Judgment On The World Is Coming, Sooner Than You Think<p>

Judgment On The World Is Coming, Sooner Than You Think

Judgment On The World Is Coming, Sooner Than You Think

Soar With Jesus


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This poem is from the ''My Testimony -- To Soar With Jesus Collection''. Written by Daryl Stout. (C) Copyright 1989, 2024 by Daryl Stout. All Rights Reserved. Any abuse or unauthorized usage of this poetry will be dealt With at The Judgment Before Jesus Christ. The ''Soar With Jesus'' Eagle Design was created and designed by Dale Larison, and it is used by permission.

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Judgment On The World Is Coming, Sooner Than You Think

Judgment On The World Is Coming, Sooner Than You Think

Written By Daryl Stout

1) Judgment on the world is coming, sooner than you think.
Sins as excremental waste, with its stench and stink.
That's what mankind's sins are to, the Nose of The Lord.
For His Word is sharper than any two edged Sword.

2) Judgment on the world is coming, sooner than you think.
Every day that passes, Earth is headed toward the brink.
As many times through history, when God's Patience ends;
He is now their worst nightmare, and not forever Friend.

3) Judgment on the world is coming, sooner than you think.
When Lucifer rebelled in Heaven, it was not a kink.
One third of angels, demons now; to them, God's despised.
God knew rebellion would occur, He was not surprised.

4) Judgment on the world is coming, sooner than you think.
Before Adam and Eve sinned, life was in the pink.
No disease, sickness, pain, evil, crime, or death.
Fellowship there with The Lord; joy in every breath.

5) Judgment on the world is coming, sooner than you think.
In Noah's day, sin multiplied, from the Garden link.
God was sorry He made man...all things, He would destroy.
But, the Ark would save the few, from judgment employed.

6) Judgment on the world is coming, sooner than you think.
The worldwide flood put planet Earth, fully in the drink.
All who scorned, mocked warnings that, Noah there, did preach.
They would pay that with their lives, safety out of reach.

7) Judgment on the world is coming, sooner than you think.
Sodom and Gomorrah there, with its lifestyle, stink.
Only Lot and his two daughters, escaped Divine Fire.
All the rest would perish in, the sinful quagmire.

8) Judgment on the world is coming, sooner than you think.
Unrepentant souls believe ''God's A Stupid Fink''.
But, The Lord will not be mocked, by what they do or say.
All will stand before The Lord, there on Judgment Day.

9) Judgment on the world is coming, sooner than you think.
Inquity there overflows, worse than a bottle's ink.
Birth pangs multiply each day, as each day goes by.
The groaning of creation there; to God, it does cry.

10) Judgment on the world is coming, sooner than you think.
The Rapture will occur faster, than the eye can blink.
At that point, The Church Age ends, and The Age Of Grace.
Hell on Earth for seven years, there in every place.

11) Judgment on the world is coming, sooner than you think.
Seals, trumpets, bowls, from God, all together, linked.
Each one worse than what occurred, and now in the past.
Man's heart's failing them for fear; faces are aghast.

12) Judgment on the world is coming, sooner than you think.
The Antichrist now on the scene, they think they found the link.
To finally obtain world peace, but all that is a lie.
All those who will come to Christ, they will likely die.

13) Judgment on the world is coming, sooner than you think.
The Antichrist's facade of peace, is gone in a blink.
Worldwide war, then famine, death, for the saved and lost.
Man's rebellion against God, comes with a horrid cost.

14) Judgment on the world is coming, sooner than you think.
One third of oceans turned to blood, with dead creatures stink.
The trumpet judgments part two, toward unrepentant souls.
They would not repent of sin, and give Christ control.

15) Judgment on the world is coming, sooner than you think.
During the bowls of God's Wrath, He gives blood to drink.
For the murder of the prophets, and saints through the years.
The sight of His Return, it is, the unsaved's greatest fears.

16) Judgment on the world is coming, sooner than you think.
The Lord angered by your sin; toward it, He doesn't wink.
Just one sin will send your soul, to The Lake Of Fire.
''Believe On Christ, who God did send''; the One Thing He requires.

17) Judgment on the world is coming, sooner than you think.
Spiritual armor needed, there without a chink.
This can only be obtained, by those truly saved.
They believe on Christ who died, and rose up from the grave.

18) Judgment on the world is coming, sooner than you think.
To the world, the things of God, have a horrid stink.
But, they have it backwards there, from what is the Truth.
To them, God's Rules are too restrictive, and He is Uncouth.

19) Judgment on the world is coming, sooner than you think.
Your death, the point of no return, you're over the brink.
If you die without The Lord, that choice, you will regret.
You will have what you deserve, punishment, you'll get.

20) Judgment on the world is coming, sooner than you think.
It's appointed all to die, life gone in a blink.
Your life will account for, with God, you cannot fudge.
Will Jesus be your Saviour?? Or will He be your Judge??

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