The Heathen, Satan, Terrified Of Bible Prophecy<p>

The Heathen, Satan, Terrified Of Bible Prophecy

The Heathen, Satan, Terrified Of Bible Prophecy

Soar With Jesus


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This poem is from the ''My Testimony -- To Soar With Jesus Collection''. Written by Daryl Stout. (C) Copyright 1989, 2024 by Daryl Stout. All Rights Reserved. Any abuse or unauthorized usage of this poetry will be dealt With at The Judgment Before Jesus Christ. The ''Soar With Jesus'' Eagle Design was created and designed by Dale Larison, and it is used by permission.

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The Heathen, Satan, Terrified Of Bible Prophecy

The Heathen, Satan, Terrified Of Bible Prophecy

Written By Daryl Stout

1) The heathen, Satan, terrified of Bible Prophecy.
Prophecies will come to pass, these are guaranteed.
Of all faiths there in the world, this item does stand tall.
The Lord's Prophecies fulfilled, each one, one and all.

2) The heathen, Satan, terrified of Bible Prophecy.
If one failed, it destroys God's Credibility.
But, The Lord is Soverign There, He's in Full Control.
In the war there, spiritually; battle for men's souls.

3) The heathen, Satan, terrified of Bible Prophecy.
They realize what it does mean, for them, eternally.
Nothing is done by The Lord; until it is revealed.
To His Prophets chosen there, the secret not concealed.

4) The heathen, Satan, terrifed of Bible Prophecy.
The exact details though, none of them, can see.
But, the true test of each prophet chosen by The Lord.
One hundred percent accurate; that can't be ignored.

5) The heathen, Satan, terrified of Bible Prophecy.
While Redemption's Plan In Place, before Earth formed, you see.
For The Lord was not suprised at what does occur.
Sin will be dealt with quickly; judgment not deferred.

6) The heathen, Satan, terrified of Bible Prophecy.
In rebellion against God, dealt with there, quickly.
Hell, and then The Lake Of Fire, made there for them all.
These could never be redeemed, so great is their fall.

7) The heathen, Satan, terrified of Bible Prophecy.
Their job was to destroy souls, there eternally.
Far more would reject The Lord, than who would repent.
Their anger against The Lord, demonic and Hell Bent.

8) The heathen, Satan, terrified of Bible Prophecy.
First revealed in Eden there, after iniquity.
After Adam, Eve, deceived, there by Satan's lies.
Redemption's Plan, it was announced, that Satan did despise.

9) The heathen, Satan, terrified of Bible Prophecy.
Cain killed his brother, Abel, there, in rage and jealousy.
A fugitive and vagabond, God on him, placed a mark.
An indicator of mankind, many souls, so dark.

10) The heathen, Satan, terrifed of Bible Prophecy.
Then the thoughts of mankind were, evil continually.
It grieved God there at His Heart, judgment He'd deploy.
Both the Earth, and all mankind, He would there, destroy.

11) The heathen, Satan, terrified of Bible Prophecy.
But an escape for The Flood, there'd be a remedy.
In the Eyes there of The Lord, Noah would find grace.
Commanded there to build an Ark, for the rescue place.

12) The heathen, Satan, terrified of Bible Prophecy.
One hundred twenty years elapsed, before calamity.
While the Ark was being built, warning, Noah preached.
But, only his family, were the ones, there reached.

13) The heathen, Satan, terrified of Bible Prophecy.
Then animals, two of each kind, all came for entry.
Once all inside, God closed the door, it was now too late.
In seven days, a drowning flood, would be the world's fate.

14) The heathen, Satan, terrified of Bible Prophecy.
Sodom and Gomorrah, both dens of inqiquity.
Only Lot and his two daughters survived Divine Fire.
Lot's wife was turned into salt; for sin, she desired.

15) The heathen, Satan, terrified of Bible Prophecy.
Pharoah made the life of Jews, a hard drudgery.
It took ten plagues from Heaven, to there, be set free.
Pharoah's army then was drowned, in the deep Red Sea.

