Contents |
Overview |
Most Think They're Too Smart To Accept What God's Word Does Say |
This poem is from the ''My Testimony -- To Soar With Jesus Collection''. Written by Daryl Stout. (C) Copyright 1989, 2024 by Daryl Stout. All Rights Reserved. Any abuse or unauthorized usage of this poetry will be dealt With at The Judgment Before Jesus Christ. The ''Soar With Jesus'' Eagle Design was created and designed by Dale Larison, and it is used by permission.
Written By Daryl Stout
2) The first sin in the universe, was evil, selfish pride.
Developed there in Lucifer, who went to the dark side.
First, the covering cherub there, who went his own way.
Most think they're too smart to accept what God's Word does say.
3) One day, he felt that ''I should be, running this whole show''.
Yet, he didn't realize, his plans, The Lord, did know.
He conned one third of angels there, to join his evil way.
Most think they're too smart to accept what God's Word does say.
4) As quickly as a lightning flash, all these were expelled.
For them, The Lake Of Fire, formed, as well as fiery Hell.
They were in God's Presence there; but threw it all away.
Most think they're too smart to accept what God's Word does say.
5) So on Earth, creation there, became a battle field.
In his anger, Satan's forces, resolved not to yield.
So they all were furious, through all creations day.
Most think they're too smart to accept what God's Word does say.
6) First, the light, to separate, the darkness of the night.
Then, the ocean and the land, elements set right.
Trees, plants, creatures, then mankind; what a glorious day.
Most think they're too smart to accept what God's Word does say.
7) Adam and his helpmate Eve, tilled the Earthen land.
Perfect, until sin appeared, and made its ugly stand.
Evicted from their garden home, the good life, gone away.
Most think they're too smart to accept what God's Word does say.
8) The first born, a murderer, there upon the scene.
Abel, killed by Cain, whose heart, was so dark, and mean.
In a fit of jealous rage, insolent that day.
Most think they're too smart to accept what God's Word does say.
9) Then Lord confronted Cain, about his evil deed.
''Am I my brothers keeper there??'', in insolence, did plead.
Then, God placed a mark on him, and he went away.
Most think they're too smart to accept what God's Word does say.
10) Then wickedness and violence, filled Earth, shore to shore.
For the teachings of The Lord, most souls did ignore.
It grieved God at His Heart, the evil on display.
Most think they're too smart to accept what God's Word does say.
11) While most of mankind still on Earth, they The Lord, despised.
Noah and his family found, grace in The Lord's Eyes.
''Build An Ark of Gopher Wood; a flood is on the way''.
Most think they're too smart to accept what God's Word does say.
12) For one hundred twenty years, Noah preached and warned.
About the coming Judgment Flood; he was mocked and scorned.
But, Noah believed The Lord, in what He did say.
Most think they're too smart to accept what God's Word does say.
13) Once the Ark was finally done, the animals came inside.
''Noah's Folly'' ridiculed, the crowds, did there, deride.
When God shut the door, the flood, came in seven days.
Most think they're too smart to accept what God's Word does say.
14) Those who did not board the Ark, now saw their mistake.
When the lightning, thunder crashed, the sound of rain, did break.
Their so called life of peacefullness, forever gone, that day.
Most think they're too smart to accept what God's Word does say.
15) They pounded on the door, and screamed, to be let inside.
But, all those outside the Ark, in the flood, there died.
Only those inside the Ark, protected in all ways.
Most think they're too smart to accept what God's Word does say.
16) After forty days and nights, the rainfall there, did stop.
And, there on Mount Ararat, lodged in at the top.
The Ark it would now come to rest, to start a brand new day.
Most think they're too smart to accept what God's Word does say.
17) The door finally opened up, and all there, disembarked.
The devastation from the flood, it was there, so stark.
Noah built an altar there, sacrificed, did pray.
Most think they're too smart to accept what God's Word does say.
18) In the clouds, a covenant, a rainbow in the sky.
From The Lord to mankind there, on the Earth, now dry.
Earth to not be there destroyed, by flood, in any way.
Most think they're too smart to accept what God's Word does say.
