Pride Keeps You Out Of Heaven; But Repentance Lets You In

Pride Keeps You Out Of Heaven; But Repentance Lets You In

Pride Keeps You Out Of Heaven; But Repentance Lets You In
Soar With Jesus


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This poem is from the ''My Testimony -- To Soar With Jesus Collection''. Written by Daryl Stout. (C) Copyright 1989, 2024 by Daryl Stout. All Rights Reserved. Any abuse or unauthorized usage of this poetry will be dealt With at The Judgment Before Jesus Christ. The ''Soar With Jesus'' Eagle Design was created and designed by Dale Larison, and it is used by permission.

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Pride Keeps You Out Of Heaven; But Repentance Lets You In

Pride Keeps You Out Of Heaven; But Repentance Lets You In

Written By Daryl Stout

1) Pride keeps you out of Heaven, but repentance lets you in.
The first evil evidenced, by an act of sin.
Lucifer, who did there guard, The Lord's Righteous Throne.
His pride brought sin to the world, when it was there, shown.

2) Pride keeps you out of Heaven, but repentance lets you in.
One third of angels were deceived, in the rebellion.
These cast out from Heaven there; the pit of Hell, was made.
No chance at redemption there, damnation was displayed.

3) Pride keeps you out of Heaven, but repentance lets you in.
Sin starts with an evil thought, that then builds, within.
Our first parents were deceived, in the Garden there.
Paradise lost for them both; judgment was not spared.

4) Pride keeps you out of Heaven, but repentance lets you in.
The harsh sound of evil would, echo through the din.
Cain, the first born, killed his brother, there in jealousy.
A picture of the unsaved, for all eternity.

5) Pride keeps you out of Heaven, but repentance lets you in.
The top of what The Lord does hate, of the evil sins.
Selfish souls live out their lives, ''Me, Myself, And I''.
They're in for a horrid shock, the moment that they die.

6) Pride keeps you out of Heaven, but repentance lets you in.
Like the music dissonant, not harmony, therein.
On Earth, before Christ, most won't bow, let alone, there kneel.
Before Him on Judgment Day, there will be no appeal.

7) Pride keeps you out of Heaven, but repentance lets you in.
Most preferring song of sin, in all of life's spin.
Deceived by the Devil there, saying ''all is well''.
Friend, what good is your pride going, to do you in Hell??

8) Pride keeps you out of Heaven, but repentance lets you in.
Most can't see that they can't pay, their huge cost of sin.
At least one chance is given there, to hear the Gospel Truth.
Salvation is available, for both adults and youth.

9) Pride keeps you out of Heaven, but repentance lets you in.
The Holy Spirit pricks the heart, convicting of one's sin.
And, that they can't save their soul; but on Christ, believe.
The believing remnant there, salvation, they receive.

10) Pride keeps you out of Heaven, but repentance lets you in.
According to The Scriptures there, Christ paid the debt of sin.
But, only applicable, to those accepting Christ.
For the saved are not their own, but bought with a price.

11) Pride keeps you out of Heaven, but repentance lets you in.
It truly breaks The Lord's Heart when, folks die in their sin.
But, He gives mankind free will, decision there, to choose.
No respecter of persons there; Gentiles or the Jews.

12) Pride keeps you out of Heaven, but repentance lets you in.
At your death, who pays the cost, for your life of sin??
One is saved by grace through faith; not of works, to boast.
If you choose to reject Christ, you will regret it most.

13) Pride keeps you out of Heaven, but repentance lets you in.
Repent today, believe on Christ, to pay cost of your sin.
Sinner, seek The Lord today, while He may be found.
After death, belief too late, once casket in the ground.

14) Pride keeps you out of Heaven, but repentance lets you in.
Salvation can't be earned or bought; you cannot try to win.
Before Christ, all souls will bow; eagerly or compelled.
Just two places at your death; it's Heaven, or it's Hell.

15) Pride keeps you out of Heaven, but repentance lets you in.
No one else can save your soul, either friends or kin.
Believe on Christ, who God did send, the one thing He requires.
Refuse The Lord, your destined for, eternal Lake Of Fire.

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