Contents |
Overview |
Within The Word 'Sinister', Is Its Root Cause: Sin |
This poem is from the ''My Testimony -- To Soar With Jesus Collection''. Written by Daryl Stout. (C) Copyright 1989, 2024 by Daryl Stout. All Rights Reserved. Any abuse or unauthorized usage of this poetry will be dealt With at The Judgment Before Jesus Christ. The ''Soar With Jesus'' Eagle Design was created and designed by Dale Larison, and it is used by permission.
Written By Daryl Stout
2) Within the word 'sinister', is its root cause: 'sin'.
Threatening, portending evil, harm, trouble, sets in.
Ominous, bad, wicked there, disastrous, things did fell.
Those who don't repent of sin, will wind up in Hell.
3) Within the word 'sinister', is its root cause: 'sin'.
It starts with self righteousness, and its pride, within.
Started there with Lucifer, cherub covering.
His insurrection caused the evil, on the scene, to bring.
4) Within the word 'sinister', is its root cause: 'sin'.
Wickedness against The Lord, these folks will not win.
One third of angels joined the coup, they were so deceived.
Corruption filled pure universe; surely, God was grieved.
5) Within the word 'sinister', is its root cause: 'sin'.
Satan and his demon hordes, with anger from within.
From Heaven, these cast out so fast, like a lightning flash.
These the cause of evil there, with all its wicked trash.
6) Within the word 'sinister', is its root cause: 'sin'.
Our first parents, Adam, Eve, first had joy within.
Perfect life, conditions, there, in Eden's Garden Place.
Until they ate there from the tree, and then fell from grace.
7) Within the word 'sinister', is its root cause: 'sin'.
Both of them died spiritually, as life took wicked spin.
Both evicted from the Garden, that had been their home.
A life of pain and drudgery, as they now, would roam.
8) Within the word 'sinister', is its root cause: 'sin'.
Cain, the firstborn, killed his brother, there in rebellion.
Abel's offering was accepted by God's Righteous Fire.
Cain's was not, he was enraged, with sinful desire.
9) Within the word 'sinister', is its root cause: 'sin'.
Several hundred years did pass, evil had set in.
Man's heart wicked continually; God's Heart, it was grieved.
So many fell for Satan's lies, as they were deceived.
10) Within the word 'sinister', is its root cause: 'sin'.
God chose to destroy wicked souls, and to start again.
But, Noah, in The Lord's Eyes; he did there, find grace.
Instructed there to build an Ark; a flood rescue place.
11) Within the word 'sinister', is its root cause: 'sin'.
God gave instructions, how to build; pitch without, within.
To house all the animals, two there of each one.
To replenish on the Earth, when the Flood was done.
12) Within the word 'sinister', is its root cause: 'sin'.
Space there for all of the food, and all who'd come, within.
For one hundred twenty years, onlookers scoffed and laughed.
They thought Noah wasted time, with building this great craft.
13) Within the word 'sinister', is its root cause: 'sin'.
Noah's Family, animals, were by God, shut in.
The door now closed, chance to escape, for the rest, too late.
In seven days, a worldwide flood, and drowning was their fate.
14) Within the word 'sinister', is its root cause: 'sin'.
Though all outside was submerged, all was dry within.
The Ark of Refuge Noah built, instructed by The Lord.
Forty days and nights of rain; all were safe on board.
15) Within the word 'sinister', is its root cause: 'sin'.
After flooding did recede, mankind would start again.
Noah built an altar there, and made a sacrifice.
A sweet savour to The Lord; to Him, it was so nice.
16) Within the word 'sinister', is its root cause: 'sin'.
God promised never to destroy, the Earth by flood again.
With the rainbow covenant, He gave in Heaven's sky.
Whenever a storm would then occur, and the ground, not dry.
17) Within the word 'sinister', is its root cause: 'sin'.
But, it didn't take long afterwards, for return of sin.
Sodom and Gomorrah there, the cities on the plain.
Evil, wicked, before God, with their sinful stain.
18) Within the word 'sinister', is its root cause: 'sin'.
Whoremongers, rapists, abusers; the reprobates therein.
They tried to rape the angels there; and were all struck blind.
The door there to Lot's own home; these wicked, could not find.