19) The next time God destroys The Earth, it will be fire.
To purify the world of sin, and all its desire.
But, just as those before the flood; man went on sinful way.
Most think they're too smart to accept what God's Word does say.
20) Then, on the Plains on Shinar there, at Babel, tower made.
Man's arrogance toward The Lord, was fully displayed.
So, God confused the languages, in the words they'd say.
Most think they're too smart to accept what God's Word does say.
21) God called Abram to leave home, and the life he'd known.
And, given ''The Promised Land'', that would there, be shown.
By faith, he believed The Lord, in words that He did say.
Most think they're too smart to accept what God's Word does say.
22) Abram and his wife Sarai, were far aged in years.
Too old to bear children there, it was their worst fears.
Did not want to wait on God; a sin in every way.
Most think they're too smart to accept what God's Word does say.
23) Abram slept with Hagar there, Sarai's own handmaid.
Ishamel, father of the Arabs, in that union made.
We're paying for that act of sin, in the world, today.
Most think they're too smart to accept what God's Word does say.
24) God appeared to Abram there, and changed both their names.
Now Abraham and Sarah there, their lives are not the same.
With Isaac, the promised one, she was pregnant that day.
Most think they're too smart to accept what God's Word does say.
25) After Isaac there was born, Ishmael mocked him there.
Hagar and Ishamel sent away, in total despair.
The anger toward God's Chosen ones, exists to this day.
Most think they're too smart to accept what God's Word does say.
26) God would then put Abraham, in love's greatest test.
''Sacrifice your son to Me, that is My Request''.
By faith, Abraham believed, God would save the day.
Most think they're too smart to accept what God's Word does say.
27) Just before the moment there, Isaac was to die.
The Lord's Voice from the Heaven there, echoed from the sky.
''Free your son, there's a ram, in his place, today''.
Most think they're too smart to accept what God's Word does say.
28) Isaac would meet Rebekah there, and form a family.
Esau then Jacob, would be born, to the family tree.
Esau sold his whole birthright, to Jacob there, one day.
Most think they're too smart to accept what God's Word does say.
29) Through Jacob and his wife, were born, Israel's twelve tribes.
From them there, would come the Jews, then the priests and scribes.
Then, persecuted by Phaorah, in so many ways.
Most think they're too smart to accept what God's Word does say.
30) Sodom and Gomorrah there, the cities on the plain.
Wickedness before The Lord, full of sin, disdain.
Lot vexed by their lifestyle there, in each evil way.
Most think they're too smart to accept what God's Word does say.
31) The Lord then came to Abraham, told what was in His Sight.
Abraham then there asked The Lord ''Shall Not The Judge, Do Right?''.
Not even ten souls there were found, to judgment, delay.
Most think they're too smart to accept what God's Word does say.
32) The two angels in Lot's House, were threatened by the throngs.
Of the homosexuals, to do thing, oh so wrong.
Refused the offer of Lot's daughters; to do with on that day.
Most think they're too smart to accept what God's Word does say.
33) In demonic anger there, the evil in their minds.
The angels there pulled Lot inside; and struck all others, blind.
Lot, his wife, and daughters were, dragged out, the next day.
Most think they're too smart to accept what God's Word does say.
34) As soon as these were to safety, Divine Fire Fell.
Everyone left perished in the flame, and plunged into Hell.
Lot's wife turned to salt pillar; she could not turn away.
Most think they're too smart to accept what God's Word does say.
35) Then, Lot's daughters got him drunk; did incest, each one.
Tragically, Lot never knew, the deeds that were done.
Nothing more about him there, God's Word there, did say.
Most think they're too smart to accept what God's Word does say.
36) Then, Joseph's brothers angered there, when he told his dreams.
So against him, they all plotted truly evil schemes.
They sold him to slavery, a price there, they did pay.
Most think they're too smart to accept what God's Word does say.
37) While Joseph there served Potiphar, God did bless his house.
But, the wife of Potiphar, sneaky as a mouse.
Framed Joseph on false rape charge, in words that she did say.
Most think they're too smart to accept what God's Word does say.
