Contents |
Overview |
Evil Men And Seducers Grow Worse, And Are Deceived |
This poem is from the ''My Testimony -- To Soar With Jesus Collection''. Written by Daryl Stout. (C) Copyright 1989, 2024 by Daryl Stout. All Rights Reserved. Any abuse or unauthorized usage of this poetry will be dealt With at The Judgment Before Jesus Christ. The ''Soar With Jesus'' Eagle Design was created and designed by Dale Larison, and it is used by permission.
Based on 2 Timothy 3:13
Written By Daryl Stout
2) Like a thief, or cockroach there, they prefer the night.
So their evil not exposed, there by shining light.
Wicked things there from their heart, totally conceived.
Evil men and seducers, grow worse, and are deceived.
3) Imagination of man's heart, evil continually.
Cain killed his brother, Abel, in a fit of jealousy.
Cain was angry that his offering, God did not receive.
Evil men and seducers, grow worse, and are deceived.
4) Things went downhill fast from there, God's Laws, men despised.
For they did what felt right, there in their own eyes.
Sorry that He made man there; The Lord, He was grieved.
Evil men and seducers, grow worse, and are deceived.
5) God had finally had enough; mankind's souls so dark.
He commanded Noah there, to build a huge Ark.
Rain had never fallen there; a flood, not believed.
Evil men and seducers, grow worse, and are deceived.
6) After animals and Noah, safe inside the Ark.
In seven days, stormy skies, threatening and stark.
Upon every thing on Earth, flooding waves, there heaved.
Evil men and seducers, grow worse, and are deceived.
7) ''We are sorry for our sins!! Let us come inside!!''.
Horrifying screams of those, who there drowned, and died.
After forty days and nights, floodwaters did recede.
Evil men and seducers, grow worse, and are deceived.
8) Then, upon Mount Ararat, the Ark came to rest.
An altar built unto The Lord, and covenant impress.
Rainbow there placed in the sky, no more flood, conceived.
Evil men and seducers, grow worse, and are deceived.
9) Next time, the world would be destroyed by God's Righteous Fire.
As with Sodom and Gomorrah, with all sins desire.
All those wicked before God, judgment they received.
Evil men and seducers, grow worse, and are deceived.
10) Except for the believing remnant, most would turn away.
Preferred the pagans over God, with all of their ways.
Despite warnings from The Lord, they were not believed.
Evil men and seducers, grow worse, and are deceived.
11) God told Pharoah through Moses, to ''Let My People I Go''.
Pharoah refused, saying that ''This God, I do not know''.
Ten plagues would pound Egypt there, all hard to believe.
Evil men and seducers, grow worse, and are deceived.
12) Waters turned to blood, then frogs, lice, and the flies.
Pharoah hardened his heart there; God, he did, despise.
Boils, hail, fire, locusts, darkness, to receive.
Evil men and seducers, grow worse, and are deceived.
13) Passover, the final plague, with blood of a lamb.
On doorpost lintels, in a Cross; this was not a sham.
Unprotected firstborn died; many were aggrieved.
Evil men and seducers, grow worse, and are deceived.
14) The only heir to Phaorah's throne, was among the dead.
Moses summoned, and with anger, Pharoah, livid, said,
''Take your people, herds, and flocks; and from my sight, leave!!''.
Evil men and seducers grow worse, and are deceived.
15) After years of bondage there, the Jews were now free.
Then, Pharoah's army in pursuit, drowned in the Red Sea.
With the miracles of God; some would not believe.
Evil men and seducers grow worse, and are deceived.
16) As Moses up on Mount Sinai, to get Commandments Ten.
Aaron built a golden calf; an orgy there, of sin.
Upon these rebellious souls, judgment was received.
Evil men and seducers grow worse, and are deceived.
17) They wandered in the wilderness, there for forty years.
Not willing to trust The Lord; but gave into fears.
Just Joshua and Caleb there, the Promised Land, received.
Evil men and seducers grow worse, and are deceived.
18) Worship now a ritual, idolatry full, there.
They felt that they were safe, under The Lord's Care.
But, His warnings were ignored; these were not believed.
Evil men and seducers grow worse, and are deceived.
19) So, God let their enemies, attack all the Jews.
To follow The Lord's Commands, His Own, did refuse.
So, Babylon Captivity, is what they received.
Evil men and seducers grow worse, and are deceived.
20) With invading forces there, the Temple was destroyed.
Many perished in the battles, that were there, employed.
Those who truly loved The Lord, they were there, aggrieved.
Evil men and seducers grow worse, and are deceived.
21) After seventy years passed, captivity was done.
They returned to their land there; rebuilding now begun.
Enemies of Israel, their judgment, now received.
Evil men and seducers grow worse, and are deceived.
22) A Second Temple would be built, up through Jesus' Day.
John The Baptist, there was sent, to prepare the way.
While Christ came unto His Own; most did not receive.
Evil men and seducers grow worse, and are deceived.
23) Pharisees and Saducees, saw Christ as a threat.
To stop Him quick as possible; it was their sure bet.
Many saw His Miracles, but few there, believed.
Evil men and seducers grow worse, and are deceived.
24) Of His Twelve Disciples there, one would Him, betray.
Thirty pieces of silver, the high priests would pay.
To Judas Iscariot, for he did not believe.
Evil men and seducers grow worse, and are deceived.
25) Christ arrested in the Garden, of Gethsemane.
Part of the Redemption Plan for all eternity.