19) Within the word 'sinister', is its root cause: 'sin'.
Rescuing of Lot before, the judgment would set in.
Lot, his wife, and daughters there, removed against their will.
Then, in Righteous Divine Flame, all wicked souls, were killed.
20) Within the word 'sinister', is its root cause: 'sin'.
Lot's wife's heart was still in Sodom, and its life, within.
She was killed there instantly, became pillar of salt.
Ignoring warning given there, truly was her fault.
21) Within the word 'sinister', is its root cause: 'sin'.
Lot and his two daughters now, inside a cave, therein.
They both got their father drunk, and with him, there laid.
Incestous relationship, evil was there, made.
22) Within the word 'sinister', is its root cause: 'sin'.
Years later, Joseph's brother's there, would conspire within.
They resented all his dreams, but they would prove true.
Feast then famine ruled the land, both came into view.
23) Within the word 'sinister', is its root cause: 'sin'.
Under Pharoah's evil hand, serving Egyptians.
The Jews subjected to a life, of horror, there so rough.
Finally, the time did come, when God had seen enough.
24) Within the word 'sinister', is its root cause: 'sin'.
Moses then raised up by God, to Pharoah's court, went in.
But, Pharoah would there refuse, to let God's People go.
So, ten plagues from Heaven fell; God's Power, He would show.
25) Within the word 'sinister', is its root cause: 'sin'.
After plague of Passover, freedom's reach, within.
Escaped from Pharoah, when God parted, waters of Red Sea.
Pharoah's army bogged down, drowned, in pursuit folly.
26) Within the word 'sinister', is its root cause: 'sin'.
Moses up on Mount Sinai, to get Commandments Ten.
The Jews made a golden calf, and rose up to play.
With all their unbridled sin, God's Wrath on display.
27) Within the word 'sinister', is its root cause: 'sin'.
In wilderness for forty years, the Jews would wander in.
Both kingdoms there, north and south, away from God would turn.
They preferred the pagan's life; not of the Lord, to learn.
28) Within the word 'sinister', is its root cause: 'sin'.
Though warned what would happen there, choosing evil's din.
All plagues and calamity would fall upon them all.
They'd repent for a short time; then back to sin, they'd fall.
29) Within the word 'sinister', is its root cause: 'sin'.
So, God let their enemies, destroy them within.
Into exile they would go, temple was destroyed.
Punishment they did deserve, as God's Wrath, employed.
29) Within the word 'sinister', is its root cause: 'sin'.
So, God let their enemies, destroy them within.
Into exile they would go, temple was destroyed.
Punishment they did deserve, as God's Wrath, employed.
30) Within the word 'sinister', is its root cause: 'sin'.
Years later, there from exile, freed, temple built again.
But, their worship, now just going, through the motions, there.
Finally, Christ would come to Earth, Redemption Plan, prepared.
31) Within the word 'sinister', is its root cause: 'sin'.
When The Wise Men told Herod, of new king within;
He was troubled, and with all, of Jerusalem.
They feared that Rome would invade, killing all of them.
32) Within the word 'sinister', is its root cause: 'sin'.
Creator of the Universe, God in Flesh, within.
Shepherds brought gold, frankincense, and myrrh, there as gifts.
The Redeemer, would for them, the burden of sin, lift.
33) Within the word 'sinister', is its root cause: 'sin'.
King Herod so paranoid, hatched evil plan within.
All males under age of two, brutally were killed.
Mothers weeping at the blood, of their own sons, spilled.
34) Within the word 'sinister', is its root cause: 'sin'.
Christ's earthly parents fled away; Satan foiled again.
Back in the temple at age twelve, the leaders were there stunned.
Christ, who gave Commandments Ten, He was The Promised One.
35) Within the word 'sinister', is its root cause: 'sin'.
But through much of His Young Life, details few or none.
As He grew, He worked the trade, there of carpentry.
At thirty, He was there baptized, started ministry.
36) Within the word 'sinister', is its root cause: 'sin'.
He fasted for forty days, hunger pains within.
Three times, the Devil, tempted Him, but Christ did there, prevail.
On His Mission for mankind, determined not to fail.
37) Within the word 'sinister', is its root cause: 'sin'.
He called twelve disciples there, but one a thief, therein.