38) In jail, with two prisoners, who there, had dreams, strange.
Joseph told them what they meant, what would be arranged.
Then, Pharoah had disturbing dreams, and he was dismayed.
Most think they're too smart to accept what God's Word does say.
39) Joseph said there'd be plenty of food for seven years.
Then, an extreme famine, that; would be their worst fears.
Joseph, second in command, in the land, that day.
Most think they're too smart to accept what God's Word does say.
40) Just as Joseph there had said, his words all came true.
First, the bounty; then the famine; hunger in full view.
From Egypt, many souls would come, to beg for food that day.
Most think they're too smart to accept what God's Word does say.
41) Potiphar, his wife, and others, had to come and plead.
For food to keep from starving there, in their hour of need.
And, then Joseph's brother's too, had to come that way.
Most think they're too smart to accept what God's Word does say.
42) First hidden from his brothers there, Joseph then confessed.
''Your deed was meant for evil there; but God, He did bless''.
With the guidance from The Lord, Joseph saved the day.
Most think they're too smart to accept what God's Word does say.
43) Then, the Jews like rabbits there, grew and multiplied.
Pharoah in fear for his throne, he was petrified.
Killed some of his family, from words that they'd say.
Most think they're too smart to accept what God's Word does say.
44) Pharoah declared that all males, at their birth, must die.
Moses rescued by his daughter, in bulrush, did cry.
After killing of a man, Moses ran away.
Most think they're too smart to accept what God's Word does say.
45) One day from a burning bush, The Lord God, did show.
Moses would tell Pharoah to there ''Let My People Go''.
Pharoah then hardened his heart, in each and every way.
Most think they're too smart to accept what God's Word does say.
46) So, God sent ten plagues to Egypt, in Judgment, He'd employ.
Decimating Egypt there, many things destroyed.
After Plague of Passover, the Jews were freed, that day.
Most think they're too smart to accept what God's Word does say.
47) But, Pharoah had second thoughts, pursued them angrily.
All his army were there drowned, there in the Red Sea.
God delivered all the Jews, from Pharoah's hand, that day.
Most think they're too smart to accept what God's Word does say.
48) Then, Moses went on Mount Sinai, to get Commandments Ten.
But, Aaron built a golden calf, the start of wicked den.
In rebellion against God, the Jews ''rose up to play''
Most think they're too smart to accept what God's Word does say.
49) When Moses saw the wickedness, that his eyes, did see.
He asked ''Who Is On The Lord's Side?? Let him come to me''.
He smashed the tablets; and for their sin, the wicked souls would pay.
Most think they're too smart to accept what God's Word does say.
50) God's wrath and anger kindled there, against rebellious Jews.
Obeying God's Commandments there, all these did refuse.
Three thousand souls would perish there, for their wicked way.
Most think they're too smart to accept what God's Word does say.
51) The spies went out to seek what was in The Promised Land.
All but two said ''it's lost cause; we're totally outmanned''.
Just Joshua and Caleb said ''The Lord will win that day''.
Most think they're too smart to accept what God's Word does say.
52) So, in wilderness, Jews wandered, there for forty years.
Though by cloud and fire there, The Lord, did appear.
Yet, many were stiffnecked, rebellious, in so many ways.
Most think they're too smart to accept what God's Word does say.
53) The Jews would not let land lie dormant, once each seven years.
So, exiled to Babylon, it was their worst fears.
The first temple was destroyed, in each and every way.
Most think they're too smart to accept what God's Word does say.
54) Four hundred ninety years did pass, the exile was done.
Returned to The Promised Land, rebuilding had begun.
The Second Temple was rebuilt, glorious sight that day.
Most think they're too smart to accept what God's Word does say.
55) Rebellion became the norm, and many times would peak.
So there, for four hundred years, The Lord did not speak.
Until John The Baptist sent, there to prepare the way.
Most think they're too smart to accept what God's Word does say.
56) Before foundation of the world, Redemption's Plan in place.
Jesus Christ, God's Son, would step out of time and space.
Our Redeemer, Virgin Born, it was a strange way.
Most think they're too smart to accept what God's Word does say.
