Contents |
Overview |
Evil Souls Get What They Want, But Just For Seven Years |
This poem is from the ''My Testimony -- To Soar With Jesus Collection''. Written by Daryl Stout. (C) Copyright 1989, 2024 by Daryl Stout. All Rights Reserved. Any abuse or unauthorized usage of this poetry will be dealt With at The Judgment Before Jesus Christ. The ''Soar With Jesus'' Eagle Design was created and designed by Dale Larison, and it is used by permission.
Written By Daryl Stout
2) Though the theme of this poem here, will leave some aghast.
It truly will not be fulfilled, until the very last.
Until after Rapture there, this theme will not appear.
Evil souls get what they want, but just for seven years.
3) This wicked time will come after the Rapture of The Church.
When righteousness a rarity, and most left in the lurch.
Widespread deaths, as many hearts, fail them for fear.
Evil souls get what they want, but just for seven years.
4) Wide the gate, and broad the way, of destruction's gate.
Tragically, most of mankind, choose this as their fate.
The truth of all their mind intent, not what it appears.
Evil souls get what they want, but just for seven years.
5) Mankind evil, did what's right, there in his own eyes.
For the ways of God above, mankind did despise.
Constant evil, must've moved, The Lord Himself, to tears.
Evil souls get what they want, but just for seven years.
6) God decided to destroy the Earth and all humanity.
With a worldwide flood of judgment, widespread casualty.
Most ignored the warnings there, as the judgment nears.
Evil souls get what they want, but just for seven years.
7) Noah, found grace, in God's Eyes, who had him build an Ark.
To save the remnant, whose souls weren't, corrupted and dark.
Noah preached the warning for one hundred twenty years.
Evil souls get what they want, but just for seven years.
8) Finally, the Ark finished, a last warning given.
Before forty days and nights of rainfall from Heaven.
Though on the horizon now, rain clouds would appear.
Evil souls get what they want, but just for seven years.
9) Noah's family, and animals, finally safe inside.
The Lord Himself, did shut them in, away from those outside.
After seven days, rain came; those outside, worst fears.
Evil souls get what they want, but just for seven years.
10) After forty days and nights, the flooding rains did stop.
The Ark was on Mount Ararat, sitting near the top.
Those inside, now left the Ark; a new life, appears.
Evil souls get what they want, but just for seven years.
11) Noah built an altar, to God, made sacrifice.
The savour to His Nostrils there, it there was so nice.
The rainbow, God's Covenant, in sky, did appear.
Evil souls get what they want, but just for seven years.
12) God promised that Earth, by water, would not be destroyed.
The next time, it's fire there, when judgment there, employed.
Like with Sodom and Gomorrah, it was their worst fears.
Evil souls get what they want, but just for seven years.
13) Sodom and Gomorrah both filled, with iniquity.
Far less than ten righteous souls, what The Lord did see.
Both destroyed in Divine Fire, when it did appear.
Evil souls get what they want, but just for seven years.
14) When Jews, Gentiles, turned their backs, there upon The Lord.
Preferring pagan deities, God's Warnings, they ignored.
The evil souls did curse The Lord, when judgments did appear.
Evil souls get what they want, but just for seven years.
15) Yet for believing remnant there, The Lord did protect.
From judgment that would fall on all, they did God, reject.
Salvation for those who served God, with reverential fear.
Evil souls get what they want, but just for seven years.
16) In the fullness of time there, Christ did come to Earth.
In a manger, Virgin Born, a Precious, Lowly Birth.
His appearing was Satan's overall worst fear.
Evil souls get what they want, but just for seven years.
17) Satan tried to kill The Lord, and get Him to sin.
Not realizing Christ would die, and then rise again.
Victory for righteous souls, now there, did appear.
Evil souls get what they want, but just for seven years.
18) Those who believed Christ lived and died, and rose up from the grave.
The only way to Heaven there, all these would be saved.
And at death, eternal joy, in Heaven, did appear.
Evil souls get what they want, but just for seven years.
19) The church age started long ago, on day of Pentecost.
To preach the Gospel that Christ died, to redeem the lost.
And Second Coming Of The Lord, that it was so near.
Evil souls get what they want, but just for seven years.
20) At the appointed time that God, has set and ordained.
The Church Age ends, the Rapture done, clarity explained.
And the true theme of this poem, it finally appears.
Evil souls get what they want, but just for seven years.
21) God ordained four hundred ninety years upon His Own.
To accomplish several things, for the Jews, alone.
On Palm Sunday, all but seven years, had there appeared.
Evil souls get what they want, but just for seven years.
22) The final years of ordained time, will now there, take place.
As the Rapture did conclude, the Church, the Age of Grace.
The Jews think Antichrist, their saviour, finally has appeared.
Evil souls get what they want, but just for seven years.
23) He signs peace treaty with the Jews, and countdown does begin.
To revealing of his truth, the evil man of sin.
Three and one half years later there, it is Jews worst fears.
Evil souls get what they want, but just for seven years.
24) Rebuilt temple now defiled, a remnant of Jews flee.
To mountains of Petra there, for their own safety.
God will protect them there, for the remaining years.
Evil souls get what they want, but just for seven years.
25) Seals, trumpets, bowls, of plagues, pummel all the Earth.
While many souls do come to Christ, and receive New Birth.
Most are martyred for their faith, guillotines appear.
Evil souls get what they want, but just for seven years.
26) As armies of The Beast close in, the remnant Jews now see.
Jesus Christ, Messiah, Lord, He always will be.
They call on Him to save them from destruction, their worst fears.
Evil souls get what they want, but just for seven years.
27) Their prayers are answered when Christ's armies appear in the sky.
Earth's armies, they turn to fight, then curse God, and die.
The Second Coming Of The Lord, evil souls worst fears.
Evil souls get what they want, but just for seven years.
28) Judgment of the sheep and goats, then Millennium Of Peace.
The curse of sin on Planet Earth, finally released.
Life as in Creation's Day, finally appears.
Evil souls get what they want, but just for seven years.
29) The lost, cast off to outer darkness; Satan too, is bound.
The righteous enter time of joy, true peace all around.
Life as in Creation's Day, finally appears.
Evil souls get what they want, but just for seven years.
30) At end of Millennium, Satan is released.
Evil tries there one last time, to destroy all peace.
All these devoured by God's fire, now judgment their worst fears.
Evil souls get what they want, for more than seven years.
31) The unsaved masses of mankind, at The Great White Throne.
All these would not let Christ's Blood, for their sins, atone.
Their whole lives are played back, everything appears.
Evil souls eternally judged, far more than seven years.
32) To purify the Earth from sin, God sets it afire.
New Heaven, Earth, Jerusalem, free from sins desire.
Sin won't rise a second time, and it will not appear.
All evil is now destroyed, from its many years.
33) The hard truth is, without The Lord, all are doomed for Hell.
Many souls reject The Lord, preferring Satan's spell.
All God's Words will be fulfilled, all things will appear.
If you die without The Lord, you'll face Him in fear.