16) The heathen, Satan, terrified of Bible Prophecy.
The march around Jericho, was termed lunacy.
But, shout after seven days, and the walls there, fell.
Yet, Rahab was rescued there, for belief, she'd tell.

17) The heathen, Satan, terrified of Bible Prophecy.
The battle on Mount Carmel, it was there, crazy.
Baal's prophets defeated, by God's Divine Fire.
God showed that the deities, aside from Him, are liars.

18) The heathen, Satan, terrified of Bible Prophecy.
Isaiah would prophesy, a virgin girl, there be.
Would conceive and bear a son, His Name, Immanuel.
He would free them from their sins, and from fire of Hell.

19) The heathen, Satan, terrified of Bible Prophecy.
In fullness of time, Christ was, born in humility.
He lived like us in every way, but without the sin.
Those who'd put their faith in Christ, would be born again.

20) The heathen, Satan, terrified of Bible Prophecy.
King Herod, so parnoid, planned murder, quickly.
All boys two and younger there, slaughtered by the sword.
Satan missed the early chance, to kill Christ The Lord.

21) The heathen, Satan, terrified of Bible Prophecy.
Satan tempted Christ there with deceit, audacity.
Though Satan twisted Scripture there, into ways, perverse.
Three times, Satan was repelled, by True Scripture Verse.

22) The heathen, Satan, terrified of Bible Prophecy.
The Pharisees and Saducees, against Christ, angry.
They felt He was trying to take away all their power.
Their relationship toward God, nauseating, sour.

23) The heathen, Satan, terrifed of Bible Prophecy.
Christ chose twelve disciples there, in His Company.
He knew one of them was a thief, relationship a ruse.
But, The Lord, He knew the ones, that He would there, choose.

24) The heathen, Satan, terrified of Bible Prophecy.
Christ did many miracles, there for all to see.
Feeding of the multitudes, casting demons out.
Raising people from the dead, with a victory shout.

25) The heathen, Satan, terrified of Bible Prophecy.
On Palm Sunday, Christ rode in, there on a donkey.
Leaders told Christ to command, to stop ''Hosanna'' shout.
Christ said ''If these silent there, the rocks, stones, cry out''.

26) The heathen, Satan, terrified of Bible Prophecy.
Religious leaders had to deal with their enemy.
Thirty pieces of silver, and Judas would betray.
But, it was part of The Plan, for our sins to pay.

27) The heathen, Satan, terrified of Bible Prophecy.
Rigged trial, eighteen Jewish laws, broken there, greatly.
Christ would be mocked, attacked, scourged, by the soldiers, there.
All those who assaulted Him, really didn't care.

28) The heathen, Satan, terrified of Bible Prophecy.
He now saw his greatest chance, to kill his enemy.
Those who said ''Hosanna'' there; now shout ''Crucify!!''.
So Christ went to Calvary, there on a Cross, to die.

29) The heathen, Satan, terrified of Bible Prophecy.
When Christ died there, Satan thought, he'd won the victory.
When Christ shouted ''It Is Finished'', Satan saw too late.
The price for mankind's sin was paid, as the cost, was great.

30) The heathen, Satan, terrified of Bible Prophecy.
On The Third Day, Christ Arose, there in victory.
Now, all who believed on Christ, the one thing God required.
Would go to Heaven at their death; not Hell, and Lake Of Fire.

31) The heathen, Satan, terrified of Bible Prophecy.
On The Day Of Pentecost, the Gospel Full and Free.
Preached by Peter on that day, three thousand souls were saved.
Believed on Christ, who lived, and died, and rose up from the grave.

32) The heathen, Satan, terrified of Bible Prophecy.
Many Christians were there martyred, throughout history.
For their sights were on a Kingdom, that The Lord, did make.
No matter their torture or death; their faith would not break.

33) The heathen, Satan, terrified of Bible Prophecy.
The Lord there did warn mankind, ''Behold, I Come Quickly''.
First, at the Rapture Of The Church, to take home His Bride.
Then, time of tribulation there, hits Earth far and wide.

34) The heathen, Satan, terrified of Bible Prophecy.
Hell On Earth for seven years, when evil does run free.
The Third Temple is rebuilt, there to please the Jews.
Peace treaty for seven years; then voided, refused.

