No Hocus Pocus Or Magic, When Things Done In Prayer<p>

No Hocus Pocus Or Magic, When Things Done In Prayer

No Hocus Pocus Or Magic, When Things Done In Prayer

Soar With Jesus


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This poem is from the ''My Testimony -- To Soar With Jesus Collection''. Written by Daryl Stout. (C) Copyright 1989, 2024 by Daryl Stout. All Rights Reserved. Any abuse or unauthorized usage of this poetry will be dealt With at The Judgment Before Jesus Christ. The ''Soar With Jesus'' Eagle Design was created and designed by Dale Larison, and it is used by permission.

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No Hocus Pocus Or Magic, When Things Done In Prayer

No Hocus Pocus Or Magic, When Things Done In Prayer

Written By Daryl Stout

1) No hocus pocus or magic, when things done in prayer.
In sincere talk with The Lord, He knows our pain and care.
He will not supply our wants, but will grant our needs.
When in heartfelt, contrite prayer; to Him, we do plead.

2) No hocus pocus or magic, when things done in prayer.
All our motives, words, and thoughts, plus deeds, are all laid bare.
Not one thing about us there, is hidden from His Eyes.
One can't fool The Lord at all, as He is not surprised.

3) No hocus pocus or magic, when things done in prayer.
Although He truly knows our needs, before we, with Him, share.
If we there abide in Him, and with His Words, so true.
We can then ask what we will, and those things, He'll do.

4) No hocus pocus or magic, when things done in prayer.
But, for selfish desires; to ask, we should not dare.
God is not a Genie there, to grant each request.
For He sees and knows all things; for us, He plans the best.

5) No hocus pocus or magic, when things done in prayer.
Yet so many traps in life, they will us, ensnare.
Yet, He is Soverign, and nothing, there escapes His Glance.
Created in His Image there, we're not here by chance.

6) No hocus pocus or magic, when things done in prayer.
With faith as a mustard seed; though small, it is, there.
If it truly is for Christ, to bring Him, Glory, Praise.
That petition to The Lord, you can therefore, raise.

7) No hocus pocus or magic, when things done in prayer.
When done in humility, not with boast or flair.
Praying to be seen of men, they have their reward.
The selfish requests of these, likely are ignored.

8) No hocus pocus or magic, when things done in prayer.
Confess your sin unto The Lord, with pure heart, prepare.
His Answers will be ''Yes'' or ''No'', or ''Not At This Time'' We have to trust Him there in faith, pure and not sublime.

9) No hocus pocus or magic, when things done in prayer.
Except for Hell and Lake Of Fire, God is always there.
God wants none to die in sin, but all to repent.
For The One Thing God Requires: Believe on Christ, He Sent.

10) No hocus pocus or magic, when things done in prayer.
Through Christ's Free Love Gift On The Cross, no need to be scared.
Admit you cannot save your soul, for you, He paid sin's fee.
Believe on Christ, who lived and died, and rose in victory.

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