Contents |
Overview |
If Sin Is No Longer Sin, We Don't Need The Lord |
This poem is from the ''My Testimony -- To Soar With Jesus Collection''. Written by Daryl Stout. (C) Copyright 1989, 2024 by Daryl Stout. All Rights Reserved. Any abuse or unauthorized usage of this poetry will be dealt With at The Judgment Before Jesus Christ. The ''Soar With Jesus'' Eagle Design was created and designed by Dale Larison, and it is used by permission.
Written By Daryl Stout
2) Just like in days long ago, the same is true today.
Most deny that into Heaven; Christ, The Only Way.
For God's Word is sharper than any two edged sword.
If sin is no longer sin, we don't need The Lord.
3) ''Mankind is enlightened now; we don't need God's Word''.
That is what the world declares, ''The Bible is absurd''.
In pressure cooker, to explode; The Lord's Wrath, is stored.
If sin is no longer sin, we don't need The Lord.
4) What God declared sin long, it still is such, today.
No one can live a sinless life; for minute, or a day.
Laughing at the Gospel Truth; it is spurned, ignored.
If sin is no longer sin, we don't need The Lord.
5) On Mount Sinai long ago, God gave Commandments Ten.
To show that Heaven is denied, to all in their sin.
Mankind in rebellion, like the wind and seas, have roared.
If sin is no longer sin, we don't need The Lord.
6) In the fullness of time there, Christ did come to Earth.
Perfect, sinless, Virgin Born, a Precious, Lowly Birth.
He did not replace The Law; its meaning, He restored.
If sin is no longer sin, we don't need The Lord.
7) The Pharisees and Saducess, and many filled with rage.
Hating all that Christ would do, there on the world's stage.
Wanting power in this life; Christ's Words were ignored.
If sin is no longer sin, we don't need The Lord.
8) Yet, Christ, The Precious Lamb Of God, would die in our place.
First scourged, then there, crucified; part of Amazing Grace.
He arose in victory, the fellowship, restored.
If sin is no longer sin, we don't need The Lord.
9) Christ's Life, the only sinless life, that on Earth, was lived.
For all who'd believe on Him; their sins, He would forgive.
Man's relationship with God; in Christ, it's restored.
If sin is no longer sin, we don't need The Lord.
10) The world offended by The Cross, and Christ's Blood, you see.
''A slaughterhouse religion is not for me''.
Sin cannot be paid without, The Blood there, outpoured.
If sin is no longer sin, we don't need The Lord.
11) Mankind's heart is dark and wicked, it's all ''I'' and ''Me''.
They make no plans for after death, there for eternity.
The lost think that Heaven's life, therein, will be bored.
If sin is no longer sin, we don't need The Lord.
12) Works of the flesh are manifest, there for all to see.
Adultery, idolatry, uncleanness, and envy.
Lasciviousness, fornication, murders, all outpoured.
If sin is no longer sin, we don't need The Lord.
13) Witchcraft, hatred, variance, seditions, strife, and wrath.
Heresies, and drunkenness, revelings, the path.
The mounting cost of one's sin debt; none can there, afford.
If sin is no longer sin, we don't need The Lord.
14) But, fruits of The Sprit there, are love, joy, and peace.
Longsuffering and gentleness, with one's life, increase.
Faith, meekness, and temperance; with these, The Law, ignored.
If sin is no longer sin, we don't need The Lord.
15) Hell's not a refuge from The Lord, nor a party place.
It's for Satan, and all those, who refused God's Grace.
Eternal torment that they'll have; worse than from bull, gored.
If sin is no longer sin, we don't need The Lord.
16) Christ said ''Those offending these, who've believed on Me''.
''Best a millstone on their neck, and drowned in the sea''.
For the lost on Judgment Day, no sin is ignored.
If sin is no longer sin, we don't need The Lord.
17) Most of mankind refuses, to do what God requires.
Believe on Christ, whom He did send; to keep them from Hell Fire.
Though The Lord is pleading there, with Words there, implored.
If sin is no longer sin, we don't need The Lord.
18) For God commanded His Love there, to all of mankind.
All headed to The Lake Of Fire, spiritually blind.
Trapped, tied up, by the hard grip, of sin's tight bound cord.
If sin is no longer sin, we don't need The Lord.
19) Deceived by Satan and his hordes, most will believe a lie.
There's no payment for their sin, until when they die.
These regret eternally, The Gospel Truth, ignored.
If sin is no longer sin, we don't need The Lord.
20) Ear tickling sermons, most prefer, they will not repent.
They believe that The Lord's Words ''aren't what He there, meant''.
In Lake Fire, they'll all be, with Satan and his hordes.
If sin is no longer sin, we don't need The Lord.
21) God's Standard is Perfection there, none on Earth, can pay.
Except for Christ, the King Of Kings, The Truth, The Life, The Way.
At least one chance to hear The Gospel; most will it, ignore.
If sin is no longer sin, we don't need The Lord.
22) It's appointed all to die, then judgment there, for all.
Hell is the default for those, refusing Gospel Call.
These will not see Heaven's Gates; its joy to be explored.
If sin is no longer sin, we don't need The Lord.
23) At the moment of your death, the choice for Christ, too late.
Eternal destiny is sealed, with your forever fate.
A second chance to make the choice; will not be restored.
If sin is no longer sin, we don't need The Lord.
24) The lost will be terrified, there around Christ's Throne.
Their whole life will be replayed; every sin there, shown.
No question of the guilt therein; mercy cries, ignored.
If sin is no longer sin, we don't need The Lord.
25) Yet for all who come to Christ, He won't turn them away.
With faith and repentance there, serving Him each day.
At the Bema Judgment Seat, all sins are there, ignored.
If sin is no longer sin, we don't need The Lord.
26) Not going through the motions there, but a life of faith.
Doing the fruits of The Spirit, and words that Christ saith.
Not preferring life of sin, all its deeds, abhorred.
If sin is no longer sin, we don't need The Lord.
27) Christ's Death and Resurrection is for every one and nation.
How shall we escape if we neglect so great salvation??
All mankind has no excuse, there before The Lord.
If sin is no longer sin, we don't need The Lord.
28) Yet, God is a Gentleman, He won't force you to choose.
Though the Gospel is for all, Gentiles and the Jews.
Will you repent, and serve The Lord, there in one accord??
If sin is no longer sin, we don't need The Lord.
29) Eye hasn't seen, ear hasn't heard, or entered in man's heart.
What God prepared for all those who've, loved Him from the start.
Eternal joy and riches there, for the saved, there stored.
If sin is no longer sin, we don't need The Lord.
30) For today, it is the time, to make eternal choice.
Eternal home depends on what, you do with God's Voice.
Eagerly or there compelled, all bow before The Lord.
If sin is no longer sin, we don't need The Lord.