Peace And Safety<p>

Peace And Safety

Peace And Safety

Soar With Jesus


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This poem is from the ''My Testimony -- To Soar With Jesus Collection''. Written by Daryl Stout. (C) Copyright 1989, 2024 by Daryl Stout. All Rights Reserved. Any abuse or unauthorized usage of this poetry will be dealt With at The Judgment Before Jesus Christ. The ''Soar With Jesus'' Eagle Design was created and designed by Dale Larison, and it is used by permission.

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Peace And Safety

Peace And Safety

Based on 1 Thessalonians 5:3

Written By Daryl Stout

1) Peace And Safety will not come until The Lord returns.
In over six thousand years, mankind never learns.
Many kings and rulers there, in their quest for power.
All their opposition there, they seek to devour.

2) Peace And Safety will not come until The Lord returns.
Destruction sudden, upon all, as the battle turns.
Like a woman in travail, when a baby, born.
Extreme pain and agony, just like from womb, torn.

3) Peace And Safety will not come until The Lord returns.
When peace treaties there are signed, someone will get burned.
Mankind's sinful nature there, corruption, greed.
Power there, unlimited, to fulfill his need.

4) Peace And Safety will not come until The Lord returns.
Word of deaths and injuries, will make the stomach churn.
God puts nations leaders there, in authority.
This power can there be removed, very rapidly.

5) Peace And Safety will not come until The Lord returns.
Like shaky bridge foundation there, with collapsing berns.
Agreement flimsy at its best; it will fall apart.
Man is wicked to the core, in his sin filled heart.

6) Peace And Safety will not come until The Lord returns.
Wars and battles everywhere, that you look and turn.
The truth, a battle, spiritually, there against The Lord.
But, His Word is sharper than, any two edged sword.

7) Peace And Safety will not come until The Lord returns.
After Rapture Of The Church, the world's eyes, will turn.
Back to Israel, once again, the world's battleground.
The Antichrist will then appear, making peaceful sound.

8) Peace And Safety will not come until The Lord returns.
Russians, Muslims, others too, will there see, and learn.
There upon the Golan Heights, their armies are destroyed.
God did give the victory, Jews are overjoyed.

9) Peace And Safety will not come until The Lord returns.
Jews worldwide, come back to God, petition to return.
Back to the Old Covenant, red heifer, sacrificed.
Peace treaty for seven years, but it's not so nice.

10) Peace And Safety will not come until The Lord returns.
The Third Temple is rebuilt, sacrifice returns.
Thinking their Messiah there, has finally arrived.
But, genocide will soon take hold; few are left alive.

11) Peace And Safety will not come until The Lord returns.
True colors of the Man Of Sin, the world, soon there, learns.
Wars, then famine, widespread death, descends upon the world.
As The Judgments of The Lord, toward Earth, now are hurled.

12) Peace And Safety will not come until The Lord returns.
Seal judgments now complete, now to the next turn.
There is now a brief pause, for repentance call.
Trumpet judgments, there of thirds, now on Earth, do fall.

13) Peace And Safety will not come until The Lord returns.
A third of trees and grass on Earth, all destroyed and burned.
A third oceans turned to blood, a third of sea life dies.
A third of ships now are destroyed, sailors horror eyes.

14) Peace And Safety will not come until The Lord returns.
A third of fresh water, now poisoned, bitter turns.
Light from the sun, moon, and stars, by a third, reduced.
Woe to those on planet Earth, as next judgments loosed.

15) Peace And Safety will not come until The Lord returns.
From the Abyss, attacking, those, who the Gospel, spurned.
Stings there like a scorpion, to all the unsaved.
Suicide cannot be done, though effort, there they gave.

16) Peace And Safety will not come until The Lord returns.
Demons at Euphrates there, unbound for their turn.
Two hundred million army there, evil quest they find.
On their mission there to kill, one third of mankind.

17) Peace And Safety will not come until The Lord returns.
Trumpet judgments at an end, things take a worse turn.
Great Tribulation now arrives, that none have seen before.
Massive judgments coming up, to every land and shore.

18) Peace And Safety will not come until The Lord returns.
Antichrist attacked and dies; but to life, returns.
In counterfeit of resurrection, now fully indwelled;
By Satan and his demon hordes, from the pit of Hell.

19) Peace And Safety will not come until The Lord returns.
The Temple is defiled now; Jews realize they got burned.
One third flee to Petra there, for a hiding place.
It is there, they will repent, and will see Christ's Face.

20) Peace And Safety will not come until The Lord returns.
The False Prophet now appears, things take a wicked turn.
Everyone must take the Mark, to there, buy and sell.
But, all those who do this deed, are there, damned to Hell.