35) The heathen, Satan, terrified of Bible Prophecy.
Seals, trumpets, bowls, of plagues, fall on humanity.
Permanently now banned from Heaven, Satan is now enraged.
In slaughter of Christians and Jews, Satan does engage.

36) The heathen, Satan, terrified of Bible Prophecy.
The Mark Of The Beast compelled, for humanity.
If they want to hold a job, or there, buy and sell.
Those who take it damned forever, to a fiery Hell.

37) The heathen, Satan, terrified of Bible Prophecy.
Head toward Armageddon there, with a huge army.
Thinking they can defeat Christ, and the Heavenly Host.
They'll soon see that their choice was, one they'd regret most.

38) The heathen, Satan, terrified of Bible Prophecy.
The repentant Jews in Petra, there make sincere plea.
''Blessed is He, there who comes, there in The Lord's Name''.
Christ returns in Glory there, ending man's sin game.

39) The heathen, Satan, terrified of Bible Prophecy.
The Antichrist, False Prophet, both, meet their destiny.
Cast into The Lake Of Fire, without dying first.
Of eternal punishment, theirs among the worst.

40) The heathen, Satan, terrified of Bible Prophecy.
Satan captured, bound and chained, stripped of dignity.
Into the Abyss he's sent, for a thousand years.
He now sees fulfillment of, all his greatest fears.

41) The heathen, Satan, terrified of Bible Prophecy.
Christ does all the fighting there, gets the victory.
With just a Word, His Enemies, are all cut to shreds.
This moment for all these souls, they'd forever, dread.

42) The heathen, Satan, terrified of Bible Prophecy.
At the Temple's Eastern Gate, closed in entireity.
The King Of Glory opens it, with His Mighty Power.
And all of His Enemies, are quickly devoured.

43) The heathen, Satan, terrified of Bible Prophecy.
Christ's Feet on the Mount Of Olives, it splits completely.
Then, the Valley Of Decision, for judgment, is made.
Judgment Of The Sheep and Goats, it is not delayed.

44) The heathen, Satan, terrified of Bible Prophecy.
The unrepentant, cast away, for eternity.
The righteousness are now welcomed to Millennium Of Peace.
The curse of sin on planet Earth, is finally released.

45) The heathen, Satan, terrified of Bible Prophecy.
The Earth, ravaged terribly, from sin and savagery.
Restored back to what it was, there in Eden's Day.
Life as it was meant to be, a joy in every way.

46) The heathen, Satan, terrified of Bible Prophecy.
But, at end of Millennium, Satan is set free.
One last rebellion he does try, to defeat The Lord.
The truth there of his defeat, He has there, ignored.

47) The heathen, Satan, terrified of Bible Prophecy.
Fire falls from Heaven there, consumes the army.
Now into The Lake of Fire, Satan is now cast.
Rebellion there in mankind, it has breathed its last.

48) The heathen, Satan, terrified of Bible Prophecy.
The Judgment Of The Great White Throne; somber it will be.
Now compelled before The Lord, all there bow and kneel.
No question of guilt therein, no pardon, or appeal.

49) The heathen, Satan, terrified of Bible Prophecy.
All there know, The Lake Of Fire, theirs for eternity.
Since these refused God's Love Gift, and His Righteous Light.
Tormented for eternity, nonstop, day and night.

50) The heathen, Satan, terrified of Bible Prophecy.
Heaven, Earth, Jerusalem; burned up, completely.
New Heaven, Earth, Jerusalem; to last for all time.
For sin will not rise again, or its evil crime.

51) The heathen, Satan, terrified of Bible Prophecy.
Their defeat, it is assured; that's God's guarantee.
God wants none to die in sin; but all to repent.
For The Lord, He Made The Rules; they will not be bent.

52) The heathen, Satan, terrified of Bible Prophecy.
What you do with Jesus Christ, sets your eternity.
But, God is a Gentleman; He'll let you go your way.
Spurn the Gospel; forever, your sin debt, you'll pay.

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