In fear, His Disciples, would, rapidly there, leave.
Evil men and seducers grow worse, and are deceived.
26) An illegal trial there, done in dead of night.
Eighteen Jewish laws were broken, all more wrong, than right.
The crowd turned against The Lord, by charges, conceived.
Evil men and seducers grow worse, and are deceived.
27) Christ, He was acquitted there, by Pilate, four times.
''I find no fault in Him there for, any sin or crime''.
But, he released Barabbas there; the priests were relieved.
Evil men and seducers grow worse, and are deceived.
28) Days before ''Hosanna'' was, the resounding cry.
Now turned against Him, it had changed, there to ''Crucify!!''.
All the sins mankind would do, Christ now did, receive.
Evil men and seducers grow worse, and are deceived.
29) On The Cross Of Calvary, dying, was God's Son.
Satan and his demon hordes, thought that they had won.
But, when Christ said ''It Is Finished!''; victory was achieved.
Evil men and seducers grow worse, and are deceived.
30) Then, Christ arose on the Third Day, o'er sin and the grave.
All who'd repent, believe on Him; they would there, be saved.
Sins forgiven by God's Grace; believers had received.
Evil men and seducers grow worse, and are deceived.
31) In Seventy, A.D., the Second Temple, was destroyed.
Crucifying their Messiah, God's Justice, employed.
Land sat barren desolate, that none could have conceived.
Evil men and seducers grow worse, and are deceived.
32) Then in Nineteen Forty-Eight, Israel was reborn.
This met by its enemies, with full anger, scorn.
God said He would bring them back, and to Him, receive.
Evil men and seducers grow worse, and are deceived.
33) Now up to the present day, two thousand years, gone by.
Each passing second, closer to, the Rapture in the sky.
Satan's forces working hard, his lies, to receive.
Evil men and seducers grow worse, and are deceived.
34) In the twinkling of an eye, the Rapture does take place.
Those in Christ, dead and alive, now in Heaven's space.
Many souls were left behind, all who did not believe.
Evil men and seducers grow worse, and are deceived.
35) The time of Jacob's Trouble there, hearts failing from fear.
Evil, Satan, unrestrained, there for seven years.
Many martyred for The Lord; beheading death, received.
Evil men and seducers grow worse, and are deceived.
36) A peace treaty is there signed, Third Temple is built.
Three and one half years later, defiled to the hilt.
Believing remnant flee to Petra, see they were deceived.
Evil men and seducers grow worse, and are deceived.
37) Seals, trumpets, bowls, of plagues, pummel all the Earth.
Many souls will take the Mark, and refuse New Birth.
They'd rather heed the Devil's lies, than on Christ, believe.
Evil men and seducers grow worse, and are deceived.
38) Satan, the god of this world, most spiritually blind.
They feel they can beat The Lord, in their deluded mind.
At the moment of their death, the torment, they'll receive.
Evil men and seducers grow worse, and are deceived.
39) As armies of the Antichrist, close in for the kill.
The Holy Spirit pricked their hearts, and their stubborn will.
Mourning as for firstborn son, the remnant, truly grieved.
On Christ, their Messiah there; they repent, receive.
40) At the end of tribulation, The Lord splits the sky.
In His Second Coming there; most curse Him, and die.
They realize that it's too late, to repent, believe.
Evil men and seducers grow worse, and are deceived.
41) The rule of mortal man on Earth, now comes to an end.
Jesus Christ, their worst nightmare, and not forever, friend.
In defiance toward The Lord, they won't repent, believe.
Evil men and seducers grow worse, and are deceived.
42) The Antichrist, False Prophet, too, cast into the Flame.
Of eternal Lake Of Fire, with its torment, shame.
Punishment for Satan there, finally is received.
Evil men and seducers grow worse, and are deceived.
43) Christ restores the ravaged Earth, there to Paradise.
Life as it was meant to be, peace and joy, so nice.
The believing remnant now, all blessings receive.
For this time, the Devil's bound, no one is deceived.
44) With a rod of iron, Christ, o'er the nations, reigns.
At end of a thousand years, once again, the stains.
Of rebellion against Christ, the Devil free, received.
Evil men and seducers grow worse, and are deceived.
45) But, this last rebellion doesn't even leave the ground.
Though the Holy City there, by forces, there, surround.
Fire falls from Heaven, the judgment, there received.
Evil men and seducers grow worse, and are deceived.
46) The present Earth is set aflame, to purify sin's curse.
Sin won't rise a second time, no more from bad to worse.
The Great White Throne awaits all those, who would not Christ, receive.
Evil men and seducers grow worse, and are deceived.
47) No guilt question, pardon, mercy, or appeal there.
Realize for each of them, judgment won't be spared.
Too late, they see the truth therein, what they have received.
Evil men and seducers grow worse, and are deceived.
48) New Heaven, Earth, Jerusalem, joy there for all time.
Sin won't ever rise again, or its heinous crime.
An eternity of joy, the redeemed, receive.
No more evil and seducers, just those who believed.
49) Evil will not rule the day, the battle has been won.
Victory at Calvary, by Jesus Christ, God's Son.
All repenting of their sin, Christ in their heart, receive.
As the saved of God rejoice ''I know who I've believed''.
50) An appointment you will keep, you'll bow before The Lord.
For His Word is sharper than any two edged sword.
Please don't fall for Satan's lies; eternally deceived.
Repent of sin, make Christ Your Lord; His Free Gift, receive.