Contents |
Overview |
The Great Deception |
This poem is from the ''My Testimony -- To Soar With Jesus Collection''. Written by Daryl Stout. (C) Copyright 1989, 2024 by Daryl Stout. All Rights Reserved. Any abuse or unauthorized usage of this poetry will be dealt With at The Judgment Before Jesus Christ. The ''Soar With Jesus'' Eagle Design was created and designed by Dale Larison, and it is used by permission.
Based on a sermon from the late Dr. Charles Stanley
Written By Daryl Stout
2) First, the covering cherub there, guarding The Lord's Throne.
Not taking long, his selfish pride, to all, was there, shown.
Conned one third of angels there; judgment was not, spared.
''No consequences from your sin'', the great deception, there.
3) God created everything, planets, galaxies.
Then animals, and other things; Creation, it Him, pleased.
He created Adam, Eve...Paradise to share.
''No consequences from your sin'', the great deception, there.
4) ''Of each tree that's in the Garden, you may there, enjoy''.
''But, tree of knowledge, good and evil, you there, must avoid''.
''The day you eat that, you will die''; warnings, God did share.
''No consequences from your sin'', the great deception, there.
5) Adam and Eve had all things, they could want or need.
No sickness, pain, or lack of things, where they had to plead.
The perfection that they all had, nothing could compare.
''No consequences from your sin'', the great deception, there.
6) In Eden's Garden, a serpent, Satan would indwell.
He caused Eve, and Adam, too; from innocence, there fell.
Deceived Eve to eat the fruit, then with Adam, shared.
''No consequences from your sin'', the great deception, there.
7) The moment that they ate of it, spiritually, they died.
Then, they heard the Voice Of God, became terrified.
Ashamed of their nakedness, realized they were bare.
''No consequences from your sin'', the great deception, there.
8) ''Where Are You, Adam??'', The Lord asked, though He saw what occurred.
Judgment on them for their sin, it couldn't be deferred.
Expelled from the Garden Home, they were not prepared.
''No consequences from your sin'', the great deception, there.
9) The curse of sin on Planet Earth, on all of Creation.
It affected every human, in each land and nation.
Sin nature passed to everyone; evil actions, there.
''No consequences from your sin'', the great deception, there.
10) Now by sweat and drudgery, they would earn their keep.
When reflecting on their loss, they surely, there, did weep.
Hating that they hearkend to, Satan's lying, there.
''No consequences from your sin'', the great deception, there.
11) Great pain there in childbirth, would not be relieved.
Because they took Satan's words, and they were deceived.
Thorns in thistles from the ground, as it was tilled, there.
''No consequences from your sin'', the great deception, there.
12) The firstborn, Cain, against his brother, he rose up, and killed.
In a fit of jealous rage, righteous blood was spilled.
Insolent before The Lord, Cain's attitude, uncared.
''No consequences from your sin'', the great deception, there.
13) The world filled with violence, grieved God at His Heart.
He'd destroy all of mankind, and do a brand new start.
Noah found grace in God's eyes, an Ark, to prepare.
''No consequences from your sin'', the great deception, there.
14) One hundred twenty years would pass, as the Ark was built.
Mankind laughed and scorned at him, with no remorse or guilt.
Those left outside when flood began, they were not prepared.
''No consequences from your sin'', the great deception, there.
15) Then, Sodom and Gomorrah, were, with wicked sin, desire.
God's Judgment would destroy them both, with His Divine Fire.
Even warnings from the angels, most there, were not scared.
''No consequences from your sin'', the great deception, there.
16) Full of guilt, shame, terror, fear, of there being found out.
Effects from sin instantly, with all of its doubt.
Depression, and hopelessness, feelings of despair.
''No consequences from your sin'', the great deception, there.
17) No matter what sin that it is, against God, it's a crime.
There's payback, judgment, coming soon; at the appointed time.
Like Cain, these cry ''my punishment, is more than I can bear''.
''No consequences from your sin'', the great deception, there.
18) Irrevocable consequences, in so many ways.
In being disobedient, the penalties, to pay.
Whether laws from God or Man, lawmakers do not care.
''No consequences from your sin'', the great deception, there.
19) Causing folks to doubt The Lord, in words that He said.
Hatings all the things of God; they're spiritually dead.
These fall into Satan's trip, of the deadly snare.
''No consequences from your sin'', the great deception, there.
20) The pride of life, the lust of eyes, money, fame, desire.
All this will end in doom, in The Lake Of Fire.
Satan lies of all the truth, of sin's glamour flair.
''No consequences from your sin'', the great deception, there.
21) If you doubt what The Lord God, said in His Holy Word.
He clearly there, means what He says, in Words you have heard.
Warnings there for our own good; Words that He does, share.
''No consequences from your sin'', the great deception, there.
22) God gave The Commandments Ten, there on Mount Sinai.
Most rebelled against The Lord, believed Satan's lie.
Evil deeds don't want to be, exposed in righteous glare.
''No consequences from your sin'', the great deception, there.
23) True love waits, the marriage bed, it is undefiled.
When a couple joins to form, there a newborn child.
But, disease from promiscuity, sexual affair.
''No consequences from your sin'', the great deception, there.
24) Drunkeness, impairment from, alcoholic drinks.
Folks hurt and killed, in car wrecks there; the thought really stinks.
Drunks in vomit on skid row, the stench fills the air.
