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Overview |
The Fools Heart There Goes To The Left, But Wise Heart To The Right |
This poem is from the ''My Testimony -- To Soar With Jesus Collection''. Written by Daryl Stout. (C) Copyright 1989, 2024 by Daryl Stout. All Rights Reserved. Any abuse or unauthorized usage of this poetry will be dealt With at The Judgment Before Jesus Christ. The ''Soar With Jesus'' Eagle Design was created and designed by Dale Larison, and it is used by permission.
Based on Ecclesiastes 10:2
Written By Daryl Stout
2) The fools heart there goes to the left, but wise heart to the right.
Wise blessed with prosperity, fools cursed there with blight.
Like it or not, it's God's Creation, and it is His Rules.
The righteous repent of their sin; those who don't, are fools.
3) The fools heart there goes to the left, but wise heart to the right.
You shall know them by their fruits, of what comes to light.
What God declared abomination, is that way, today.
God is Biblically Correct; not what mankind, does say.
4) The fools heart there goes to the left, but wise heart to the right.
A life of evil, or of what's in their sight.
Doing works there of the flesh, full of sin's desires.
Or works of the Spirit there, with what God requires.
5) The fools heart there goes to the left, but wise heart to the right.
Fools prefer the darkness there; the righteous prefer light.
The fools heart left the Gospel Truth, they turned, and fell away.
The wise heart came to Christ by faith, as Heaven's Only Way.
6) The fools heart there goes to the left, but wise heart to the right.
Fools think that they can enter Heaven by their works and might.
The wise sees righteous deeds as filth, there before The Lord.
For His Word is sharper than any two edged sword.
7) The fools heart there goes to the left, but wise heart to the right.
Their evil hearts full of deceit, they don't see their plight.
The righteous hearts are humbled there, repenting of their sin.
Faith, belief, on Jesus Christ, to be born again.
8) The fools heart there goes to the left, but wise heart to the right.
At the moment of their death, the fools will have full fright.
But for those accepting Christ, Heaven's joy awaits.
The chance to decide for Christ; after death, too late.
9) The fools heart there goes to the left, but wise heart to the right.
The fools do what's right in their eyes, yet blind in their sight.
Against all things there of The Lord, and The Commandments Ten.
They do spurn the Gospel Truth, preferring life of sin.
10) The fools heart there goes to the left, but wise heart to the right.
Those trying to correct the fools, are told ''go fly a kite''.
The fools prefer their life of sin, thinking all is well.
They can't see that payments are, due at death and Hell.
11) The fools heart there goes to the left, but wise heart to the right.
Fools prefer works of the flesh, whether day or night.
Lasciviousness, adultery, fornication, there.
Witchcraft, hatred, variance, idolatry, they share.
12) The fools heart there goes to the left, but wise heart to the right.
Emulations, heresies, all evil in God's sight.
Fornication, envyings, wrath and strife abound.
Drunkeness, and murderings, echo all around.
13) The fools heart there goes to the left, but wise heart to the right.
To the fools, what's right is wrong; and their wrongs are right.
So, to these who choose to be spiritually blind.
God gives them over to their lusts, reprobate in mind.
14) The fools heart there goes to the left, but wise heart to the right.
In this life, fools do not want, God's Message there in sight.
Thinking they can defeat God; but God in Heaven, laughs.
At death, the unsaved see too late, their mistake and gaffe.
15) The fools heart there goes to the left, but wise heart to the right.
As dogs return to their vomit, it is the fools plight.
The heart is so full of deceit, and wickedness galore.
The call to repent of sin, the unsaved, do abhor.
16) The fools heart there goes to the left, but wise heart to the right.
The lost can't see the chains of sin, are on their souls, so tight.
Freedom from religion there, and God's Divine Rules.
So they cry ''There is no God'', and God calls them ''Fools''.
17) The fools heart there goes to the left, but wise heart to the right.
The righteous see before The Lord, truth of their sin's plight.
Convicted by the Holy Spirit, of sin they repent.
Doing what God does require; Believe on Christ, He Sent.
18) The fools heart there goes to the let, but wise heart to the right.
The wise heart has left sin's darkness, entering God's Light.
Eagerly bow before The Lord, there on bended knee.
They'll be with Christ, in Heaven for, all eternity.
19) The fools heart there goes to the left, but wise heart to the right.
The saved, with armor of The Lord, now join the battle fight.
Wrestling not with flesh and blood, but with evil hordes.
Satan, demons, and all those, rejecting Christ as Lord.
20) The fools heart there goes to the left, but wise heart to the right.
Fruits of The Spirit for the saved, they know these are right.
Love, joy, peace, longsuffering, gentleness, and faith.
Goodness, meekness, temperance, doing what God saith.
21) The fools heart there goes to the left, but wise heart to the right.
In Heaven, there's no curse of sin, or death, or pain, or night.
But, in Hell, there's never ending, torment, agony.
Because the lost said ''Christianity, it is not for me''.
22) The fools heart there goes to the left, but wise heart to the right.
The unsaved will forever be, tormented day and night.
Terrified when they face Christ, there upon His Throne.
Then cast to The Lake Of Fire, as one's He's never known.
23) The fools heart there goes to the left, but wise heart to the right.
All these things The Lord does hate, as evil in His Sight.
A proud look, a lying tongue, innocent blood shed.
Sowing discord, lies, and evil, running to its stead.
24) The fools heart there goes to the lft, but wise heart to the right.
One heartbeat away from Hell, eternity is in sight.
Which direction, left or right, will your life, there take??
Eternal home dependent on, what choice, you do make.
25) The fools heart there goes to the left, but wise heart to the right.
No other choices there exist, though you think, they might.
But, God is a Gentleman, He won't force your choice.
To accept, or there reject, Christ Jesus, and His Voice.