All Those In Authority, Their Scepters, They WIll Yield<p>

All Those In Authority, Their Scepters, They WIll Yield

All Those In Authority, Their Scepters, They WIll Yield

Soar With Jesus


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This poem is from the ''My Testimony -- To Soar With Jesus Collection''. Written by Daryl Stout. (C) Copyright 1989, 2024 by Daryl Stout. All Rights Reserved. Any abuse or unauthorized usage of this poetry will be dealt With at The Judgment Before Jesus Christ. The ''Soar With Jesus'' Eagle Design was created and designed by Dale Larison, and it is used by permission.

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All Those In Authority, Their Scepters, They WIll Yield

All Those In Authority, Their Scepters, They WIll Yield

Written By Daryl Stout

1) All those in authority, their scepters, they will yield.
At Second Coming Of The Lord, His Power is revealed.
King Of Kings and Lord Of Lords, Jesus Christ, God's Son.
Evil will be vanquished there, and justice will be done.

2) All those in authority, their scepters, they will yield.
No matter their position there, or with an army shield.
From head of state or president, of a nation there.
To the lowly janitor, cleans toilets, stinky air.

3) All those in authority, their scepters, they will yield.
No matter if their motives were hidden and concealed.
All their motives, words, and thoughts, and all of their deeds.
No question of the guilt therein; no one for these, will plead.

4) All those in authority, their scepters, they will yield.
With their choice against The Lord, their fate, it is sealed.
Satan's forces so deceived, feel battle, they will win.
But, they will pay eternally, for their choice of sin.

5) All those in authority, their scepters, they will yield.
Most will fight against The Lord; the battle charge, there pealed.
But, with just a Word from Christ, His foes are cut to shreds.
Countless soldiers, horses quagmire of blood, dead.

6) All those in authority, their scepters, they will yield.
In valley of Megiddo there, a massive killing field.
Massive earthquake, hailstones, will fall from the sky.
Those fighting will not repent; but curse God and die.

7) All those in authority, their scepters, they will yield.
Two hundred miles, quagmire of blood, gathered and congealed.
The vultures, buzzards, other birds, dine at revolting feast.
First two in The Lake Of Fire, False Prophet, and The Beast.

8) All those in authority, their scepters, they will yield.
The Judgment Of The Sheep and Goats, eternal fate revealed.
The lost, the goats, on Christ's left, with their sinful pride.
Entrance to Millennium, and Heaven, is denied.

9) All those in authority, their scepters, they will yield.
The sheep on Christ's right, see the joy, that is now revealed.
The curse of sin on planet Earth, finally released.
Life as it was meant to be, Millennium Of Peace.

10) All those in authority, their scepters, they will yield.
No more political correctness, righteousness revealed.
All the saved of The Church Age, rule and reign with Christ.
Satan bound a thousand years; life on Earth, so nice.

11) All those in authority, their scepters, they will yield.
Mankind coming before Christ, all there will have kneeled.
Righteousness and equity, is this Kingdom's Theme.
It is finally realized, worldwide peace, man's dream.

12) All those in authority, their scepters, they will yield.
But, at end of Millennium, the evil plans revealed.
Released from his prison there, Satan tries again.
An evil army numerous, thinking they can win.

13) All those in authority, their scepters, they will yield.
Fire falls from Heaven, and their doom is sealed.
Old Earth and Heaven now destroyed, both are now replaced.
By New Heaven And New Earth, both truly, wondrous place.

14) All those in authority, their scepters, they will yield.
At Judgment Of The Great White Throne, everything revealed.
No matter where they ruled on Earth, all that is worth none.
As they stand in Judgment there, before Christ, God's Son.

15) All those in authority, their scepters, they will yield.
Everything they did in life, open or concealed.
Without excuse, they will answer, for the deeds, in life.
The good, bad, and ugly, there; holsum or with strife.

16) All those in authority, their scepters, they will yield.
No guilt question, mercy calls, there will be appealed.
They'll hear terrifying words, from Christ on His Throne;
''Depart From Me, into The Fire; For you, I've never known''.

17) All those in authority, their scepters, they will yield.
New Heaven, Earth, Eternity, all are now revealed.
Sin, it will not be allowed, to rise a second time.
Forever gone, iniquity, and its evil crime.

18) All those in authority, their scepters, they will yield.
God's Plan for eternity, in His Word, revealed.
What you do with Jesus Christ, sets your eternal fate.
Today the day to make the choice; after death, too late.

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