57) Just like Pharoah long ago, Herod paranoid.
Ordered all boys under two years of age, destroyed.
Warned by God there to escape, they made their getaway.
Most think they're too smart to accept what God's Word does say.
58) In the Temple, at age twelve, Jesus there, did speak.
What He said made pople mad, not words that they did seek.
The Pharisees and Saducees, were terrified that day.
Most think they're too smart to accept what God's Word does say.
59) At thirty in the Jordan River, Jesus was baptized.
On His Head, a Heaven's Dove, seen by many eyes.
''This Is My Beloved Son'', The Father, God, did say.
Most think they're too smart to accept what God's Word does say.
60) Then, led by the Spirit there, to fast for forty days.
Satan tempted Christ to sin, in so many ways.
Refuting Satan with Scripture, then Satan went away.
Most think they're too smart to accept what God's Word does say.
61) The Pharisees and Saducees, and many of the Jews.
They despised The Lord Of Hosts; miracles refused.
Religious leaders terrified, that crowds would turn away.
Most think they're too smart to accept what God's Word does say.
62) Twelve disciples Jesus chose, His Circle Of Friends.
He knew one would betray Him there, and not be His Friend.
Thirty pieces of silver, to Judas, they would pay.
Most think they're too smart to accept what God's Word does say.
63) Though Christ did many miracles, and raised some from the dead.
Many hated what He did, and the Words He said.
Offended when Christ said ''To Heaven, I'm the Only Way''.
Most think they're too smart to accept what God's Word does say.
64) In Garden Of Gethsemane, Christ was there, betrayed.
Arrested, and all his disciples, did there, run away.
Peter then denied The Lord, just as Christ did say.
Most think they're too smart to accept what God's Word does say.
65) Then, illegal trial there, by Sanhedrin, done.
False charges were set against Jesus Christ, God's Son.
He was charged with blasphemy, when ''I AM'', He did say.
Most think they're too smart to accept what God's Word does say.
66) Then, taken before Herod, then Pontius Pilate, there.
They thought He would do something to, get His life, there spared.
But, Christ had come to pay sin's debt; there was no other way.
Most think they're too smart to accept what God's Word does say.
67) Pilate acquitted Christ four times, but then he washed his hands.
''I'm innocent of His is on your hands''.
''His Blood On Us, And Children, Too'', what the crowd did say.
Most think they're too smart to accept what God's Word does say.
68) So Christ was then stripped and scourged, then to be crucified.
On Golgotha, on rugged Cross, He shed His Blood, and died.
Then He arose in victory, there on the third day.
Most think they're too smart to accept what God's Word does say.
69) The lost consider Preaching Of The Cross, stupid and dumb.
Though salvation a free gift, to who'd sincerely, come.
As they hated Christ back then, it's far worse today.
Most think they're too smart to accept what God's Word does say.
70) People love their lives of sin, and Satan's evil spell.
But, at the moment of their death, they'll plunge into Hell.
Redemption and forgiveness there, these all threw away.
Most think they're too smart to accept what God's Word does say.
71) Mankind's heart deceitful, wicked, black as coal, inside.
Most will spurn the Gospel Truth, for their selfish pride.
Yet, God is a Gentleman...He'll let them go their way.
Most think they're too smart to accept what God's Word does say.
72) It's appointed all to die, then judgment, when life's done.
Everyone, one day will bow, before Christ, God's Son.
At your death, it is your choice; who will, your sin debt, pay??
Most think they're too smart to accept what God's Word does say.
73) Tomorrow promised to no one, you could die tonight.
After death, there is no chance, to make all things right.
If you choose to reject Christ, eternally, you'll pay.
Most think they're too smart to accept what God's Word does say.
74) The phrase ''Your Will, There Be Done'', is a two way street.
What you do with Jesus Christ before your life, complete.
Either give your life to Christ, or choose to go your way.
Most think they're too smart to accept what God's Word does say.
75) Hell Or Heaven, it depends, on what you do with Christ.
He died and rose again for you; and paid your sin debt price.
Don't be like this poem's many choose that way.
Most think they're too smart to accept what God's Word does say.