Just Like A Filthy Cockroach, Their Evil In The Dark<p>

Just Like A Filthy Cockroach, Their Evil In The Dark

Just Like A Filthy Cockroach, Their Evil In The Dark

Soar With Jesus


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This poem is from the ''My Testimony -- To Soar With Jesus Collection''. Written by Daryl Stout. (C) Copyright 1989, 2024 by Daryl Stout. All Rights Reserved. Any abuse or unauthorized usage of this poetry will be dealt With at The Judgment Before Jesus Christ. The ''Soar With Jesus'' Eagle Design was created and designed by Dale Larison, and it is used by permission.

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Just Like A Filthy Cockroach, Their Evil In The Dark

Just Like A Filthy Cockroach, Their Evil In The Dark

Written By Daryl Stout

1) The unrepentant evil souls, that walk upon the Earth.
All laugh at the Gospel Truth, spurning the New Birth.
Between these lost souls, and the saved; the contrast is so stark.
Just like a filthy cockroach, their evil in the dark.

2) They prefer the darkness that is shown through the night.
So all of their evil deeds, do not come to light.
They jump at a life of sin, wickedness, embark.
Just like a filthy cockroach, their evil in the dark.

3) Feeling that their deeds nefarious, are all concealed.
Their guilt never comes to light, it won't be revealed.
To all these a life of sin, a walk in the park.
Just like a filthy cockroach, their evil in the dark.

4) In Noah's Day, most folks did what, was right in their own eyes.
When God's Flood Judgment finally came, they were so surprised.
They thought Noah crazy there, for building the Ark.
Just like a filthy cockroach, their evil in the dark.

5) With Sodom and Gomorrah both, destroyed in Divine Fire.
Because of their wickedness, preferring sin's desire.
Complain like a vicious dog, with its teeth and bark.
Just like a filthy cockroach, their evil in the dark.

6) The unsaved souls detest the fact, that God, He made The Rules.
Professing themselves to be wise, they instead, are fools.
The start to the flames of Hell, begins with sinful spark.
Just like a filthy cockroach, their evil in the dark.

7) When witnessed to with Gospel Truth, they all scoff and laugh.
Refusing to see they'll be burned, like the worthless chaff.
Constantly, they curse God's Name, with blasphemous remark.
Just like a filthy cockroach, their evil in the dark.

8) These spurn the Gospel many times, and soon, it is too late.
God gives all these over to, a mind, reprobate.
They do evil willingly, not on a lark.
Just like a filthy cockroach, their evil in the dark.

9) After Rapture Of The Church, when evil's unrestrained.
It seems that any good in life, all gone down the drain.
Many follow Antichrist, and will take his Mark.
Just like a filthy cockroach, their evil in the dark.

10) At the moment of their death, they see their mistake.
Their eternity is set, a change they cannot make.
In Hell, sulphur, a thick flame, and it is so dark.
Just like a filthy cockroach, their evil in the dark.

11) As soon as these do enter Hell, as Christ, they did, reject.
In torment, pain, they realize, prayers have no effect.
The change in their attitude, it is now, so stark.
Just like a filthy cockroach, their evil in the dark.

12) Instead of their Friend for Life; Christ, worst nightmare, faced.
Terrified before Him there, as they spurned His Grace.
Their life played back, with every thought, deed, and word remark.
Just like a filthy cockroach, their evil in the dark.

13) No question of their guilt therein; no pardon or appeal.
All they felt was hid away, now fully revealed.
Too late to change what they have done; the sin, they embarked.
Just like a filthy cockroach, their evil in the dark.

14) They now hear the frightening words, from Christ, on His Throne.
''Depart from Me, into the fire; for you, I've never known.''
No chance for mercy or redemption, where they can embark.
Just like a filthy cockroach, their evil in the dark.

15) At the moment of your death, who will, your sin debt, pay??
Don't be like filthy cockroach there; come to Christ, today.
The difference from both Hell and Heaven; it is oh, so stark.
Just like a filthy cockroach, their evil in the dark.

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