Without Shedding Of Blood There, No Remission, Done

Without Shedding Of Blood There, No Remission, Done

Without Shedding Of Blood There, No Remission, Done
Soar With Jesus


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This poem is from the ''My Testimony -- To Soar With Jesus Collection''. Written by Daryl Stout. (C) Copyright 1989, 2024 by Daryl Stout. All Rights Reserved. Any abuse or unauthorized usage of this poetry will be dealt With at The Judgment Before Jesus Christ. The ''Soar With Jesus'' Eagle Design was created and designed by Dale Larison, and it is used by permission.

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Without Shedding Of Blood There, No Remission, Done

Without Shedding Of Blood There, No Remission, Done

Based on Hebrews 9:22

Written By Daryl Stout

1) For the life is in the blood, God's Word, does declare.
And, when deeds of wickedness, are done without care.
Whether you've done many sins, or even just one.
Without shedding of blood there, no remission, done.

2) There must be an innocent, substitute, to die.
To pay the cost of the sin done; it is, oh, so high.
This proves that a deed of sin, far more than just fun.
Without shedding of blood there, no remission, done.

3) It was first seen long ago, in Eden's Garden place.
Adam and Eve, both would fall, from innocence and grace.
They both fell for Satan's lie; of truth, there was none.
Without shedding of blood there, no remission, done.

4) Before the fall, they weren't ashamed, being naked, there.
But, when they died spiritually, now they both were scared.
They could not undo the deed, that both there, had done.
Without shedding of blood there, no remission, done.

5) Then, they heard the Voice Of God, in cool of garden day.
Terrified of what they'd done, they tried to hide away.
Both confronted with the sin, that they both had done.
Without shedding of blood there, no remission, done.

6) God took off the fig leaves that, both of them prepared.
Clothed with skins of animals, their life wasn't spared.
Foreshadowed Redemption's Plan, one day, would be done.
Without shedding of blood there, no remission, done.

7) Cain, the first born, would show more, of sins tragedy.
Killed his brother, Abel, in, a fit of jealousy.
Insolent before The Lord, in deed he had done.
Without shedding of blood there, no remission, done.

8) God would place a mark on Cain, who was sent away.
What that mark was, on him there, the Bible doesn't say.
A fugitive and vagabond, always on the run.
Without shedding of blood there, no remission, done.

9) Many altars would be built, for a sacrifice.
Temporary covering, of sins, not so nice.
Until the crucifixion of, Jesus Christ, God's Son.
Without shedding of blood there, no remission, done.

10) The perfect sinless, Lamb Of God, would die on The Cross.
There to shed His Precious Blood, to redeem the lost.
He arose on The Third Day, with the victory, won.
Without shedding of blood there, no remission, done.

11) For the Precious Blood of Christ, pure and undefiled.
He never did commit a sin, nor say a word of guile.
Victory over sin and death, the battle, it was won.
Without shedding of blood there, no remission, done.

12) Our Passover, Mediator, The Lord Jesus Christ.
He took all sins upon Himself, to pay its awful price.
Salvation's Free Gift, for all who, believed on what He'd done.
Without shedding of blood there, no remission, done.

13) For all those who would repent, and on Christ, believe.
At the moment of their death, Heaven, they'll receive.
Together there with all the saved, and with Christ, God's Son.
Without shedding of blood there, no remission, done.

14) Those who would repent of sin, with sincerity.
And, believe on Christ, who died, on that Rugged Tree.
All their sins are washed away, each and every one.
Without shedding of blood there, no remission, done.

15) Those accepting God's Love Gift, serving Him each day.
In gratitude for what He did, their sins cost, He'd pay.
They glory in The Cross Of Christ, and nothing they have done.
Without shedding of blood there, no remission, done.

16) Sadly, most don't want to talk, of Blood and The Cross.
No talk of, repentance, sin, and that they are lost.
A ''slaughterhouse religion'' there; of it, they want none.
Without shedding of blood there, no remission, done.

17) If at death, your soul not covered, by The Blood Of Christ.
You'll plunge into Hell, knowing, you'll never pay the price.
All sins, in thought, word, and deed, each and every one.
Without shedding of blood there, no remission, done.

18) One day, all bow before The Lord; in Heaven, or in Hell.
The saved do so eagerly; the unsaved, are compelled.
No one comes to God The Father, but through Christ, God's Son.
Without shedding of blood there, no remission, done.

19) No other name is given there, where we must be saved.
Believe on Christ, who lived and died, and rose up from the grave.
For the saved, sin's penalty, on them, is undone.
Without shedding of blood there, no remission, done.

20) Your eternal destiny, you must make a choice.
To accept or there reject, The Lord's Loving Voice.
What will you do with Jesus Christ, God's Precious Only Son??
Without shedding of blood there, no remission, done.

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