For Judas Iscariot, would betray The Lord.
For thirty pieces of silver, with Pharisees accord.
38) Within the word 'sinister', is its root cause: 'sin'.
On Palm Sunday long ago, on donkey, He rode in.
The Pharisees commanded Christ, to silence all the praise.
He said ''If quiet, voices of the rocks and stones, are raised''.
39) Within the word 'sinister', is its root cause: 'sin'.
After Judas did depart, for his betrayal sin.
Then there in the Upper Room, at Passover Meal.
New Covenant in Blood Of Christ, would there, be revealed.
40) Within the word 'sinister', is its root cause: 'sin'.
To Garden Of Gethsemane, Christ alone, went in.
Praying, bleeding sweat from stress, of what must be done.
Then, Christ arrested; his disciples, from the scene, did run.
41) Within the word 'sinister', is its root cause: 'sin'.
Illegal trial, beatings there, all were held within.
At houses of Caiaphas, Herod, Pilate, too.
Eighteen Jewish laws broken, illegal verdict due.
42) Within the word 'sinister', is its root cause: 'sin'.
Satan's wrath against The Lord, no more was within.
Shouting ''Hosanna'' days before; now ''im Be Crucified''.
It was on that Rugged Cross, Christ shed His Blood, and died.
43) Within the word 'sinister', is its root cause: 'sin'.
But, Victory won, when on Third Day, Christ did rise again.
Now all who believed on Christ, were freed from sin's power.
But, Satan like a roaring lion, still looks to devour.
44) Within the word 'sinister', is its root cause: 'sin'.
At Christ's Ascension, all were told, that He would come again.
The Holy Spirit came on all, on Day Of Pentecost.
The Gospel Preached to all mankind, to redeem the lost.
45) Within the word 'sinister', is its root cause: 'sin'.
Far more would reject The Lord, and offer of salvation.
Satan thinks that with the lost, he can Christ, defeat.
But one day, sin is destroyed, fully and complete.
46) Within the word 'sinister', is its root cause: 'sin'.
After Rapture, time not seen, before, or there, again.
The Time Of Jacob's Trouble, there; Hell for seven years.
Seals, trumpets, bowls, of plagues; mankind's greatest fears.
47) Within the word 'sinister', is its root cause: 'sin'.
At Armageddon, the battle, Christ, easily wins.
The Antichrist and False Prophet, to The Lake Of Fire.
Satan bound, cast to the pit, in a dark quagmire.
48) Within the word 'sinister', is its root cause: 'sin'.
Christ restores the ravaged Earth, to paradise again.
The Judgment Of The Sheep and Goats, and Millennium Of Peace.
The curse of sin on planet Earth, finally released.
49) Within the word 'sinister', is its root cause: 'sin'.
At end of Millennium, Satan tries again.
The rebels destroyed by fire, in forsaking right.
Satan to the Lake Of Fire, lost his final fight.
50) Within the word 'sinister', is its root cause: 'sin'.
All unsaved through history, lives replayed again.
As they stand in terror there, at the Great White Throne.
Christ sends these to Lake Of Fire, as one's He's never known.
51) Within the word 'sinister', is its root cause: 'sin'.
New Heaven, Earth, Jerusalem; sin won't rise again.
All redeemed, in joy, with Christ, for all eternity.
In worship and praise, all do proclaim ''Christ, He died for me''.
52) Within the word 'sinister', is its root cause: 'sin'.
The lost try with all their might; against Christ, they can't win.
The Lord know all about you, friend; He is not surprised.
One day, before Him, all will bow, there before His Eyes.
53) Within the word 'sinister', is its root cause: 'sin'.
Don't believe the Devil's lies, with its seductive spin.
Whether you like it or not, The Lord, He made The Rules.
Those who cry ''There Is No God''; The Lord calls them ''Fools''.
54) Within the word 'sinister', is its root cause: 'sin'.
At death, Hell or Heaven there; which one lets you in??
Default at your death is Hell, and the Lake Of Fire.
Heaven only for those who, do what God required.
55) Within the word 'sinister', is its root cause: 'sin'.
Into Heaven, just one way, that you'll be let in.
For the one thing God requires, ''Believe On Christ, He Sent''.
Believe Christ died, and rose again; and from your sin, repent.