''No consequences from your sin'', the great deception, there.
25) Drug abuse and violence, crime fills every street.
All these victims totally, living in defeat.
They are made to feel like, no one doesn't care.
''No consequences from your sin'', the great deception, there.
26) Mankind's heart is wicked there, full of sin, deceit.
It would seem destruction was, totally complete.
On Judgment Day, before God, all sins are laid bare.
''No consequences from your sin'', the great deception, there.
27) The Bible not a buffet there, where you can pick and choose.
What parts that you can there accept; and others, to refuse.
No matter what the sin there is; it will you, ensnare.
''No consequences from your sin'', the great deception, there.
28) No matter what sin you commit, one day, you'll pay the cost.
Just one sin that you have done, confirms that you are lost.
Whether in thought, word, or deed; God sees it, all there.
''No consequences from your sin'', the great deception, there.
29) Like a roaring lion, seeking who he may devour.
Satan's after every one, in each day, and hour.
You may think that you are wheat, but you're just a tare.
''No consequences from your sin'', the great deception, there.
30) This earthly life, not all there is, eternity awaits.
Hell or Heaven, after death, one will be your fate.
Your death time at night or morning, you can't know it, there.
''No consequences from your sin'', the great deception, there.
31) God's Standard Is Perfection There, and none on Earth can pay.
Except for Christ, The King Of Kings; The Truth, The Life, THe Way.
If you die without The Lord, His Judgment, He won't spare.
''No consequences from your sin'', the great deception, there.
32) Only through the Blood of Christ, forgiveness of all sin.
Accepting that Christ died for you, and He rose again.
Eternal judgment after death, on you, will be spared.
''No consequences from your sin'', the great deception, there.
33) Sin nature still with the believer, in their life on Earth.
But, when they believe on Christ, and obtain New Birth.
Old things past, life anew, evidence to share.
''No consequences from your sin'', the great deception, there.
34) The Holy Spirit will convict, the saved of their sin.
Consequences to deal with, though we're born again.
Rewards lost at Bema Seat, all our life, laid bare.
''No consequences from your sin'', the great deception, there.
35) Believers seated with The Lord, there in Heaven's Space.
Praying there in Jesus' Name, Satan flees the place.
Put on God's Whole Armor there; and you'll be prepared.
''No consequences from your sin'', the great deception, there.
36) It's appointed all to die, then judgment will take place.
What will you do with Jesus Christ?? And His Gift of Grace??
Once into eternity; a change of path, not there.
''No consequences from your sin'', the great deception, there.
37) Not repenting in this life, rejecting Gospel Truth.
Whether Gentile or a Jew; an adult or youth.
Facing Christ on Judgment Day, terrified and scared.
''No consequences from your sin'', the great deception, there.
38) For the lost, the judgment there, at the Great White Throne.
Each or in secret...will there be made known.
Evidence of guilt there done; the verdict does not err.
''No consequences from your sin'', the great deception, there.
39) All who choose to reject Christ, for their sins desire.
They will spend eternity, in The Lake Of Fire.
The worst pain you had in life; to that, none compares.
''No consequences from your sin'', the great deception, there.
40) Now's the time, today's the day, to repent, be saved.
Believe on Christ, who died for you, and rose up from the grave.
Eternal Joy in Heaven there, nothing can compare.
''No consequences from your sin'', the great deception, there.
41) Yet, God will be a Gentleman...and let you go your way.
The total cost of all your sin, you can never pay.
Like a noose around your neck, strangled in sin's snare.
''No consequences from your sin'', the great deception, there.
42) ''What Can God there do to me??'' don't want to know.
Your soul can be required quick; into Hell, you'll go.
Tempting God is dangerous...don't you even dare.
''No consequences from your sin'', the great deception, there.
43) If Satan showed his true colors, all would quickly flee.
He wants all to burn with him, for eternity.
Misery loves company, he wants his doom, to share.
''No consequences from your sin'', the great deception, there.
44) In your sin, you can not run, and from God, there hide.
If you die without The Lord, in Hell with your pride.
God knows the day you will die; and all of your hair.
''No consequences from your sin'', the great deception, there.
45) If in this life, you won't repent, and call on Jesus' Name.
In flames of Hell, you'll realize, you're the one to blame.
Escape from this horrid place, the door, isn't there.
''No consequences from your sin'', the great deception, there.
46) Now you know, without a doubt, Satan's great deception.
If you do not know The Lord, you have no protection.
Like in Venus Flytrap there, worse than electric chair.
''No consequences from your sin'', the great deception, there.
47) Christ's death and resurrection is for every one and nation.
You can not escape if you neglect so great salvation.
Once you close your eyes in death, you'll see the lie that's there.
''No consequences from your sin'', the great deception, there.
48) Eye hasn't seen, ear hasn't heard, or entered in one's heart.
The things God prepared for those, who loved Him from the start.
Heaven's joy awaiting there, Earth things don't compare.
''No consequences from your sin'', the great deception, there.
49) Trust your whole life to The Lord; lean not to your own way.
Acknowledge Him, and He'll direct, your life's earthly days.
''My yoke is easy, burden light'', The Lord does declare.
''No consequences from your sin'', the great deception, there.
50) Your eternal destiny, depends upon your choice.
On what you do with God's Love Gift, and His Loving Voice.
After death, without The Lord; in horror, you will stare.
''No consequences from your sin'', the great deception, there.