You Hate The Jews And Israel, If You Support Their Foes<p>

You Hate The Jews And Israel, If You Support Their Foes

You Hate The Jews And Israel, If You Support Their Foes

Soar With Jesus


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This poem is from the ''My Testimony -- To Soar With Jesus Collection''. Written by Daryl Stout. (C) Copyright 1989, 2024 by Daryl Stout. All Rights Reserved. Any abuse or unauthorized usage of this poetry will be dealt With at The Judgment Before Jesus Christ. The ''Soar With Jesus'' Eagle Design was created and designed by Dale Larison, and it is used by permission.

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You Hate The Jews And Israel, If You Support Their Foes

You Hate The Jews And Israel, If You Support Their Foes

Written By Daryl Stout

1) You hate the Jews and Israel, if you support their foes.
So, this warning, from The Lord, to you, I must disclose.
God said ''I'll bless them who bless you; others, I will curse''.
Noted there in Genesis Twelve, Three, Scripture Verse.

2) You hate the Jews and Israel, if you support their foes.
Want Jewish, Israel, history, forever there, to close.
But, God decreed that Israel, what He has called ''My Land'';
The Home for Jews forevermore; His Promised Word, will stand.

3) You hate the Jews and Israel, if you support their foes.
The Muslims, Arabs, and the world, all these, do oppose.
Though many times, evicted there, for their idolatry.
The Promised Land is for the Jews, for all eternity.

4) You hate the Jews and Israel, if you support their foes.
Palestine, a taunting word, that the Romans chose.
From Philistine, ancient enemy, of all the Jews.
Persecuting God's people, the path that they did choose.

5) You hate the Jews and Israel, if you support their foes.
You will see eventually, you're in judgment throes.
From ten plagues that God did send, across Egypt's Land.
Their pagan gods, they were no match, for God's Mighty Hand.

6) You hate the Jews and Israel, if you support their foes.
You will be stuck by all the thorns, instead of fresh smelled rose.
Truly, vengenance is The Lord's; one day, He will repay.
The penalty will be extracted, there on Judgment Day.

7) You hate the Jews and Israel, if you support their foes.
Quoting the vernacular, your philosophy there, ''blows''.
Nothing formed against the Jews, will prosper to the end.
Jesus Christ, Messiah, Lord, Saviour, and Jews Friend.

8) You hate the Jews and Israel, if you support their foes.
Yet, God gave all mankind free will; decision they have chose.
Either to accept The Lord, Israel, and the Jews.
Or to reject all of these; and their things, refuse.

9) You hate the Jews and Israel, if you support their foes.
On each of you, God does pronounce, the judgment of woes.
If you prefer this hatred there, full of sins desire.
You will spend eternity in The Lake Of Fire.

10) You hate the Jews and Israel, if you support their foes.
For The Lord, He never sleeps, or takes a nap to doze.
Everything that's ever done, does not escape His View.
Every motive, thought, word, deed; attributed to you.

11) You hate the Jews and Israel, if you support their foes.
One day, His Wrath upon The Earth, totally overflows.
Seals, trumpets, bowls, of plagues, total twenty-one.
Against all, who there reject, Christ, His Only Son.

12) You hate the Jews and Israel, if you support their foes.
Sin is like a cancer there; rapidly, it grows.
Touch Israel, and you touch, the Apple Of God's Eye.
On Judgment Day, all of your guilt, you cannot deny.

13) You hate the Jews and Israel, if you support their foes.
Everything about you there; The Lord, truly knows.
Whether your deeds done in open, or were there, concealed.
On Judgment Day before The Lord, all these things, revealed.

14) You hate the Jews and Israel, if you support their foes.
Those loving Israel and the Jews; God's blessings, He bestows.
We're commanded to pray for Peace Of Jerusalem.
Against all evil, one day, Christ, will return, and win.

15) You hate the Jews and Israel, if you support their foes.
Your decision honored there, on life's path you chose.
After death, belief too late, to change your destiny.
Hell or Heaven, is your home, for all eternity.

16) You hate the Jews and Israel, if you support their foes.
For The Preaching Of The Cross, steps on people's toes.
The unrepentant feel that it's stupidity, and dumb.
If they die without The Lord, eternal doom will come.

17) You hate the Jews and Israel, if you support their foes.
Against darkness of all sin, righteousness flame glows.
Whether you like it or not, The Lord, He Made The Rules.
Professing yourself to be wise, you truly are a fool.

18) You hate the Jews and Israel, if you support their foes.
For The Lord will not be mocked, man reaps what he sows.
At the moment of your death, who will, your sin debt pay??
For Christ is The King Of Kings, and Heaven's Only Way.

19) You hate the Jews and Israel, if you support their foes.
On Judgment Day, before The Lord, your whole life, exposed.
No guilt question, pardon, mercy, hint, of appeal.
Hating Jews and Israel, with all its wicked zeal.

20) You hate the Jews and Israel, if you support their foes.
You can't stop the fire of sin, with just a water hose.
Only the Precious Blood of Christ, will wash your sin away.
Yet, God is a Gentleman; He'll let you go your way.

21) You hate the Jews and Israel, if you support their foes.
One day, the Pearly Gates to Heaven, will forever, close.
At your death, without The Lord, if you die in sin.
You'll see that at Heaven's Door, you won't be let in.

22) You hate the Jews and Israel, if you support their foes.
Will you follow Satan's Lies, the way that the world goes??
Or repent, believe on Christ, to save your soul from Hell??
Pray for the Jews and Israel, eternally, all is well.

23) You hate the Jews and Israel, if you support their foes.
All the sin there in your life, a stench in God's Nose.
Default at your death is Hell, if Christ, you refuse.
What will you do with Jesus Christ?? The choice, is yours, to choose.

24) You hate the Jews and Israel, if you support their foes.
Eternal blessings, like Christmas, with its gifts and bows.
Eye hasn't seen, ear hasn't heard, or entered in man's heart;
The things God prepared for those, who've loved Him from the start.

25) You hate the Jews and Israel, if you support their foes.
As your life will end one day, this poem, now must close.
Eagerly or there compelled, before Christ, all will bow.
Today is salvation's day; come to Jesus now.

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