jews.
Doing so, risking their lives; The Mark, they'd refuse.
Into Millennium Of Peace; access now, is shared.
In God's Courtroom, there will be, no mistrial declared.

19) All those who did take the Mark, and to The Lord, rebelled.
Christ tells these ''Depart from Me, Into Fires Of Hell''.
Too late, they see they can't escape; from sin there, ensnared.
In God's Courtroom, there will be, no mistrial declared.

20) Life as it was meant to be, Millennium Of Peace.
The curse of sin on Planet Earth, finally released.
Just like Eden long ago, the paradise, compared.
In God's Courtroom, there will be, no mistrial declared.

21) Satan and his demon hordes, were bound a thousand years.
At end of Millennium, rebellion now appears.
The armies all, devoured by fire; that God had prepared.
In God's Courtroom, there will be, no mistrial declared.

22) Now, comes the most somber day, in all of history.
The Judgment Of The Great White Throne; all with guilty plea.
The unsaved can't escape this time; their whole lives, laid bare.
In God's Courtroom, there will be, no mistrial declared.

23) No question exists of their guilt, there before Christ's Throne.
Whether open or in secret; all their sins, made known.
Motives, deeds, plus words, and thoughts; nothing will be spared.
In God's Courtroom, there will be, no mistrial declared.

24) No one will defend the lost; they are all alone.
These all spurned The Blood Of Christ; for sins, to atone.
No pardons, mercy, or acquittal, will be granted, there.
In God's Courtroom, there will be, no mistrial declared.

25) In Earthly life, before The Lord, they would not bow their knee.
These will now regret that choice, for all eternity.
Compelled to bow before His Throne, by The Lord's Word, there.
In God's Courtroom, there will be, no mistrial declared.

26) All the unsaved now confess, their sentence, that it's just.
They can't prevail against The Lord; in Him, they wouldn't trust.
No second chance to make things right; not wheat, but as tare.
In God's Courtroom, there will be, no mistrial declared.

27) It will break the heart of Christ, words said to everyone.
''Since you chose to spurn My Grace; Your Will, now, be done''.
Cast into The Lake Of Fire; for Satan, prepared.
In God's Courtroom, there will be, no mistrial declared.

28) All will stand before The Lord; none gets off, scot-free.
Then, all will bow before The Lord, there on bended knee.
You can either feel content; or petrified and scared.
In God's Courtroom, there will be, no mistrial declared.

29) The verdict rendered at these judgments, there is no appeal.
Based there on God's Righteousness; in Scriptures, there revealed.
All will get to make the choice; as Gospel Truth, is shared.
In God's Courtroom, there will be, no mistrial declared.

30) Not Ironside, or Perry Mason, attorney's TV fame;
Can help you there on Judgment Day; as life is not a game.
After death, belief too must today, prepare.
In God's Courtroom, there will be, no mistrial declared.

31) Christ can there be your Best Friend; or Worst Nightmare, faced.
It all depends on what you do, with God's Amazing Grace.
To join Him in eternity; He wants, with you, to share.
In God's Courtroom, there will be, no mistrial declared.

32) If God didn't love mankind, a way would not be given.
With redemption by Christ's Blood; all sin can be forgiven.
Before foundation of the world, this plan was prepared.
In God's Courtroom, there will be, no mistrial declared.

33) In God's Courtoom, you will see; your life, you cannnot fudge.
Will Christ be your Saviour there?? Or will He be your Judge??
Before Him, you can't ''take the fifth''; and look with blank stare.
In God's Courtroom, there will be, no mistrial declared.

34) Believe on Christ, the One God Sent; the thing God does require.
The only One to keep your soul, from The Lake Of Fire.
You will live forever, friend; the question, though, is where??
In God's Courtroom, there will be, no mistrial declared.

35) Repent of sin, make Christ Your Lord; let Him, your sin debt, pay.
No matter what you may have heard; He's Heaven's Only Way.
He took our place upon The Cross; and showed, He truly, cared.
In God's Courtroom, there will be, no mistrial declared.

36) Death comes so quick, and final friend; don't let the die be cast.
Against you for rejecting Christ; it can occur, so fast.
You'll face Him in His Courtroom there; don't be unprepared.
In God's Courtroom, there will be, no mistrial declared.

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