No Forgiveness Or Redemption, For All Who Take The Mark<p>

No Forgiveness Or Redemption, For All Who Take The Mark

No Forgiveness Or Redemption, For All Who Take The Mark

Soar With Jesus


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This poem is from the ''My Testimony -- To Soar With Jesus Collection''. Written by Daryl Stout. (C) Copyright 1989, 2024 by Daryl Stout. All Rights Reserved. Any abuse or unauthorized usage of this poetry will be dealt With at The Judgment Before Jesus Christ. The ''Soar With Jesus'' Eagle Design was created and designed by Dale Larison, and it is used by permission.

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No Forgiveness Or Redemption, For All Who Take The Mark

No Forgiveness Or Redemption, For All Who Take The Mark

Written By Daryl Stout

1) No forgiveness or redemption, for all who take The Mark.
Mandated by The False Prophet; for those whose hearts, so dark.
To hold a job, get benefits, or there to buy or sell.
These worship the Antichrist, and damn themselves to Hell.

2) No forgiveness or redemption, for all who take The Mark.
The difference eternally, for these, is so stark.
Instead of joy and happiness, they'll have tormenting flame.
With all who would not repent, and call on Jesus' Name.

3) No forgiveness or redemption, for all who take The Mark.
Worse than an angry canine there, its bite worse than bark.
This sin, God will not forgive, a slap there to His Face.
All these who would spit at Him, and refuse His Grace.

4) No forgiveness or redemption, for all who take The Mark.
The same fate as all those who, would not board the Ark.
Floodwaters came, and all outside, tragically, there drowned.
Into Christless eternity, all these souls, now bound.

5) No forgiveness or redemption, for all who take The Mark.
They made the choice to do this, not thought of random lark.
To feed all their family, survive life on Earth.
Felt all these were more important, than to have New Birth.

6) No forgiveness or redemption, for all who take The Mark.
Their hearts wicked, black with sin, more than coal, so dark.
They have sworn allegiance there, to Satan as their lord.
Eternal torment for all these, will not be ignored.

7) No forgiveness or redemption, for all who take The Mark.
The rest of their life on Earth, no walk in the park.
Demonic locusts sting all these, with pain, agony.
A small sample, what they'll have, for all eternity.

8) No forgiveness or redemption, for all who take The Mark.
All these will there curse The Lord, and when they took The Mark.
Painful, grievous, loathsome sores, boils, on their hand and face.
And on their entire body, front, back, every space.

9) No forgiveness or redemption, for all who take The Mark.
Trying there to kill themselves, in ways, they embark.
Death will flee away from them, no matter what they try.
Like rotting flesh, in agony, they cannot, there die.

10) No forgiveness or redemption, for all who take The Mark.
At the moment of their death, damnation trip, embark.
First, in the flames of Hell; then at the Great White Throne.
Then cast into Lake Of Fire; ones Christ had never known.

11) No forgiveness or redemption, for all who take The Mark.
For all these eternally, in sulphur flame, so dark.
Constant torture by the demons, torment day and night.
For these, the joy of Heaven won't, ever be in sight.

12) No forgiveness or redemption, for all who take The Mark.
Just like one third of angels there, with Lucifer, embarked.
Out of Heaven, these cast out; Home Of The Damned, was made.
The pain and torment they'll endure, it will never fade.

13) No forgiveness or redemption, for all who take The Mark.
If left behind at Rapture there, your misery, embarked.
The Time Of Jacob's Trouble, Hell On Earth for seven years.
Billions die, and mankind's hearts, all fail them for fear.

14) No forgiveness or redemption, for all who take The Mark.
While your choice of life and death, it may seem so stark.
All those who refuse The Mark, are beheaded, there.
But, eternal joy for these, The Lord, has prepared.

15) No forgiveness or redemption, for all who take The Mark.
All who do reject The Lord, with their hearts, so dark.
Once The Mark is taken there, point of no return.
In Hell, then The Lake Of Fire, these forever, burn.

16) No forgiveness or redemption, for all who take The Mark.
The Great Tribulation there, evil reigns, so dark.
If The Lord did not return, at the appointed time.
No life would be left on Earth, from the sin and crime.

17) No forgiveness or redemption, for all who take The Mark.
The one sin unforgiven there, no plea or remark.
When they stand before The Lord, eternally condemned.
Jesus Christ, Their Worst Nightmare; and not Forever Friend.

18) No forgiveness or redemption, for all who take The Mark.
Will you stay with life of sin, and outlook so dark??
Or repent, accept The Lord; and then likely die??
For all those who come to Him; He will not deny.

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