What Will You Offer To The Lord, When You See His Face??<p>

What Will You Offer To The Lord, When You See His Face??

What Will You Offer To The Lord, When You See His Face??

Soar With Jesus


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This poem is from the ''My Testimony -- To Soar With Jesus Collection''. Written by Daryl Stout. (C) Copyright 1989, 2024 by Daryl Stout. All Rights Reserved. Any abuse or unauthorized usage of this poetry will be dealt With at The Judgment Before Jesus Christ. The ''Soar With Jesus'' Eagle Design was created and designed by Dale Larison, and it is used by permission.

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What Will You Offer To The Lord, When You See His Face??

What Will You Offer To The Lord, When You See His Face??

Written By Daryl Stout

1) What will you offer to The Lord, when you see His Face??
First, it depends on what you did, with His Gift Of Grace.
All will stand before The Lord, their lives in review.
All thoughts, motives, words, and deeds, that you chose to do.

2) What will you offer to The Lord, when you see His Face??
The life on Earth is small compared, to the eternal space.
Only Hell or Heaven there, two places on your death.
It's too late to change the choice, upon your last breath.

3) What will you offer to The Lord, when you see His Face??
It doesn't matter your background, your wealth, or your race.
It's appointed all to die, then judgment at His Throne.
Every thing you've ever done, there will be made known.

4) What will you offer to The Lord, when you see His Face??
Did you pursue the Godly things?? Or sinful deeds, did chase??
Your life you will account for there; with God, no one can fudge.
Christ will be your Saviour there, or He will be your judge.

5) What will you offer to The Lord, when you see His Face??
For the saved, their sins cleansed, gone without a trace.
Rewards will be gained and lost, at Bema Judgment Seat.
In Heaven for eternity, redemption now complete.

6) What will you offer to The Lord, when you see His Face??
You pressed on there to the prize, when you ran life's race.
Not done for your ego there; deeds done for The Lord.
You knew that His Word sharper, than a two edged sword.

7) What will you offer to The Lord, when you see His Face??
The talents that He gave you there, in this earthly place;
You used them to share Gospel Truth, to show the lost, to Christ.
Salvation, a Free Gift to all, the saved bought with a price.

8) What will you offer to The Lord, when you see His Face??
We can't repay Him for His Love, and His Amazing Grace.
All things that were done for Him, small token that you'd give.
With no thought there of reward, in this life, you'd live.

9) What will you offer to The Lord, when you see His Face??
Crowns awarded by The Lord, there in Heaven's Place.
But, we lay these at His Feet, with our voices raised.
That Christ is the Only One, Who's Worthy Of All Praise.

10) What will you offer to The Lord, when you see His Face??
Will your offering be abundant?? Or none, without a trace??
If going through the motions there, was all that you would do.
You will surely be ashamed, when your life, He reviews.

11) What will you offer to The Lord, when you see His Face??
Will righteous deeds done for The Lord, fill your rewards case??
Or with empty hole filled bag, as poor beggar there??
Which will you, there before Christ, have to Him, to share??

12) What will you offer to The Lord, when you see His Face??
Tragically for the unsaved, who refused God's Grace.
Every sin they've ever done, in thought, word, or deed.
Will be there on full display; no defense, to plead.

13) What will you offer to The Lord, when you see His Face??
All pardon, mercy, or appeal, all gone without a trace.
For the lost all gathered there, at The Great White Throne.
These cast into the Lake Of Fire, as one's He's never known.

14) What will you offer to The Lord, when you see His Face??
Unlike blackjack dealer there, with hidden card, and ace.
You can't fool The Lord, my friend, your life will be shown.
When you stand before The Lord, at His Judgment Throne.

15) What will you offer to The Lord, when you see His Face??
Hell or Heaven, after death, is your eternal place.
What you do with Jesus Christ, each one must decide.
Will you repent, accept The Lord?? Or stay with foolish pride??

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