21) Peace And Safety will not come until The Lord returns.
For all those who take The Mark, there is no return.
They preferred the darkness of, evil, sin, desire.
They will spend eternity, in The Lake Of Fire.

22) Peace And Safety will not come until The Lord returns.
Believers who reject The Mark, and benefits, they spurn.
They're arrested, tortured, killed, there by guillotine.
The Antichrist in full force now, none ever was so mean.

23) Peace And Safety will not come until The Lord returns.
God's Wrath is now maximized, toward Earth, it is turned.
Painful, grievious, loathsome sores, contrast is so stark.
On the flesh of every soul, who did take The Mark.

24) Peace And Safety will not come until The Lord returns.
All oceans are turned to blood, all ships destroyed and burned.
All life in the sea is dead, putrid is the stench.
Toward God, all the rebels do, have fists and teeth, clenched.

25) Peace And Safety will not come until The Lord returns.
For killing Christ's followers, water, to blood, turned.
God gives them blood to drink, poetic justice, done.
For those who'd spit there in the Face, of His Precious Son.

26) Peace And Safety will not come until The Lord returns.
The sun goes super nova now, and everything, it burns.
Oceans, lakes, and rivers boil, in bloody quagmire.
Rebels still will not repent, preferring sins desire.

27) Peace And Safety will not come until The Lord returns.
Darkness falls upon the Earth, where the Gospel, spurned.
Mankind still keeps cursing God, gnaws their tongues for pain.
Why the judgments he can't stop; The Beast, can't explain.

28) Peace And Safety will not come until The Lord returns.
Euphrates River now dried up, Kings Of The East, now turn.
Headed toward Megiddo there, in the dark of night.
For Armageddon, battle of, evil against right.

29) Peace And Safety will not come until The Lord returns.
Final bowl is now poured out, and the Earth does churn.
Mountains, islands, there collapse, from the massive quake.
Magnitude was never seen, the Richter Scale, will break.

30) Peace And Safety will not come until The Lord returns.
Final judgment on mankind, it now, there, is turned.
Hailstones, one hundred pounds, slam Earth from the sky.
Mankind still will not repent, but curse God and die.

31) Peace And Safety will not come until The Lord returns.
As the armies close in there; the Jews, to Christ, return.
''Blessed Is He, Who There Does Come, There In The Lord's Name''.
They mourn for their rejecting Him, and do take the blame. 32) Peace And Safety will not come until The Lord returns.
As the Heavens open there, the world's armies turn;
To try and defeat The Lord, and His Armies there.
With a Word, all there killed, for birds from the air.

33) Peace And Safety has now come with The Lord's return.
The Antichrist, False Prophet, too; for their wicked turn.
Both cast into The Lake Of Fire, for all eternity.
Satan bound a thousand years, to be in misery.

34) Peace And Safety has now come with The Lord's return.
Ravaged Earth, now is restored, paradise returned.
Judgment Of The Sheep and Goats, Millennium Of Peace.
The curse of sin on Planet Earth, finally released.

35) Peace And Safety has now come with The Lord's return.
The goats cast from Planet Earth, to there, forever, burn.
The sheep now enter joyous life, where there is no pain.
With a Rod Of Iron, there, The Lord, will rule and reign.

36) Peace And Safety has now come with The Lord's return.
At end of Millennium, one more evil turn.
Fire falls from Heaven there, the rebels are destroyed.
Now, the Earth, encased in flame, as sins purge, employed.

37) Peace And Safety has now come with The Lord's return.
But, there at The Great White Throne, there's no place to turn.
Peace And Safety can't be found, there for all the lost.
Eternally, for their sin debt, they will pay the cost.

38) Peace And Safety has now come with The Lord's return.
Forever in The Lake Of Fire, the unsaved souls, will burn.
New Heaven, Earth, Jerusalem, are now all in place.
Eternal joy for all there who, accepted The Lord's Grace.

39) Peace And Safety has now come with The Lord's return.
Sin won't rise a second time, or be there, to learn.
Eye hasn't seen, ear hasn't heard, or entered in one's heart.
Things God prepared for everyone who loved Him from the start.

40) Peace And Safety will not come until The Lord returns.
It's a fact that sinful man, must accept and learn.
All have sinned and fallen short, of God's Glory there.
Earthly life not all there is, and one must prepare.

41) Peace And Safety will not come until The Lord returns.
Will you there, reject The Lord, and His Love Gift, spurn??
God wants none to die in sin, but all souls to repent.
The one thing God requires is ''Believe On Christ, He Sent''.

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