Be Sober And Vigilant, As Satan's On The Prowl<p>

Be Sober And Vigilant, As Satan's On The Prowl

Be Sober And Vigilant, As Satan's On The Prowl

Soar With Jesus


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This poem is from the ''My Testimony -- To Soar With Jesus Collection''. Written by Daryl Stout. (C) Copyright 1989, 2024 by Daryl Stout. All Rights Reserved. Any abuse or unauthorized usage of this poetry will be dealt With at The Judgment Before Jesus Christ. The ''Soar With Jesus'' Eagle Design was created and designed by Dale Larison, and it is used by permission.

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Be Sober And Vigilant, As Satan's On The Prowl

Be Sober And Vigilant, As Satan's On The Prowl

Based on 1 Peter 5:8

Written By Daryl Stout

1) Be sober and vigilant, as Satan's on the prowl.
None of his moves, holsum there; but filthy and foul.
His evil mission never stops, no matter day or hour.
Like a roaring lion, he, seeks souls to devour.

2) Be sober and vigilant, as Satan's on the prowl.
Appearing like angel of light, but with a hidden scowl.
For Satan and his demon hordes, want you, there, to burn.
And not to repent of sin, and to Christ, there, turn.

3) Be sober and vigilant, as Satan's on the prowl.
Most will spurn the Gospel Truth, and throw in the towel.
They prefer a life of sin, with darkness more than light.
Just like filthy cockroach, they do things in the night.

4) Be sober and vigilant, as Satan's on the prowl.
Yet, in the flames of Hell, the unsaved scream and howl.
They curse God because all hope, of salvation's, gone.
They thought they had lots of time, a choice to act upon.

5) Be sober and vigilant, as Satan's on the prowl.
Just like dung, the excrement, from a creature's bowel.
The stench of sin, like raw sewage, reaches Heaven's sky.
Sadly, most souls plunge to Hell, the moment that they die.

6) Be sober and vigilant, as Satan's on the prowl.
''Who Is Jesus?'' you may ask?? Like sound of an owl.
He's the most important person that, you will ever meet.
All will bow before Him there, at His Judgment Seat.

7) Be sober and vigilant, as Satan's on the prowl.
Just like wildcats in a fight, when they scream and yowl.
The same awaits all souls in Hell, who there, reject The Lord.
For His Word is sharper than any two edged sword.

8) Be sober and vigilant, as Satan's on the prowl.
It doesn't matter if your name, is Smith, Jones, or Powell.
Or any other name, background, here upon The Earth.
Heaven only for those who, repent, receive New Birth.

9) Be sober and vigilant, as Satan's on the prowl.
If folks could see his true motive, and his evil scowl.
They would scream in terror there, turn and run away.
A liar, killer, from the start; that is not his way.

10) Be sober and vigilant, as Satan's on the prowl.
You can't wash your sin away, with just bath and towel.
Only the Precious Blood of Christ, can make your heart, soul clean.
And give you a new nature, instead of one, so mean.

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